Eric Tarpall

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Everything posted by Eric Tarpall

  1. You would think that homosexual men are attracted to hairy cavemen. But they seem to be attracted to feminine guys. Why is that? My theory is that they have repressed their heterosexuality because they are either afraid of girls or they hate girls. Disclaimer: This is not an anti gay thread. I did gay stuff once so I'm allowed to talk about this.
  2. I'm going to do this today but I'm not sure if it's safe. My plan is to do this every day for the rest of my life. IF it feels good. I think this might be one of the best diets that exists not just for health but also for productivity. Because I won't be distracted by food and drinks all day.
  3. @now is forever Why do you keep talking about law of unattraction? I don't know what that means.
  4. When the opposite sex deprives you of sex it can be traumatizing but there's things you can do about it. First you have to understand why you want sex in the first place. The biggest reasons why you want sex is because it feels good and because it looks good. So you have to give those things to yourself. You have to make yourself feel good with masturbation, nutritious food, warm cuddly blankets etc. And you have to surround yourself with beauty. If you don't like to go outside you can look at pictures of beautiful girls or pictures of nature. If you rarely see beauty you will be starving for it.
  5. Nothing I do can make girls say yes. Even if I'm perfect they can say no. And some girls feel intimidated by successful guys. They rather have a loser boyfriend. So I have no control whatsoever.
  6. This flat earther likes veganism but he also likes hitler. So it's hard to tell. I'm guessing orange.
  7. Do you look at pictures of her often? That would explain your obsession. Look at other girls. And you don't have to touch girls to appreciate them. Seeing them is enough.
  8. Am I making them say no? I'm presenting a solution. ''SOLVED SOLVED SOLVED''
  9. Uploaded 10 minutes ago. I felt like sharing it because some of you might not be subscribed to this channel.
  10. Walk up to her and say "Allah says don't eat. But I would still eat you" Are you allowed to date non muslim girls?
  11. I don't know. He seems fearless and joyful.
  12. The vibe I'm getting is that you don't like feminine girls. You want her to be like a mommy. A mommy who's cold and distant. And you can get stuff from her but only if you work really hard for it. That's what you want right?
  13. I want to make a notebook for storing my ideas and observations. And I want to put a fancy title on the cover. I thought about calling it "Knowledge" but that doesn't feel right because I think it's impossible to know things. And I thought about calling it "Studies" but that's not compatable with storing ideas.
  14. You guys are funny. I think I'm just gonna call it knowledge.
  15. It's basically an alphabetical list of things that I've never done before. I think this is way more exciting than a goal list. The word ''goal'' has a bunch of negative associations in my mind. I associate it with seriousness, drudgery, shoulding. But the word adventure I associate that with playfulness, newness and excitement. Most people would call this a bucket list but that sounds unsexy to me. I think word choice matters.
  16. Lol most of the time it grosses me out but I would do that if she's cute. Maybe add some lemon or honey to it.
  17. Some words disempower you or promote things that you don't like. Therefore it's useful to stop saying those words. For example the word ''depressed'' If you use this word you acknowledge that depression exists. You give power to it. And I would argue that you're causing depression to exist by saying this word. You cause it to exist in your own mind but also in the minds of everyone who's listening. Choose your words carefully.
  18. I don't know what empty means. I only see potential. In the short term that might feel reassuring to that person but it's the worst thing you can do for the long term. Because those people will keep treating you like you have depression and you want to keep acting depressed around them. Because they're rewarding your depressed behavior by giving you love and attention.
  19. @LaraGreenbridge I don't know which word you're speaking of. But it sounds like you're wanting something to exist.
  20. @SaltyMeatballs Here's a sample. Drink a girls urine. Drink every fanta flavor. Eat everything on fusion wok's menu. Jump over a 1 meter hurdle. Learn lip reading. Learn morse code. Learn sign language. Obtain a nintendo switch. Win a marathon. Win a video game championship.
  21. I think most males are addicted to sex these days because sex is harder to get than it used to be. It's more scarce so it seems more valuable. In the past you could easily get a wife and get as much sex as you want. And now you're not just competing with the men in your village but also with perfect men that women see on their screens. What are your thoughts on this topic?
  22. Sometimes when I see a foreign person on a screen I can smell them. It doesn't smell bad. Just different because their diet is different. Could this be a sixth sense or is this a memory that gets triggered? It happened today when I watched a north korean television show.
  23. Society does everything for you. And that seems nice. But the problem is that you don't learn how to do things yourself. Instead of doing things yourself you pay someone to do it. This means you can't do anything without money. This makes you a slave to your boss or the welfare givers. And if you have money you don't really own it because the bank can decide to close your account whenever they want if they don't like your politics. It's time to take the power back by learning how to do everything. Learn hunting, self defense, water filtering, cooking, making clothes, cutting your own hair etc. And most importantly learn how to make decisions.
  24. Youtube is probably watching the entire video before allowing it to be published. They mostly do this to right wingers but they probably do it to you because you talk about psychedelics.
  25. I think it takes about ten or twelve years for a skill to go away. But you can always reattain it.