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Posts posted by Consilience

  1. 30 minutes ago, winterknight said:

    This is very normal. You have to start taking the mode of surrender which works by yourself and consciously attempt to surrender -- consciously give up your resistance to what's happening, give up your desire to change the situation or your thoughts or feelings -- in situations where there are other people, where there are social demands.

    This will take practice and time.

    Thank you ❤️??

  2. During meditation, your suggestion about the surrendering seems to be extremely effective. In fact, over the last month Ive made quite staggering progress with seeing the ego for what it really is, which is a thought I normally identify with, but that in fact is not the true self. Furthermore, Ive gained various insights related to the nature of the body, breath, direct experience, the mind... basically consciousness work is going very well.

    However there is one strange phenomena I don't understand. When going out to my job, it seems like the ego becomes overly inflated and I go about my day in total ignorance. I start reidentifying with the body, mind and ego, and it feels like the insights Ive gained during my contemplations and meditations are simply gone. 

    Why would this be the case? Why can this work be integrating so well outside of work, outside of social situations, but during the work day, mindfulness and consciousness just slip away? Does this represent a lack of genuine progress? 

  3. Another interesting insight along these lines is that the sense feeling of body is not seperate from material objects. You’re entire visual field is filled with this sense of body. And to make it even crazier, the feeling of the body is completely shapeless. It’s the mind that molds it around the visual body, but the feeling body is just like... idk shapeless energy or something. But! Not seperare whatsoever from any part of direct experience. Very fascinating. 

  4. I love this. The emotion of Nostalgia has always felt transcendent.... Im still exploring the relationship nostalgia has with non-duality or really any sort of self understanding. For me nostalgia manifests as this DEEP appreciation for the fleeting aspects of reality... each and every moment or phase of life slips by, so quickly, so slowly, so silently... and it’s easy to forgot or not acknowledge. It feels like when impermanence is acknowledged, respected, and perhaps even appreciated, a longing for what can’t ever come back manifests through nostalgia.



  5. I would say one 60 min > two 30 mins. But! If all your schedule allows is two 30 minute schedules, that’s what’s most important imo. 

    12 hours ago, Peo said:

    I think is better to do it 1 hour in stead of mediating 30 min twice a day. Once your meditation gets into the 40-60 minutes your meditation gets much deeper. For me personally in the 40-60 minutes my mind is much more silent and i can even have some non-dual experience, but its only happened to me two times.

    Interestingly, Ive had experiences where the meditation quality started to degrade at around the 40 minute mark and by 60 mins moneky mind was on full throttle. But Ive also experienced exactly what you’re talking about haha.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

    There are many modes of communication. The modes can be integrated. Intuitive, empathetic, verbal modes etc can be integrated. 

    And yet none of these are what a tree is. That is my answer for you. If you think this is from the pov of a human, you still havent grasped what I'm saying. But of course, I do not claimed to be enlightened lol.


    Im sure the trees have many more lessons for both of us. Much love man, thank you for your perspective and I shall take your advice to heart ❤️

  7. 40 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

    Nope. That answer went through a human filter.

    Do you not see what “...” is pointing towards? It is referring to nothing which is the same as itself. The tree is nothing at all, but that is itself. But even these words are void of any real truth value. You saying nope as though there was ever a way to communicate an answer In the first place. A tree IS a tree, but what is that? What is it actually coming from and going to moment by moment? Nothing. And I cannot communicate what that means with words. So “...” is the best pointer I can give you. 


    57 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

    Beginner level. . . ;)

    Intermediate level: What is the essence of enlightened expression through a tree?

    And so there is no answer to your intermediate level question. The answer to that question is found in utter, still and infinite being. And to try and communicate what a tree actually is, is utterly impossible. Which is the point of this question: are you enlightened? If an answer arises, its already incorrect. The question is a paradox. There is no answer which is *precisely* the answer, just as is your question about the tree. Me giving you an answer with words already misses the point. There is no answer, only then will you actually see what a tree* is 

  8. 9 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

    One thing that helped me in this area was the realization that "I" (the thinking self) am not the author of my thoughts. This is an aspect of losing control of the mental narrative and it was uncomfortable and scary for a while. It dramatically changed my relationship with thoughts, decisions and responsibility. It became liberating and relieved a lot of self-imposed pressure. I used to put a lot of pressure on my self to make good decisions and I often rehashed previous bad decisions. At times I would I would wish I could go back and make a different decision and I would beat myself up. 

    For a little while, I went to the opposite extreme in which there is "no doer". There is no "me" choosing or doing anything. Whatever arises arises. That is true from one perspective, yet contracting myself in that perceptive didn't turn out too well either. Lately, I've been trying to integrate it all into a more holistic state of being. To integrate the timeline and the Now. I'm trying to become aware of and integrate intellectual, emotional, intuitive and mysterious modes of being. So that they are inter-connected friends communicating together - rather than in conflict with each other. 

    When making decisions, I still consider pragmatic factors. Yet I now add in a couple elements. First, I ask myself "Which decision will lead to greater expansion? Which will lead to contraction?". I often get an intuitive sense and move in that direction. Also, I ask myself "Is this seeking energy desiring to satisfy a self need? Or is the source of the seeking energy beyond the self?".

    My intellect and reasoning used to dominate my decision-making process. This created internal conflicts between intellectual, emotional and intuitive modes of being. For example at times my body was saying one thing and the intellect was trying to reason the opposite thing. This created inner turmoil. I've worked a lot on trying to balance my intellectual, emotional and intuitive modes of being. It feels much healthier for the mind-body.

    If regret about past decisions arise or pressure about future decisions arise, I see that as having value and I don't push it away or grasp at it. It is a message. It may be a message to move in a certain direction. Yet often it is reflective that too much energy is flowing into a desire to change the storyline. 

    Beautiful explanation

  9. 1 hour ago, Highest said:

    @tedens Maybe I shouldn't have asked then. It's just so strange. The correct answer is probably what Nahm gave. But it does not not matter, I do not believe in scientists or science in general anyway.

    Every time you eat food, drive a car, turn on running water, or post in an online non-duality forum you believe in science.

    You may not believe in the metaphysical assumptions of science, but you believe in its ability to create and direct changes in reality. Science is the study of reality on a relative level, which your mind is  interacting with every single day. 

  10. 9 hours ago, Highest said:

    Science is a joke, pure fantasy and delusion. As for now it doesn't at all know or understand what reality is and how it really works. And don't even make me talk about materialism ?

    Science is not a joke. Without western science, my body would be dead. I use medicine everyday to stay alive; medicine that wouldn’t be available without science.

    You also rely on science everyday whether yoy realize it or not

  11. 19 minutes ago, Highest said:

    @Consilience Yeah but once on weed I became conscious that It is I and everything. Right after that I became aware that It can do anything it wants cuz it is Everything. What can stop it from doing anything it wishes? 

    That question presupposes that there is someone to have wishes and desires so I'm not entirely sure how to answer you. But I guess there is nothing to stop it. 

  12. 11 minutes ago, Highest said:


    You can also call God 'It''. It here refers to what you really are. But you are right God is ultimately a concept and using It is more appropriate. This It is Everything and omnipotent which is why I like to call it God. I am conscious of It and that cannot be described in dual language or with the mind. 

    Omnipotent? This is more conceptualization, is it not?