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Everything posted by EternalForest

  1. DO: Hold yourself to your own standards. Don't worry about other people's expectations of you. Do the work you love, work hard and play hard. Reward yourself for a job well done and get right back on the grind. DO NOT: Hold yourself to the standards of others. Allow others people's expectations to cloud your own vision. Do the work you feel you SHOULD do, work begrudgingly and feel guilty about taking breaks. Don't reward yourself (because you've never earned it, and constantly doubt your efforts. Good luck.
  2. @Sugarcoat Sorry if I was a bit aggressive, I was just annoyed because based on your response you missed the point of what I was trying to say...
  3. @Sugarcoat You came here for advice, I gave you my opinion and all you're doing is refuting instead of trying to have a conversation. Why did you make this post? Just to vent?
  4. Also, These commenters are taking everything Leo says out of context to demonize it. When ironically, if they actually watched Leo's content, they'd recognize how foolish and dishonest that really is.
  5. From 2016-2018, Leo's channel was great, with dozens of golden insights. If these commentators watched all his older, more practical videos they might think differently. But then from about 2019-2022, Leo's content lost that practical value, and his new format was to come up with a bunch of different concepts to all say the same thing "You are God, you are everything, etc." There's nothing wrong with spiritual content, but there is something wrong with repetitive content. I will say that ever since he made the "The Next Evolution Of Teachings" video, the quality of his stuff has been going up again, and he may reach that 2016-2018 peak once more. Time will tell. You might ask why I stick around here when I'm mostly a fan of "old Leo"? Well, just like people may keep supporting your favorite artists even when they're not the biggest fan of their newer work, Leo's stuff had such an impact on me back then, I feel like I owe him my constant support. Besides, I've been going through a lot of struggles since 2019, and I'm not longer the same person either, but I'm trying to get better every day.
  6. The positive traits of that person outweighed the negative ones for them, so they'll come to their rescue. My thoughts on it, anyway.
  7. "I’ve learned not to go to peoples house the first time and definitely not plan to sleep over. I usually don’t do it, but he was just this super skinny non intimidating nerdy guy and based on his vibe there was no risk. " Maybe the vibe sucked because you subconsciously made him feel like he was dangerous? I definitely don't go into a hangout worried if someone there is going to beat me up. Like, what?
  8. Scientifically minded people need positive proof for whatever they believe. There is no positive proof for God that they can perceive, thus: they are atheist.
  9. You can find dirt on anybody. My role models (male or female) are ones that inspire me. Steve Jobs, Vince Gilligan, Tarantino, Mark Z. Danielewski, Plato, Aristotle, Kanye West, etc. I'm inspired by the trailblazers, the geniuses, the innovators, etc. The greatest people might also have some toxic traits, but that doesn't mean they can't still inspire me.
  10. @Ry4n I totally agree with you. There are a lack of positive male role models that speak on men's issues. Banning Tate is just going to make the problem worse. I'm not even a fan of him (although he's a good talker and has some good advice). I just don't understand how his opinions are any less radical than all the radical feminist channels on YouTube.
  11. @something_else I really don't like how you frame things. "Men are ruining the dating forum for women". The forum is for both genders, and both genders are notoriously bad at understanding the other.
  12. Well look at it logically. They don't want you right now. That's pretty clear, so stop giving a fuck. Focus on other things. Pretend like you're the last man on earth. What would you do with your time? Do that. Truth is, that internal urge you're feeling is going to come and go. It's biological. But that doesn't mean you have no control over it. I'm in the same position as you, and I stopped caring about the dating shit a long time ago. Once you accept you're never going to participate in it, and you're okay with that, things become a lot easier. Now obviously, if an opportunity with a woman comes your way, experiment with it. And if you look at the numbers, there are billions of women in this world. At least one of them will want to have sex with you. If you have problems with all 3 billion of those people, you've got bigger problems! Give it a shot. Just hope for the best, and expect the worst, and you'll be fine. Your frustration at the moment is that you're expecting the best because you think you're a great guy. Sadly, women don't agree lol. But it's not your problem. Just once again, focus on your own shit. The urge is never going to go away, so you basically have 2 options: a) Continue sulking and be miserable. b) Say fuck em, and enjoy your life. I'd choose Option B.
  13. @Nilsi a) Don't assume things about people that you do not know. If you look at my post history I am very critical of Leo and the direction has taken since 2020. I'm also barely active here. But I saw Leo's recent video about new changes in to be a step in the right direction. b) In the past, Leo has always called television a waste of time and used the "jack off and play video games" analogy to describe the foolish path of life. I feel like this new attitude towards media is more healthy. Another step in the right direction.
  14. Cambodia has to be up there: "Theravada Buddhism is the official religion of Cambodia, practised by more than 95 percent of the population with an estimated 4,392 monastery temples throughout the country. Cambodian Buddhism is deeply influenced by Hinduism and native animism."
  15. "The tragedy of old age is not that one is old, but that one is young" -Oscar Wilde
  16. @soos_mite_ah You've obviously never seriously watched his content. People aren't just defined by their worst qualities. Tate is highly intelligent and has some genuinely good advice for young men to become tougher, braver and more hard-working individuals. You wouldn't go to a chef to get a heart surgery. Don't go to someone like Tate for spirituality and consciousness. Appreciate him for what he is. Take the lessons and integrate them into a more conscious worldview.
  17. Such a deep question. Are there situations in life that are so traumatic, that they make us weaker? Or do they always make you stronger? What do you think?
  18. I love this video on so many levels. Leo is standing outside in the wind, and it's like we're weathering that storm with him in the video. One of the those times he speaks for those who are at ground zero, really talking down to earth. I'm at a low point right now and this instantly moved up to one of my Top 10 Actualized videos. It reminds me to stay hungry, especially at my lowest points.
  19. Might sound a bit nerdy haha, but one of my best memories in life was staying up all night when I was a teenager reading about all the different paradoxes out there. Some of them are honestly mind-blowing. If you haven't explored this list yet, I highly recommend you do so. Which one blows your mind the most? I think the Monty Hall Problem and Grandfather Paradox are pretty fascinating myself.
  20. Hey, be sure to watch this video. It's the epitome of what is about, and perhaps Leo's best video
  21. I think high level, intellectual debates are enlightening. Leo must have been referring to the more tedious, unnecessary, dead-end debates, which I agree are a waste of time.
  22. Overworking is a big one. People don't understand how important work/life balance is. Work to live.
  23. @JonasVE12 We can keep this going if you want but it's clear we have different mindsets on this, because we've come from different experiences. I know you say you've been there too, but if you're not there right now it's harder for you to see how your response may read to someone who has been there. But just a few thoughts on some of what you said... First of all, my comment to you only took about 15-20 minutes of my day. So I don't think it said much about my priorities. I could have watched an episode of Seinfeld with that same time. So I didn't appreciate the fact you use that against me. Second, a nurturing reply is not a bad thing. Sometimes people need that shit. The experiences behind the pain haunt me everyday. Giving a few practical hints or steps wouldn't hurt either, even if it's not a 10 step program or whatever. I don't want to stay stuck. This is what you don't understand. I don't want this. At all. If you want to call working on other things to avoid this problem copying, then yes. I'm coping. But it's better to have something going in your life and struggle with this issue than having nothing going on in your life and still stay lonely. And again, I can't approach women at this point. All I've ever had is negative experiences, to the point where the whole thing just seems pointless and I'm conditioned to expect nothing but negative experiences going forward. Unless I find good reason to act differently, I've accepted the fact I'll probably never meet someone. If you met me, you would immediately understand why. I'm not an incel. I'm voluntarily celibate. I've quit, bro. A long time ago. Am I happy about it? No, not really. But I already know what it is. Doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying, but I'm definitely not going to try with the same vigor I would have, had I not experienced such suffering with women. I have plenty of friends. I'm not a lonely person. I just don't have a significant other and probably won't for a long time, until I become the type of person that women want. I'm not that person now. I probably won't be that person for the near future! I do appreciate the fact that you did actually give some practical steps in your second reply here. I'll give them a shot if I ever feel the desire or courage. All love.
  24. Think of your highest possible goal for your life. How far away are you from achieving that?
  25. How is arguing and debating a trap?