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Everything posted by SageModeAustin

  1. @d0ornokey Yeah it sounds a lot like vyvanse (I took it for ADHD). You can get so much done on vyvanse, it's actually insane. It has a dopamine release and a stimulating non dirty clear headed focus effect as well. I was addicted to this for years. It sounds very very similar to Modafinil.
  2. @Socrates distill the doses, don't cut it. There is hotspots so you might be taking a higher dose than anticipated.
  3. @Shan Have you ever tried Vyvanse? I'm thinking about trying Modafinil, but I'm scared I will become dependent on it
  4. @Shroomdoctor Holy shit, how much was that? I'm on day one of the free samples right now and I already noticed a blockage of thoughts.. more present/grounded.
  5. @Nahm I do 25 in the morning and 25 at night every day
  6. @Serotoninluv what's real then?
  7. @Serotoninluv Okay I see your point, although I don't agree with it because there will always be a self even after you are awakened.
  8. @Recursoinominado have you noticed any negative effects?
  9. @Serotoninluv These two are duo's though. They go hand in hand together.
  10. @Serotoninluv Ok, but your always going to have a subconscious even after you "deconstruct" it. Also, you can reprogram it to be self-actualized. You can reprogram it to whatever you want.
  11. @Serotoninluv do you hear yourself? It doesn't perpetuate anything, I have no idea where you got that from. Why would you not want to reprogram your subconscious mind to improve your life?
  12. @Recursoinominado Interesting. I've noticed some of those effects you've listed for myself..just from doing it one night o.0 For now I am doing the programs for free on youtube, they seem to be just as good as the other free programs out there, besides the paid ones because I've never tried one of those. Is there any real difference between the paid programs and the free ones on youtube? Also, have you noticed any negative effects?
  13. @Recursoinominado Nice! How long have you been doing it and what are the changes you've noticed?
  14. I see, thanks for the comments everyone. I'm definitely going to implement more exercise into my life now.
  15. I used to think this too, but just because you have a sexual desire doesn't mean that is the meaning of life, lol.
  16. I just finished my 25 minutes meditation session and at the end of it I was shocked. The timer went off way too soon, I thought I mistakenly put it for 5 minutes on accident, but nope it was 25. I noticed that this meditation session, I didn't resist any thought at all. Evil thoughts came up of dead babies, friend trying to kill me with a knife, people thinking I'm gay, any deep fear I had within me, anything to try to trigger me and I just let it all come through and the time went by SO FAST. No resistance = flow state.
  17. @Bluff so you can keep track of how long you've meditated?
  18. @Roch If you enjoy playing the accordion then play it. If you don't enjoy playing the accordion then don't play it. Fuck what people think, life's too short to worry about that. Tbh, you can make anything cool if you are good enough at it.
  19. @Roch OH MY BAD, I thought accordion was an online game
  20. Games are a waste of time imo, unless you're playing games like chess or something.