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Everything posted by DrewNows

  1. The aging process is written out in mental programming, as it shifts, the appearances change as well. It does not matter what others think but what you real(I)ze. the outer is truly a reflection of the inner Read I Ching to know A-ging conscious aging is allowing only love in every moment
  2. @Natasha Sending love and blessings to this ageless beautiful old soul mate with an ever-changing, undefinable, mind and a heart of gold. Completeness is the birthright of creation, continue to outdo yourself for love is unstoppable ? Thanks for your contributions on the forum and as a moderator ??
  3. omg this dog cannot be real. you definitely got yourself a special sort of interdimensional being, looks wise
  4. i am thankful for the Truth, in harnessing the ability to be my own beacon of light, to see the opportunity of growth in working through the mirrors of relationship. I am thankful for all who feel called to suffer, to sacrifice, to let go, and to love unconditionally. Blessings to the beautiful beings who continue to mold and peel back the layers to ever-deeper interconnectedness. Magic is life made simple, at an unbelievable level of acceptance @Natasha thanks for the lessons dear
  5. the spiritually developed have another take on conspiracies, they allow themselves to go beyond the ideologies, and the beliefs because they don't have this need to trust something outside of themselves. Personally It has been my inner journey that has opened me up to new information that gets labeled as conspiracy, or knowledge based in that territory. Now i could come here and share all sorts of fascinating interviews and talks relating to new ways of perceiving the world, but for a mind that still fears it's own shadows, cognitive dissonance will kick in, tactics like skepticism, blame, and write offs will take place. This is a survival mechanism for the divided mind/paradigm/ideology. I will not go anywhere new from a place of constricted skepticsm, but rather i choose to only travel through new systems with curiosity, as truth be told, really there’s nothing to gain or to lose, as the mind is a tool, not the master of this life experience. Not everyone has this relationship with the external, without being in an “awakened” state, but it’s practice of raising frequency and vibration, to Know the energies. It may not make much sense to you, but i am fully aware and know most people here are still facing certain shadows in the form of conspiracies, so all i can say is i get frustrated, sometimes too frustrated to even be here
  6. “there’s no joe Biden” Joe/trump different wings of the same bird ? what a brilliantly orchestrated play “All fraud in a minute”
  7. Please share videos of questionable nature in these strange times. Viewing discretion is advised, may trigger emotional discomfort as these videos challenge history and the status quo. Recommend using transparency rather than over rationality and skepticism, but of course consider agenda There are infinite relative truths but seeking higher ones (more answers) leads to more questions (rabbit holes) and, most importantly, a bigger picture understanding, clarity and freedom. Freedom in power as knowledge is the science that binds/limits us to lower density realities (some videos may be suitable for sharing in other sections of the forum) latest corona virus news (humorous/informative) Why does history repeat itself?(wars and pandemics) (informative, seriously passionate)
  8. @Michael569 I’m guessing he’s been shedding life times of karma adding more light to the flight vessel like a true G6
  9. New Orleans, come on out, generally, it’s a treat
  10. Meetups would be a pleasure!
  11. maybe @Nahm new profile pic looks like a bar code
  12. Eyes are the windows to the soul. Check this one out! good shit...both are very relevant and good to reflect off of @LastThursday Third eye vision! I heard the eyes are a muscle we can train to improve, but apparently it's not so important for all to keep at 2020 lmao, I don't believe vision impairment is permanent unless there's been severe damage
  13. It’s called the sling-shot effect (expansion-contraction) boddabing boddaBOOM! The appearance is up-down but it’s just side to side, on a curve, bending light
  14. Try drinking it, and let’s not see later, just say you did...
  15. @Preety_India I see you, care to look death in the face? I don’t wanna see anything but honesty coming from you sister...
  16. @Preety_India maybe distraction requires attraction, of trolls
  17. @GirzoTo judge ideology with/through ideology does not make one wise, why do your thoughts arise? @Chrism yup ?
  18. @Leo Gura Do you feel threatened? that’s exactly true...