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Everything posted by EugeneTheSage

  1. Actually I do exactly as you've said. I try to feel the undesired feeling to its fullest, I'm remembering the situations which bring up the undesired emotion
  2. What was the mistake you've made? What did you change to make it work for you? I have intuition that you should barely stroking the skin, without much pressure.
  3. I experience deeper breathing when getting outside from warm house during winter. Deeper breath is associated with calm
  4. Holy shit. Did 3-4 sessions of ETF and TRE (trauma release exercises), trataka meditation - want to jump, sing, dance. Right now is an evening - in the morning before I thought my life is a catastrophe.
  5. looks cool, but unfortunately, he doesn't have playstation
  6. I regularly watch interviews with Oleksiy Arestovych and Mark Feygin. Arestovych is a brilliant mind, and I consider him to be SD stage yellow. He was once asked, why there is no advancement on the frontline in recent times. And he replied that Ukraine is systematically destroying stocks of Russian ammunition depots: Russian depots are slowly drying out, while Ukrainian weaponry gradually increases in power, bit by bit. And when the situation of significant prevailing of forces happens, we see counter attacks like in Kharkiv and Kherson region - he says. I think that's the key. If I would I apply it to my life I would do slightly different things than I'm usually doing. I'm a 3D modeler, I'm sitting the whole day. And on the weekends I push myself to do tutorials on 3D, so my weekends are also sit-full. I notice that these courses that I take stagnate - I may waste time tweaking unimportant details and making mistakes - because my body is underexercised, and in the stagnated body resides stagnated mind. Basically, I don't have enough health 'stock' in order to have my career 'offensive' going at the desired pace. So what I need is to build up health and vitality stock in order to 'attack' rapidly. This applies to everything: I need to accumulate a lot of savings, to be able to buy the best courses, buy a new computer, if I would increase stock of my concentration and attention my art would also see a tremendous improvement because I would make not the easiest but best decisions if I would improve my vision, my art also will see an up, because sharp perception contributes to a sharper mind if I build a strong stock of health, I would be able to work longer and go through the periods of overworking more smoothly (right now I'm burning out really quickly) Russians chase all wrong goals: instead of accumulating stocks in order to prevail on the battlefield, they mindlessly throw the best soldiers on useless attacks to capture territories that they'll lose anyway because they wouldn't have the means to defend them. more about Oleksiy Arestovych:
  7. In this video Sadhguru states that black clothes accumulate whatever energy they have around them. He says 20-3%of people's emotional problems stem from the fact they are wearing dark clothes. At some point in my life I dreamed of making a full-black wardrobe. Now this idea doesn't seem so attractive - now I'm more into pastel, bright&colourful stuff. Also Sadhguru has a video where he says crumpled clothes are full of negative energy What do you think of these statements? Maybe somebody of you has high level of consciousness and have a perception of how black&crumpled clothes affect us?
  8. On his channel, Leo had introduced a technique called "Doing nothing meditation". Basically you just sit and allow all your thoughts to be. You don't try to change them, to focus on something. You are allowing yourself to think about all sort of crap: in my case a lot of sexual fantasies, also I think a lot about interesting projects from my work, and so much stuff I'm embarrassed to write here about. Usually, after 40mins of this meditation your mind starts to spontaneously enter the state of laser focus. First they are short but as monkey mind starts to get tired of itself the concentration spans start to be longer. When I've tried to sit in siddhasana during this practice (i was doing it without mudra i.e. no "okay" gesture, just putting my palms on the knees) When I was doing this practice in siddhasana there wasn't such desire to think about all those previously interesting projects or fantasies - they are just not that interesting anymore. I also try not to move during a practice this also deepens it. Sadhguru said that this pose reduced desire of food, water, sex while you are sitting in it. After few days of doing it I feel that grip of compulsive behaviour had lessen. Although supplements I've started taking recently may have contributed to this. Try it and share your feeling.
  9. I watched this today. Future is exciting
  10. When I would have a house I would definitely invest in automatic curtains so that I have completely dark room at night and natural sunlight at dawn
  11. It is autumn now and the dawn begins later, and so is start to wake up later. Whereas before I was waking up at 06 AM, now I wake up at 07:30. Because of this I don't have enough time to do full yoga session before work. It is so crucial for me to have high quality of morning routine - my career is depended on it. I like the idea of gadgets improving my life. You just pay for it and it increases your efficiency. Quick intro: sunlight lamp alarm are designed to imitate dawn and thus helping you wake up more easily. Does someone had bought sunlight alarm before? What is your experience: how much does it helps you to wake up? How long after it turning on (how strong the exposure, how fast it was increasing) was it most easy to wake up? 1hr, 30mins? I would opt for a budget one and try how it would work for me?
  12. Pharaons believed to take sand baths [could be false] Indian swami's orange robes has their color because the Swami regularly were rubbing their clothes with special sort of land Farmers cover land around trees with hay+compost which increases number of bacteria in soil around trees [I think that is a real practice, at least my grandma was doing so] Sadhguru said that there is great benefits of exposing yourself to earth. He says that wearing ?, having double-deck beds, having multi-storey buildings, pavements disconnects us from our innate default karma which comes from earth. I believe he said that you can reset your physical karma by laying on earth for a long time (citation needed, I may mistaken). He says that you can achieve great benefits by doing the following: Recent time I have trouble washing, because I have electric boiler in home while Russia seriously damaged Ukrainian electric infrastructure, so I usually wash once per 4 days, once a week - and I feel terrible. I've had a accident when I've dirtied my hands with shit and the closest tap water crane was 1 kilometer away, so I wiped hands with grass and immersed my hand in sand - I had intuition that I'd "fix" the microbiome on my hands What do you guys and girls think about my insights? Do you share or oppose them? Remember they are not derived by scientific method, but just by paying attention and making connections between some dots. If they make sense what do you think are ways to improve your microbiome (not only gut) at autum and winter? I wouldn't be able to dig a hole in earth as Sadhguru had said, but maybe eating clay, do some dirt-wrapping procedure. Maybe I'll manage to lay on earth on leaves if there would be a good weather.
  13. @Asayake Not only him. Anthony Williams also says so. It is bad for your teeth for sure
  14. Yeah, I notice they tend to stick to wet tissues
  15. Certain supplements (in my case gingko biloba) are reccomended to take during the meal and with a glass of water, but I don't want to drink water during meal - the stomach juice gets dilluted and flushed down the intestine, because of that you have trouble digesting the food. I notice that I get sleepy when drinking during the meal or after the meal. Usually I drink 1,5hrs after the meal. But if I don't drink water is there a possibility that cellulose capsules (in my case) wouldn't dillute? I guess it depends on food you eat. I guess taking supplements with a smoothie wouldn't be a problem, but what about taking it with buckwheat, oatmeal, mashed potatoes? Or maybe I better take supplement 30mins before a meal with water? Of course it depends on the supplement, I am interested in gingko and bacopa which are reccomended to take during meal
  16. I'm interested whether the inflammation is the only aspect we can be concerned about in context of eating seed oils?
  17. When I eat high-protein food before carbs (porridge, potatoes) I feel ok. When I eat them together, or proteins after carbs I'm out for a few hrs after a meal. Don't drink after the meal (1,5hrs after the meal otherwise you'll dillute the stomach juice and it would take longer to digest especially meat or sth). And don't eat fruits/sweet vegs/berries together with anything else
  18. Yeah, for sure I'll try. I'll move to a large city in the next week and would be able to go shopping around and I'll buy more clothes so I can at least experiment with wearing different clothes and noticing the difference. I'll check doshas
  19. I've learned Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya - a very powerful practice by Sadhguru. And one part of a practice includes saying AUM mantra sound 21 time. You need to do this exactly 21 time, or at least not least. Usually I'm able to keep count maximum 3 times before I get distracted - it is extremely shameful. I tried recording the meditation and counted the amount of mantras I've pronounced - I usually do it for 50times (because I try be biased towards the smaller count after my attention returns after distraction). Every stage of the practice takes me twice as long than it was intended. Instead of 30 min practice, I have a 1hr practice - I can't afford so much time with my tight working schedule. I burnout very easily. My collegues don't believe that I feel burned out after 2 weeks of working without a weekend. But I am. Probably I'll lose my job. Andrew Carnegie was able to hold concentration for 5mins on a thing and because of that he was the richest man on the beginning of the 20th century. I am able to hold concentration only for a few seconds and hence I am really struggling at work. I've had a period when I was eating 3 pizzas per day, playing videogames the whole day which lasted for 1 year, and the 2-year period (during which I was sliding between healthy and unhealthy lifestyles) of working on low-grade jobs like mcdonalds, construction site. I've once had a crazy (literally) collegue because of who I was boiling from anger 24/7 for 2 weeks and totally exhausted my nervous system. Generally my health is very weak, I was able to improve it a bit for a 6months of doing yoga and most of the time healthy diet. I've recently bought gingko biloba, bacopa and omega 3 (I plan to take a lot of them) are on their way to me What do you think can help in my case?
  20. I'm modeling mostly vehicles and weapons. I was expecting to find job in a gamedev, but now I'm working in advertisement/films.
  21. 3d graphic design. Sometimes I deal with images
  22. If you are serious about it, go learn Unity or Unreal engine. Don't expect to make it in a 3 months. If you are really into it then be ready to make a carrier as a 3d artist/Environment artist/game developer etc. Ask yourself "Will I stick to it if it will take me x3 longer than I've expected?" i guarantee it will take much longer than you expect.
  23. @Jowblob I consider myself as stage yellow and I'm ready to fight for Ukraine's freedom. Leo is still do sex after all these awakenings, why then patriotism is low consciousness?
  24. Hey guys, today I want to hear your opinion on Anthony Williams who is promoting celery juice cleanse. He has a lot of claims which I want to adress separately: Artificial plug-in air fresheners, scented candles, perfumes, cologne, fabric softeners are bad for you. They are acumulating in your lungs. Metal knifes leave heavy metals in your food (sounds logical because the metal particles that wear off the knife must be going somewhere), juicers with 2 metal gears also are the source of heavy metals. I want to expand this further: Cheerios have metallic form of iron added instead of ionic one. You can check this by applying magnet to soaked Cheerios - you will get metal dust attracted to the magnet. Is this metal dust dangerous for you? He has monoeating diet where you eat only bananas/only potatoes and drink celery juice. He claims there would be no mineral defficiency because od this He says that you shouldn't eat "radical fats". This means you shouldn't eat very fatty foods, including nuts because liver needs to produce bile in order to digest this food. And because we all have overburdened liver we shouldn't strain it even more. So when liver is digesting fats it is unable to cleanse the organism from toxins. Therefore he reccomends to fully exclude fatty food from diet, or at least to eat it after 14:00 he says certain strains of viruses could make heavy-metal based neurotoxins he claims that in 1930 there were experiments on viruses and these viruses were fed by the eggs and then these viruses got escaped from laboratories and now infecting people and are the major cause of chronic ilnesses. Bwy, I feel after eating eggs my muscle get more hard, and I have fascia inflammation because of which I sometimes couldn't sleep at night and I need to massage them on the foam roller to get rid of them. petroleum, natural gas fumes are toxic for you. Petroleum I think is true, but what about gas stove gas? is itharmful to breathe in? fluoride in toothpaste has traces of aluminium because fluoride is the byproduct of aluminium "manufacturing" furniture, clothes, electronics, carboard boxes, are secretly laced with fungicides vinegar dehydrates the organs fermented foods don't introduce productive bacteria to your gut fat plus sugar is the true cause of diabetes - insulin sticks to fat and prevent sugar binding to insulin he doesn't recommend water/juice fasts longer than 3-4 days because after this period you start running on adrenaline (instead of glucose) and therefore you exhaus your adrenals. auto-immune diseases is a myth - body attacking itself is a nonsense - what happens instead that there are low-grade viruses and unproductive bacteria and metabolic by-products causing the "auto-immune" diseases Some stuff he says sounds logical. He also doesn't make any citations of studies - he claims the Spirit of compassion told him this information. He has affiliate links on supplements on his website. I would say these supplements are really high-quality: they don't contain sillicon dioxide, magnesium stearate. What do you guys think of this all?