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About joeyi99

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  1. Should I be Concerned about Never Coming Back from a Trip?
    Should I be Concerned about Never Coming Back from a Trip?
    In practice this is true.
    Most of the time when you think you'll never come back, you do come back.
    On the other hand, all it takes is one time to screw yourself.
    It's good to have a healthy fear around taking large doses. Being fearless in this domain is not ideal because you will end up hurting yourself and regretting it.

  2. Is consciousness just awareness?
    Is consciousness just awareness?
    Consciousness is a much more complex and richer thing than merely awareness. Although of course awareness is core to consciousness.
    To understand what consciousness is requires insane levels of awakening. Beyond nonduality and human spirituality. It couldn't be more profound. These so called enlightened people do not understand what consciousness is. Consciousness is a 1000 times more sophisticated than what Buddhists teach.

  3. Leo, how much do looks influence a man's attractiveness
    Leo, how much do looks influence a man's attractiveness
    You said that you've recently had new insights about attraction and that looks matter to women. I've been wondering with your new understanding how much looks matter to women, and how physical appearance interrelates with a mans charisma, intellect, leadership ability, and other factors.

  4. AGI is coming
    AGI is coming
    Oh, it's gonna be way worse than that. These AI companies will suck up trillions of dollars by exploiting little folk who are powerless to stop them.
    Where do you think that billionaire got his billions? He did it by exploiting others.
    If you let them, these AI companies will enslave you. Of course it will all be done under the pretense of improving the world. Not much different than what happened with factory workers in the 1800s.

  5. Leo, how much do looks influence a man's attractiveness
    Leo, how much do looks influence a man's attractiveness
    Owen is a worldclass bullshitter. Owen does not get many girls. He struggles to get them. Because of his looks.
    You have to understand that pickup coaches are very biased and untruthful people. They either straight out lie to their students or they themselves are deluded by years of pickup brainwashing.
    Also, if you notice, most of the successful pickup coaches are good looking extroverts. It's not merely their game that's doing the work. Similar to how successful bodybuilders are also coasting off great genetics and fooling you into thinking that it's all their hard work at the gym. No matter how much a regular guy hits the gym he will never be Arnold Schwarzeneggar. Because Arnold had peak genetics that enabled everything else. But fools think that it was all just hard work. You can't hard work you way into peak genetics. Which is why actors, musicians, athletes, and models get paid so much money. It's not just because they work hard. It's because they have peak genetics which 99% can't have. This makes them incredibly valuable comodities.
    Spiritually successful people also coast off their peak genetics, in case you haven't noticed. And so do the best intellectuals. All these things are grounded in having the right genetics. And then these people fool you into thinking otherwise. Many times they themselves are unaware of their innate advatages because they are too close to them.
    You can deny this all you want but in the end it's the truth.
    Be ware, if you turn this truth into a victim mentality, that's on you. I am not saying to do that. My only concern here is how reality actually works, not how you feel about it and how you need it to be for your sake.

  6. Leo, how much do looks influence a man's attractiveness
    Leo, how much do looks influence a man's attractiveness
    Read what I said before carefully. I said it is possible to compensate for lack of looks.
    Two things are true at once:
    1) Looks matter
    2) You can still get laid with hot girls if you don't have great looks. But it is limited and you are at a disadvantage. Disadvantage does not mean something is impossible.
    You guys are arguing with me other nothing. If you read what I said careful you will see there's nothing to argue over.

  7. Why do ghetto people behave so much differently than other people?
    Why do ghetto people behave so much differently than other people?
    Because survival in a ghetto is very rough. It's like surviving in the desert or a warzone. And their sub-culture reflects that. It's very stage Red levels of development. People behave like animals. Because they don't have many other options.
    Rap music is a good reflection of that because that's where it grew out of. Although much of modern rap is pretty fake.

  8. Facts Over Feelings: Why Rationalism is Important
    Facts Over Feelings: Why Rationalism is Important
    Your rationality has been completely co-opted by ego and selfishness.
    Look inside and you'll see that this is so.
    YOUR RATIONALITY IS RUN BY YOUR FEELINGS! It always has been. You were just too blind to feel it.
    There is no rational reason why you should put food in your mouth. Yet you do so every day.

  9. This video of Owen is worth watching
    This video of Owen is worth watching
    That is a great quote.

  10. Upon death one wakes up alone to the self
    Upon death one wakes up alone to the self
    Death is Infinity.
    That is the highest awakening.

  11. Finished Life Purpose course - I want to make addiction recovery/improvement content
    Finished Life Purpose course - I want to make addiction recovery/improvement content
    Of course you can make money doing that. Addiction recovery is a huge business with people makings tons of money from it.
    Addiction retreats and rehab centers are a huge business.
    This is a great LP if done properly.

  12. List of Tinder Pick Up Lines
    List of Tinder Pick Up Lines
    The truth is that Tinder works entirely off your photos. If your photos are good all you need to do is open with "Hey". And if your photos are bad nothing you say will work.
    Spend less time perfecting your opener and more time perfecting your photos. And if you don't have good looks don't bother with Tinder at all.

  13. Scam - A reminder - because the world is full of Bullshiters
    Scam - A reminder - because the world is full of Bullshiters
    Tip: Use for all sketchy online transactions, like porn sites, etc. This will keep your real card from being stolen or overcharged. It also elimates those pesky recurring subscriptions.

  14. How authority works and Vaccine deniers question
    How authority works and Vaccine deniers question
    @Felinez The point of the episode was to get you to realize that ultimately all authority rests on your shoulders because you are the one who decides which sources to trust and which not.
    Why aren't you a follower of Hitler? Because you decided he isn't worth following.
    None of this means you shouldn't learn from others. You can learn from people without ceding your authority to them. That's what I do.

  15. I don’t want to feel misogynistic but I can’t help if sometimes…
    I don’t want to feel misogynistic but I can’t help if sometimes…
    That is just a misunderstanding of the feminine. The feminine desires to surrender to the masculine. That does not mean women wanna be raped by some creep in a dark alley. They wanna be possessed by a high value man of her choosing.
    It's not dark triad men that turn her on. It's high value, masculine, strong men who turn her on. A psychopath is not by itself inherently attractive. In fact it will lead to much regret.
    You can certainly admire a woman's physical appearance. Just don't reduce her to only that. Women love to be admired for their beauty but not reduced to it -- like all you want is sex and can't treat her as a conscious being. That's psychopathic behavior.
    The mistake noobs makes is complimenting hot women on their looks. This is just too obvious and desperate. But it doesn't mean you ignore physical appearance. You just don't lead your pickup with it.
    It's called game for good reason. Because you gotta play a bit of games to get laid. Don't be so lame and desperate that you stare at her ass and tits like a mouth-breathing ape. Have some class and charm. Getting girls requires some reverse psychology.

  16. Time
    What is God FAQ
    Eternal is just the realization that time is a concept. Eternal means: outside of time. As Einstein correctly explained, time does not really exist. Time is a relative measure of motion and distance. If the entire universe stood still, it would be impossible to tell what time it is. We can only measure time through motion.
    Every moment is in fact eternal. Since past and future are just imagination, they do not actually exist.
    When you look at a clock, realize, it is not actually measuring anything. It is merely a spinning object.
    In fact, all measurement is imaginary. It's a story we made up. Measurement tells you absolutely nothing about reality. It's just a relative ratio of two arbitrary things.

  17. Cold Approach Therapy
    Cold Approach Therapy
    Most of my nights out were with wingmen. Maybe 90-95%.
    Solo gaming is real hard when you start. But it grows you the most if you can muster the balls to do it.
    If you want to seriously learn game, you must look for experienced wingmen who you can learn from.

  18. Going out alone in college/ finding wingmen
    Going out alone in college/ finding wingmen
    Yes. For sure. You can make friends there.
    Almost no one asks this.
    You can say:
    1) I was meeting some friends here.
    2) My friends are around. [point hand far in random direction]
    3) I'm rolling solo tonight.
    No one cares. Everyone goes out to socialize on the weekends.
    Online pickup forums. You gotta really search around. It varies by city.

  19. Absolute falsehood?
    Absolute falsehood?
    @How to be wise What we commonly call "pain" is not elemental. It is a compound thing which includes several components: 1) a raw sensation, 2) an automatic bodily recoil reaction, 3) a conceptual activity of interpretation, assignment of meaning, and judgment, and 4) an emotional reaction.
    So what Ramana is referring to is #3 & #4, which are of course conceptual activity which can be stopped. The raw sensation is still there. But once you eliminate #3 & #4, this thing we call pain starts to feel and look very different from pain. The sting of pain is not in the raw sensation but in our conceptual interpretation and emotional reaction to it.
    So there's no contradiction between what Ramana says and what I am saying. He's just stating it a bit simplistically and starkly so that you realize the important lesson: your mind plays a huge part in how you experience pain.
    Have you ever had an experience of pain so intense you start to enjoy it? If you get really curious about pain as it is happening, the sting of it lessens. In that moment you are experiencing it purely as #1, a raw sensation.
    Also notice that most pain is not physical but emotional in nature. When someone breaks your heart, or when you feel sad or lonely, none of that is physical pain. It's conceptually driven. And even if you break your leg, at least half your pain will come from the story you tell yourself about it, "OH MY GOD! Why did this happen to me? When will I be able to walk again? What if my boss fires me? How much is this gonna cost me to fix? How could I have been so foolish? Why can't it just stop?" etc.

  20. Pain
    Absolute falsehood?
    While I haven't encountered it yet, I'm starting to understand that absolute truth could be a "thing".
    What about absolute falsehood? Does it exist? What does it look like?

  21. Can one put attention on absolute nothing?
    Can one put attention on absolute nothing?
    Another way to phrase it is: put your attention on attention itself. What is pure attention devoid of all content?
    Try doing that for a bit and see how it feels. Notice it's really hard to keep your attention there. The attention veers off within seconds onto some form. This kind of meditation requires serious concentration ability which most people do not have in today's media-saturated culture.
    You need to be able to concentrate so hard you could burn a hole through brick wall with your focus. This is the key to accessing the deepest levels of spirituality.

  22. David Spero - Video - Reality Check
    David Spero - Video - Reality Check
    What he's saying has value, especially for newbie and intermediate students.
    But at the same time, suffering IS a conceptual activity and it can be transcended or stopped. It is something you are doing and you can stop doing it. This does mean that you stop feeling, just the opposite, you must feel it fully, with total consciousness. That total consciousness is what allows you to experience the suffering as self-constructed activity, at which point it becomes conscious and it ceases to be suffering.
    This requires very high levels of consciousness which even most awakened people in the West do not have.
    But the most advanced practitioners develop it. Which is how monks can do self-immolation.
    So the deconstruction of suffering is not merely marketing. It's just unattainable for most people because this requires super-human levels of consciousness which only the most hardcore practitioners will attain.
    The paradox is, by trying to end suffering you end up creating suffering. So that's not a good attitude in this work. Trying to always be in a positive state is not going to work well. If you really want to end suffering you must completely stop caring what state you're in, even if you're getting tortured, you have to be okay with that state. It's REALLY hard to be that conscious. But it can be done. Just don't go chasing it.

  23. Absolute falsehood?
    Absolute falsehood?
    Falsehood does not exist. There is only truth.
    What you call falsehood is an idea which exists in your mind. You're confused about what it is. You're confusing ideas for reality, which makes falsehood seem like it exists when actually it does not.
    I dare you to take your finger and point to one false thing in the world. Notice, it cannot be done. Anything you point to, is true. If it isn't true, it isn't a thing so you cannot point to it.
    If you point to a picture of a unicorn thinking that's false, you're wrong. It's true. It's just a drawing of a unicorn. That's what it IS. That's its truth. The mistake is imagining further that this unicorn is supposed to exist as something other than the drawing that it is. See? You get lost in your imagination. That's the whole problem here. Falsehood seems to exist only when your imagination is active. You must imagine falsehood. But even imagination is true. You just need to be aware that it is imagination and not the physical world. People conflate those two very easily because it helps us survive.
    Falsehood is like a magic trick. It's a clever illusion. An impossibility that appears to be possible when you're not looking at it closely enough.

  24. Awakening Proccess
    Awakening Proccess
    A very simple yet fool-proot method for Awakening.
    Step 1: Find the thing you are identified as whilst in a dualistic/egoic conciousness.
    Step 2: Let go of it, and be wise enough to understand that everything you identify as in a dualistic or mind-identified conciousness isn't going to be you, because it's a conciousness leap.
    Step 3: Run this proccess whenever you're in a mind identified conciousness, until a breakthrough occurs.

  25. 80h work week how to be effective ?
    80h work week how to be effective ?
    It's not feasible in the long-term. And the deeper question is, why are you interested in working that much at all since work will never make you happy? It clearly shows that you have your priorities backward.
    Work is endless. It's an endless game of chasing one's tail. You want your work to be enjoyable and you want to have lots of spare time for spirituality, personal development, and enjoyment of life.
    What you want is not effectiveness or success, but consciousness, joy, peace, and health.
    Working long hours should only be done for short periods of time for critical strategic purposes, like if you're launching a new business you might work really hard for a year or two, but only because you'll then have more free time.