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  1. Damn, thank you for taking the time and noting all of this down. On a first reading (there will be more), there are a three things that really stood out to me and resonated with some of my psychonaut experiences: "Physical three-dimensional objects, now constructs, were seen as projections of idea complexes" - this is exactly how reality starts to feel at high enough doses - everything is an "idea" in Mind, crystalized to different degree. This is precisely why I was 'instructed'/'guided' to dive deeper into mathematics on one of my LSD trips - it is the only way to "bring" back the technology from the other realms - by abstracting the patterns I see and reproducing them after. Whilst math is in no way complete (both formally and informally), It is by far the best tool for probing these immaterial dimensions. No coincidence Galileo said that the book of nature is written in mathematics. While I of course do not believe this as an ontological statement, I have started to converge to the idea that math is just our best "approximation", i.e the way we can contextualize existence given our specific cognitive and biological structure. "All human motivations are telepathically synchronized on other layers. The rules and desires within reality inevitably lead to conflict. "Evil" is an infinite spectrum strange-looped with the "Good" - This, along with your technology from the future anecdote largely describe how I feel all my intuitions and revelations in terms of science and technology are - I have stepped into spaces 'beyond time', where I realized that this is part of my larger plan and everything that I have experience and will ever experienced has been 'fed'/ 'given' to me by my larger self through everything life has to offer - people, readings, videos - everything is a nudge/synchronicity in the right direction, as long as you are conscious enough to interpret it. I also experienced in general the need to dissociate/ let go of all my 'human' connections/identification - family, friends, mentors, teachers, etc. - you cannot take anyone with you on this journey through consciousness, because it is all You. Also as a side note, having done stupid shit on psychs myself, please try and stay safe at home. In that state 'death' no longer really makes sense and as such, one is prone to really irresponsible behavior.
  2. There’s a lot of that even in math, the supposed immutable edifice at the foundation of science. Here’s a good quanta article.
  3. This is phenomenal story telling and animation. Thanks for sharing. That's how science feels - inferring the intelligent design from only small pieces of information.
  4. Without explicitly trying to shit on Stephen Wolfram, I can't help it, so I will only say this - the 'hypergraphs' that he claims to have established as the basis for his 'fundamental theory' are in fact only a special case of a far more general and widely applicable structure - namely that of semi-simplical complexes. His 'hypergraph' is a semi-simplical complex of dimension 2, whereas one can generalize this for any dimension (including infinite) and actually make rigorous statements about them and their emergent properties, which is not something he has ever done. Why I am writing this? Because as it turns out, when one defines a random walk on a graph (i.e you start from a random vertex and with equal probability traverse any of the inbound edges), you can in fact infer many of its "topological and spectral properties, such as connectedness, bipartitness and spectral gap magnitude" ([ref]). The latter reference in fact generalizes this to any arbitrary simplical complex, allowing to represent much higher-order interactions. Why do we care? Because as it turns out, those structures sit at the basis of modern computer science [ref], as Avi Wigderson, an Abel- and Turing-prize winner, states. He has been at the forefront at the field of computational complexity and is someone who has actually revolutionized the field of Theory of Computation and Complexity, proving the equivalence between deterministic and randomized Turing machines (for which he won the Turing prize). TLDR: If you are interested about Complexity and Theory of Computation, study Avi Widgerson, not the crackpot Stephen Wolfram.
  5. Echo chambers are a feature of Tier 1 dynamics. All stages craft dedicated psychological and social mechanisms (most often than not unconsciously) by discarding/rationalizing anything that doesn’t agree with that view. Religion is an apparent example, but science (currently orange) does this to spirituality and psychic phenomena. Green’s “cancel culture” is equivalent. The good thing no echo chamber is impermeable. All paradigms get replaced eventually.
  6. Dang, I got Algebraic Topology then. Neuromorphics would go so much harder tho 😤
  7. Covered impressive ground for my thesis. Discovered the following connection between the spectral behavior of heavy-tailed matrices and outstanding open conjectures in the field of quantum chaos/information theory: -Berry's conjecture (Berry 1977)/ Quantum Unique Ergodicity (QUE) conjecture - state that as one moves to higher energies (the semiclassical limit) in a quantum system, the eigenfunctions tend to delocalize and behave statistically like Gaussian random fields, corresponding to random superpositions of plane waves. The transition from delocalized to localized behavior (Anderson Localization) occurring past the mobility edge in Heavy-Tailed Matrices (Aggarwal 2022) finds direct parallels with Berry's conjecture - the delocalized region (the bulk in the spectrum) is described by the same type of Winger-Dyson statistics, applied to the high energy limit in Quantum Systems. Her comes the most interesting part: in contrast to the light-tailed (Gaussian) case for random matrices where QUE applies, the heavy-tailed case seems to go in the opposite direction of what is predicted by QUE, potentially pointing to a counter-example that would disprove the latter conjecture by constructing a quantum system with heavy-tailed behavior. This is a very early and very informal inkling that I have, but it exactly aligns with the larger recontextualization of 'chaos' and 'entropy' - whilst the standard scientific intuition for what those mean (going from order -> disorder) applies to equilibrium systems, exactly the opposite seems to occur for non-equilibrium systems (our planet, every life form and organism are out-of-equilibrium systems). One for the most recent Kurzgesagt videos about the total biomass of the Deep Earth biome exceeding that of the surface earth organisms by multiples seems to be another nail in the coffin of the idea that life is entropically-improbable. Turns out, exactly the opposite is true (Earth's crust is more entropic by a factor of base 10)
  8. Definitely both. I regularly check the blog as a unique source of epistemic novelty. Even though currently I don't have time to watch videos, it is nice to have high quality references to come back to, considering the difficulty in finding the latter among the sheer noise of brain rot content. The more you post in general, the better. I have found that even noting down a sentence/ paragraph can become fertile ground for an idea/ connection I make in the future. You can treat your blog as exactly that - a stream in consciousness you can reference and build on top. Adding tags or identifiers for the topics/ ideas discussed creates continuity that can be helpful if you decide to further develop an idea.
  9. When you do not live in a politically-stable environment, following/understanding politics becomes essential. Understanding 'geopolitics' is a key component for the survival of many small nations, sandwiched between superpowers.
  10. @Leo Gura Monk lifestyle will not work on anyone who is hyper-ambitious and driven. I tried the monk lifestyle for half a year, but the internal frustration was growing too strong. For me, being a Tier 2 stage thinker/ scientist at the helm of a transformative tech company (both structurally and technologically) is far more fulfilling due to the direct impact I can have and the actualisation of my gifts - I receive what I can only call spiritual insight into the nature of mathematics and physical systems. I would say this is even more intense, since for the last month I have averaged 11h of deeply technical work per day. Fulfilling in every way possible tho.
  11. My bad, this is my last off-topic response How about you actually read the book for once and abstain from making statements about mine or any one else's understanding. The level of epistemic laziness on this forum sometimes baffles me. I quote from THE Book on Spiral Dynamics: p.216 "When properly handled, this raw self-assertive power [of red] contributes to a positive sense of control, lets the group break from constraining pro forma traditions, and energizes a society to reach for the very ends of the Earth." p.222 "Then, carefully managed programs converting unhealthy to healthy RED can be introduced – the discipline of martial arts,...Lessons in finding Blue moral anchors .... can only take root if the ground is preprard through healthy Puprple and Red-based building." Where are your references?
  12. Wouldn’t say religion is healthy. Look at what it does to the middle east. Discipline and confidence that you can handle a hairy situation are entirely different. One thing is to memorise paragraphs, another is to work your ass in the gym until you can’t breathe. In life and death situations, it saves lives. I myself have had a few of those. Wouldn’t expect most people here to understand.
  13. Nowhere did I mention competition. MMA is a sport, not a promotion. I grew up surrounded by street kids/ ultras - if you didn’t know how to fight, it would be really bad. As I said, I describe very specific environments few of you Westerners have ever experienced.
  14. Consider epistemological anarchism more as an intermediary phase transition when the previous system loses ground (Tier 1-> Tier 2). You are encountering the issue of lack of “absolute truth” in the epistemological sense, seeing the failure of the previous stages. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Even now you can verify not all knowledge is created equal - what is a flat earth with earth-centric celestial mechanics vs a helio-centric vs galaxy-cluster level awareness. So there is a way out of epistemological anarchism, but only through careful study and examination of the epistemological and metaphysical basis of that paradigm - the homework Tier 2 has to do to not fall in the traps of Tier 1. Solipsism is more of an ontological statement, so it isn’t directly related to the subject of knowledge.