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Everything posted by White

  1. All part of the process. These are the times that she will look back on in the future and understand that it made her the person she is now.
  2. Well, thats the problem with spiritual beliefs and dogma, people who have had an enlightenment experience or two are still not inoculated against believing all kinds of bullshit.
  3. @MECT Welcome Lots of good advice on here. Read, assimilate, contemplate and take care of yourself in every way. Ask lots of questions, there will always be an answer for you here.
  4. @ChimpBrain In an ideal world I would focus on getting to yellow as soon as humanly possible because you don't know how dangerous green really is. Yellow tolerates and integrates the healthy colours on the spiral. Trying to get away from blue as if it's some kind of problem is not a wise move. Forget about what others are doing. It's not your job to evolve them. Concentrate on yourself and your own life and be an example rather than trying to decide what others need to be for you.
  5. I didn't read this. The best way to respond is to say: Hi, thank you for your call..I am doing fine thanks. I appreciate that you are in a tight spot, however I don't have the resources to help you out. If you are willing I can point you to some material that I think could be of benefit to you and managing your finances. Other than that I have nothing else to offer. Be polite, be kind, but draw a boundary and make it clear that you are not here to bail them out. You have poor boundaries and you would be wise to work on them.
  6. @George Fil It's pointless to try to help people For various reasons: 1) It's their choice to live in the way they chose to live. You wouldn't have wanted overbearing parents telling you to start personal development, so treat them the way you want to be treated. 2) They don't want to change, if they did then they would already have made the effort. You can't help people that don't want to be helped, and all you will do is end up coming across as judgemental and pushy. They are going to think that you're judging them, that you think your better than them and that is going to make them think of you in negative ways. You might even start to look "crazy" in their eyes. 3) One of the main principles in self help is that you are the problem. Focus on yourself and deal with your own issues and your will soon discover that it was never your place to help or save others from their problems. I know it's bad, but you need to understand where your locus of control lies, INSIDE your boundary, not outside it. Neurotic people make the mistake of thinking that they have a right to solve other peoples issues, but that is the sign of a poorly constructed psychological boundary. Yes your parents are behaving like losers, that is not your problem, it is theirs.
  7. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the b12 in fermented foods the type that interferes with the b12 your body needs? I only ask because I did a bit of research on this myself and discovered that really the only way to take b12 is from a supplement. And despite that sometimes supplements are not enough, injections may be needed. B12 is hard to get, and hard to absorb the for older people.
  8. Personal insight: Everyone is the source, but deluded by a personal story Society is a case of mistaken identity. We think we are many, but really we are one.
  9. That is not the perspective of the absolute. The perspective of the absolute is everyone's essence is the same source. In fact, from the perspective of the absolute you actually see how bad the situation is, because you understand first hand how fucking deluded we all are!
  10. I don't know I don't know, I'm not them. I would be careful to not try to guess what another's experience is or has been, you never really know what's going on for them. Correct
  11. Ok. So you wanted a discussion? Why are you closing the discussion down?
  12. It's all ego. The phenomenal world is ego. Try separating experience from an experience-er - It's not possible. Spiral dynamics is a map of the ego. I think you're correct in your intuition
  13. Jon it's not my opinion, this is a feature of spiral dynamics - stuckness at a certain stage and healthy and unhealthy expressions of each meme.
  14. @John Iverson Red isn't the only stage who are criminals. The banks ripping off society who get fined big bucks, that's stage orange. Each stage can commit crimes. Even green..peace protesters getting violent, to name but a few. Every stage has its problems because it is all ego.
  15. There is actually more red in the green meme than in blue. Observe how narcissistic green is, it thinks it's ego is the centre of the universe and that everything else on the spiral is unnecessary.
  16. Blue is quite unforgiving. Even healthy blue.
  17. @Sparkist You are coming across as if your intention here is to talk about you, rather than spiral dynamics / self actualization. Correct? My intention was not to pigeonhole you into a spiral dynamics colour, but to use your words as an educational tool for further discussion.
  18. @Sparkist Your way of thinking is orange/GREEN. Green values mutual respect, give and take. The problem green has is it denies everything underneath it to hold onto it's values. That's where yellow comes from, it appreciates all the systems of first tier and seeks to integrate them back in their healthy forms. So yellow appreciates the rules and roles, but doesn't cling tightly to them because it can also appreciate orange (which breaks the rules in order to develop autonomous thinking). @John Iverson Do you think extremist Islam is red? I don't agree. I think it's blue, but it's unhealthy blue because it's stuck. Red is a different beast altogether. Red isn't the only stage that is destructive, every stage is destructive in its stuck or unhealthy forms.
  19. We're always attending to phenomena and never attend to the experience-er. When we attend to the experience-er this is called self inquiry
  20. @John Iverson I don't think there is such a thing as a blue person, but blue values and behaviours are real. Blue is the part of us that understands rules and roles. For example, when you are in a public place you are expected to take part in a ritual of sorts, even with strangers there is an expectation that a group organize itself into a family type hierarchy where you all forced into different roles depending on your level of skill, experience, your age and how you look. The phenomena allows us to live in an orderly fashion and prevents abuse from opportunistic and tyrannical red.
  21. I have a journal in the journal's section that has the instructions on the direct path to enlightenment
  22. It is the EGO that is questioning itself in this path.
  23. This is the direct path. Meditation is the indirect path. The direct path questions the subject, the indirect path focuses on phenomena. The direct path is the quickest and easiest way to become enlightened.