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Posts posted by Javfly33

  1. Every step I took being influenced by culture standards or what im ‘supposed to do’ was a dumb step. Every step that was influenced by waiting to get happiness, worth, validation, love…etc from the outside was pathetic and dumb. 

    Lately I realized sacrificing all of that was precisely the price I had to pay. And now thinking about it, I laugh at the absurdity of it, why I didn’t surrendered it earlier! Is shit compared to who am I. 

    Culture and other humans will try to play all sorts of  games so you take endless detours and never reach the destination. 

    They tell you need this or need that, they will make you believe reaching certain society or personality standards, is more important than being REAL YOU.

    How stupid. How full of fear and little power in their hearts they have.

    This is a projection of their own weakness and fear. 

    Is important you do not take any detours and go straight for what you want. 

    For what you one time you lost and now all sorts of humans are trying to sell you stuff, selling you happiness and worth in instalments. 

    That is SHIT! Discard that! Go towards the Throne!!!

    Real you is better than any CRAP that humans try to sell you. Real You feels more complete, blissful, perfect and grandiose than anything else.

    Ultimately, you are creating the body and mind you are getting identified with.

    Can you imagine a creator, a King scrambling for scratches of Love? Completely nonsensical!

    Is time you know and experience the utter Bliss, Perfection and Inner Power that is experiencing your Self as something that can not be taken away from you, and that you will never abandon again.


  2. 9 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    Totally agree. When you see the depth of the game, you realize it's difficulty.

    Yeah, In a way it seems is  'written' as software and every piece of creation is carrying some of it.

    For example, the only way I can have my body with the genes of my parents, is if I absolutely pick up everything that comes with it. Is not only the genes, is the whole memory of creation that is forming this body and not Rihanna body.

    Rihanna body is another 'memory' that appears in creation. Lately I don´t see so much persons, but rather bags of memory walking around. 

    When the memory is completely glued to you, there is no space, is suffocating, you can´t breath. You can´t breath life, you breath life with a filter that is very dirty. 

    For some of us that that memory was incredibly suffocating, so it has pushed us to seek freedom from it and remove the filter completely. So that at one point the idea is, we only breathe life and only life. Nothing else. 

    For others, if the suffocation is not that much and they can still somewhat breath, they might not be want to remove the filter yet. But im sure at one point they will. It will end up getting too dirty, is a matter of time. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:


    Then, if I were you, I would push harder, deeper, without fear. Destroy your self again and again, until it becomes weak. Open your being to the unlimited, that's the work that you have to do in life. Then the fire that is in you will burn clear, clean, to outside, not to inside, because inside is not a self anymore to be burnt 

    Yeah 😎🤘

  4. @Bazooka Jesus 

    Moving towards Liberation and having that goal as a reality, is not a bad thing, is not 'resisting' or 'rejecting life'. I see you usually make that point but is not correct and I will explain you why.

    Is not about rejecting things or losing things, you are already what you are, is just that now you are entangled with things you are not. 

    So when Liberation comes, you will still be who you are right now, the difference will be, there will be no knots, no entanglement.

    So you are not losing anything.  You are just removing the sticky glue you got all over yourself with things that are not you. 

    So im not talking about rejecting pleasure or stuff or activity in life. Is simply arriving at a place of clarity. Instead of being identified with all sort of things, you stop that. And you remain as you are. 

    When I say entanglement I don´t only mean thoughts or beliefs. There are knots of entanglement that go very deep, Im talking about karmic structures that come beyond your current understanding. In a way 'written' as software and every piece of creation is carrying some of it. 

    You should not be scared because everything that is not you should burn to ashes anyway, why you want dirt in your windshield? ;) 

  5. 17 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    It's ultimately not different from a heroin addiction. You want to live in a constant extremely positive state, and that ends up ruining your natural reward system and sober life.

    Sober life can never feel as good as a heroin high. At least not without decades of development.


    That is false and you dont understand what Heroin is. Heroin is an opiate and downer. You can not say Life Will never feel as good because heroin as similar opiate drugs numb and block feeling. They bring down Life, not Up. This is not bliss this is intoxication.

    Definetely the ectasy and bliss ive touched on my own with Yoga shits on heroin (again, heroin does not provide ectasy or bliss, is an opiate/downer) or any other drug for that Matter. Also in your psychedelics too, altough you guys never ever believe this because you guys think love and certain euphoric states is the peak of human chemical possibilities. Not at all, at this point i find the psychedelic peak crap also. 


  6. Psychedelics are over rated, as is literally any drug. 

    The bliss and Power I can get with Yoga goes beyond any chemical state produced by any substance, and ive tried from Shrooms, to 5=MeO to Heroin. Nothing touches what you can generate within, nothing. 

    In fact everything that you know of culture, not just drugs, but people, sex, relationships, etc...is actually literally crap compared to the states I touch doing Yoga. 

    And im a normal dude, im not a yogui of the himalayas, i just spent a certain devotion and intensity to the process for a couple of years. When you give Yourself totally things happen. As always I dont 

    There is a reason why i am sober and IS not because of sel control, is because i can take psychedelics, mdma, oxy, heroin, when i want and Still is CRAP compared to what i touch on my own if i truly give myself to the process. 

    You give Yourself so much your body dissolves in the Infinite. Completely sober. What drugs does that i ask?

    See if you have to take a drug, what you are saying you are not able to throw Yourself fully sober. You dont want to surrender. You have to take something to force you to surrender!!! Notice the trick.

    But humans do what humans do. Keep believing in imaginary limits. What do i know right? Just been saying the same thing for the past 2 years in this forum but people are too invested in limiting themselves. 



  7. On 20/5/2024 at 7:58 PM, Princess Arabia said:

    I know exactly what I meant to say. I don't need a concise definition of what the word guru means to make my point in the context in which I made it. You obviously knew what i meant it to be and not your definition or what the real definition is. My point still stays the same.

    Your point is because you think you are special and you have to make this dream your own. You take Yourself too seriously to be humble and Accepting a guru to guide you to Truth. That is your problem and most people problem. 

  8. 1 hour ago, James123 said:


    @James123 You god Damn right 🤣

    12 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:


    I think that you (as well as most other folks on here) might benefit from a more heart-based approach to spirituality; dissecting the ego and chasing nondual states only takes you so far. Having nondual realizations is only one half of the equation, the other half is integrating and embodying those insights. Don't aim to get rid of God's creation; aim to transmute it with the light of your love and to become the living embodiment of divine presence. Don't aim to get rid of duality, aim to realize oneness within duality.

    Spirituality is not about abolishing the game of life but about taking it to the next level.


  9. 1 hour ago, James123 said:

    Where are you in the body? Show yourself, I will give you a thousand dollars. 

    Who said i am in the body?

    A body appears in me. I just happen to be using It in the same way i can use a car. 

    59 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:


    When you say: I am the reality, you are articulating that though from the structured mind, same is you say: my arm hurts. But if you break a bone and your harm hurts, it does the same if you articulate the thought or not. The thoughts, ideas, concepts, are created in base a realities. They are not the reality, are a mental representation of reality. But when you are so used to them that can't live without them even 1 second, you confuse they with reality. That's why we do meditation, etc. 

    Then, why to articulate: I'm the reality? Because you can remove all the, let's say, deception, of the present moment until absolutely no projection is, there is no time, ideas, nothing. Then the reality perceives itself absolutely clearly, same that you perceive the pain if you break a bone. Then you are aware of what you are, you can define it as existence or any other word, same that you can define pain . Are just words, but constructed over a reality. Let's see, reality is, that's impossible to deny. So, remove everything and see, that's it. 

    Ok, i think we are on the same Page. 

    However i would say... If Reality exists I also exist as a thing, right?

    Whatever thing i am, that is an identity. Isnt It?

    What im saying is that maybe the real self is something that is not a thing, actually is non existence. 

    Reality is a thing? 

    This might sound like a Word Game but why Shiva in sanscrit means "No-Thing"?

    That which is not is Me. That which is, is appearance and form appearing as me, but not actually me.

  10. 24 minutes ago, James123 said:

    Forget about death, how do you even know about birth?

    the birth of a body, but real self can not be born

    12 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    Deep meditation when there is zero thought, no structure, just the pure naked reality. It's obvious when you can detach yourself from the structured mind. all the work that we are doing is about that. You are the reality, the structured mind veils your perception, encapsulating it. The reality perceives itself directly, and that's enlightenment, it's quite simple. Without conciousness there is nothing, no existence. Conciousness creates the reality being conscious of itself, and you are that. 

    but what you mean with 'You are the reality'? 

    Because when you say you are the reality, I guess you expect to me to think about something, like 'oh yeah, I am that'.

    Yet that is an idea/thought. So my question to you for you to pronounce or think about the word reality, you must have in your mind some sort of meaning attached to it, if not you wouldn´t be using it to define yourself. 

    If I define myself with the word 'reality', instantly I become limited and I become 'something', because reality is supposed to be a thing. 

    You get me?

  11. 59 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    The ego is simply another construction of consciousness. Let's say that reality is unlimited potentiality, it is so because there are simply no limits. Consciousness is the highlighting of part of that potentiality, and it arises for the same reason, because there are no limits for it not to do so, therefore, it always was, since it is now.

    It has the necessary particularity that everything that stands out from the infinite potentiality must be perfect, since if it is not it collapses, it is not sustainable, it must be balanced. and this is its nature, perfection and total intelligence, since if it were any other way it would collapse.

    If you eliminate everything superfluous, the time, the illusion, in deep meditation or/and with psychedelics, it is something that you see as obvious, since you see yourself as the reality/consciousness/intelligence that creates, but create is not the word since nothing can be created but rather it is drawn, or as they say, imagined, highlighting parts of the infinite potentiality creating cycles of endless birth and death that coordinate with each other forming the infinite cosmos. inevitable

    How do you know all of that are not ideas of the self?

    Can the existence you talk about exist without thoughts-ideas-mind??

    If language is destroyed from your intelligence can you 'think' an existence? 

    How do you know what you are experiencing now is something/reality/life? 

    Something reality life are words that meaning attached to it, maybe this were created by the ego-mind to construct a reality. But maybe there isn´t any. 

    18 minutes ago, James123 said:

    Ego is the entire universe.

    yes, even more ego is entire reality 😂😂 Death is always the case.

    But ego constructs a reality because death is a tough bullet to swallow. 

  12. On 18/5/2024 at 0:51 PM, strika said:

    You can't ever be enlightened/have God in your baseline state of consciousness 24/7 if you indulge with sexuality for pleasure/have a vibration of lust in your being, so as long as you're good with this consequence aka lifelong pain and suffering and disability to enter heaven so be it, then there is absolutely no problem with porn or anything lust/3D sex releated

    That true. This last few weeks ive realized porn IS part of cultures crap.

    As is basically is any kind of sexual activity which is not conscious 

  13. 18 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    Confused. Enlightenment is when reality become aware of itself, and answer all the questions with a simple answer: I am. Reality exist, and can see itself clearly. You are, because you is just the word that defines what is. It's not the you who have 2 legs and walk, is the existence that arises, or in other words, the conciousness that enlighten the reality being conscious or itself, or creating the reality if you prefer. 

    I think that must be surrendered/dissolved also (that there is a reality). It seems the ego might have constructed everything, including the feeling of existance of reality. That might also be a construction of self.

    However, im not sure if vegan awake is talking from this deconstruction perspective.


  14. 50 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    Doesn't matter. Just take what you like and leave the rest. Stop looking at humans as anything special overall.

    I don´t think you understand what the word guru means,

    A guru is a spiritual device, the same as a meditation technique, or yoga teaching, or a psychedelic.

    Is not anymore a person, is only abiding in the dream to awaken beings, if not a guru leaves the body when realization happens. 

  15. yeah he´s a good guy, he just have some anger issues I think.

    Overall his area of expertise is limited. Is a good guy if you are a stage of picking up girls and those things. Obviously is not a life coach given his anger/stress behaviours. 

    You can not improve your life if the one coaching you do not know how to handle life well either. 

    Is like taking health advice from a guy shooting smack on the alleyway.

    20 seconds I see him, I don´t need anything else, and I feel his stress and tension. 

    Is this want do you want in life? It depends.

    If you are absolutely depressed on your bedroom and don´t go out, this kind this energy (David goggins, Owen, etc...) might save your life , so is not that their work is useless. They might have saved thousands and thousands of life.

    And the same time you can see them they are totally disturbed within. But disturbance is better than depression, so it has is place in life. 

  16. On 18/5/2024 at 6:07 PM, Inliytened1 said:

    Is a lucid dream as real? No. Yes - if everyone was enlightened it would be a much better place.  You're right- but then there couldn't be the aspect of being fooled.  Being fooled and forgetting its just a big game IS reality.  Think about that. But yes,  eventually it will happen.  Whether it be we destroy ourselves or we all awaken  All dreams are meant to end.


    On 18/5/2024 at 9:18 PM, Loveeee said:

    Awakening is about deconstruction and in that sense is anti-survival 

    Constructing a career, constructing a family, etc

    If humans could wake up too easily there would be no humans 

    After enlightment your human Life have sense! If not more. Before your human Life revolved around you, now It revolves around your true you, Infinite you.

    The Mindfuck IS since you are infinite and others are You, and you Love Yourself, other completely new Game starts: Others suffering become your suffering in a way, so now you crrate your whole life around Awakening and helping other people.

    Is not that you suffer though, but you feel inmense Infinite compassion for your self.