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Posts posted by Javfly33

  1. 25 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

    Yea but those results no matter how small they may or may not be are the only results that matter in life. So it's arguably the wisest use of time in the end. 

    I think is just relative. Psychedelics touch some aspects that usually spiritual classic methods do not, the question is, are those aspects even spirituality?

    Because meth or coke also touch some aspects that yoga can´t, the thing is, I´m not even interested in meth state of consciousness in the same way, as much as I recognise the unique euphoria or mystical unitary states of psychedelics, it does not necessarily mean something in regards to spirituality. 

    In fact I never have felt liberated inside a trip, more energetically bound to the chemical, and demolished by force by the consciousness. That is NOT what I call liberation or proper spirituality. 

    You saw something profound, so what. What? Are you more liberated now? If not time to reconsider what psychedelics are really are for. They might be great for therapeutic purposes, but we are talking about breaking free the structure of reality. For real. 

    Not just visiting freedom some hours and then coming back. What kind of circus is that. 

    By some weird reason, we have come to the conclusion that having certain insights or consciousness fluctuations, or certain openings beyond the mind for some hours, that that is spirituality. Mmm, no. Cmon people. What are we doing. 


  2. 9 hours ago, Fredodoow said:

    I would just like to push back on something I heard Leo say more and more as of late. It goes along the lines of "Meditation should be done seriously. Don't half ass it. If you're gonna do it, go all in. No point in just meditating a few minutes every day, you will just waste your time". 

    This does not resonate with my personnal experience, and it goes in direct contradiction with something the great zen master Shizen Young said : there is a world of difference, a WORLD of difference, between 10 minutes of meditation a day and zero minutes of meditation a day".

    Now, I'm not saying that you can get enlightened, or get any of the crazy stuff on a few minutes a day, but if it does help you process emotions, sleep better, think more clearly, discipline your mind, even just a bit, isn't that huge ?

    This bugs me, because when I was starting out working out, I heard some people say stuff about running like "if you're not gonna do at least 45 minutes, it's useless". And I can tell you that's completely wrong for pretty much the same reasons. 

    Personally is not about time. 

    Is about whatever time you are doing you are doing it absolutely focused and intensely.

    The reality is in today's world most people have an uneasiness in their body that they can´t just sit still for 15 minutes properly.

    Most people will say yes i can, but the insides theres no really stillness and intensity. There is a feeling of wanting to be somewhere else, of the body not being completely let go of. 

    IMO for meditation to be really succesful, you have to be able to sit and instantly feel pleasure, absolute stillness, like your body is absolutely dead, ideally even losing the feeling of a body. You should be merging with the floor and the air. 

    When you get to that level of stillness and intensity and sit in meditation, you will realize what you were doing before was a circus. 

    Ideal Meditation should be instant and effortless, you sit there and bum, you rip the benefits, if you are sitting and forcefully try to be peaceful, is great, like, keep doing, is better than doing nothing, but don´t think that is what is about.

    That forcefully way of doing it was created by the western world. 

    2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    The issue that after you experience psychedelic levels of consciousness, nothing less will satify you.

    Most people who meditate have no idea of what consciousness is possible, so they placate themselves with their piddly results in order to rationalize their time investment. It's hard to admit to yourself that all your years of meditation has gotten you virtually nowhere.

    That's not gonna be the case for everyone, but the majority.

    you have a point, but i think the main issue is that people also assume that just because one is sitting with closed eyes, one is already meditating.

    In most spiritual schools meditation is just a piece of the puzzle, it is only a certain aspect and is carefully put in the sadhana at a certain point, is just a step. 

    Nowdays in the west people want to make it their own everything, so they say fuck all traditions schools and gurus, I know what meditation is, is just sitting here and closing my eyes, and im going to do it 1 hour, the more i do it the better!. And they don´t get much like that.

    In my spiritual process Meditation only happens at the end and for some minutes.

    You do it when you already have done the most intense practice, so you rip the benefits effortlessly by having your eyes closed and sitting

     You are not trying to meditate, you just sit there and close your eyes and bliss out because anyway you were already blissing out before sitting. you are just sitting and closing your eyes to go more focused and deeper into what is happening. 

    But people sit and there is no preparation, they are uneasy the baseline consciousness is crap, is not activated is not intense, they are not in meditation, they are fighting with thoughts. This is not the way to do it IMO.

  3. On 18/05/2024 at 11:54 AM, Soul Flight said:

    What did you like about Tree of Life? What was profound? Thanks :)

    I found the acting was very very good. Apart from that, the photography/visual scenary is amazing

    On 21/05/2024 at 11:35 PM, universe said:

    Never heard of Knight of Cups before. The scenes from the trailer look strikingly similar to Song to Song. Will put it on my watch list.

    His movies sure hit differently than most others.

    Yes, both are pretty similar

    13 hours ago, AtmanIsBrahman said:

    I watched Knight of Cups after seeing this, and… wow. Never have I seen a movie that was so clearly about awakening, yet without ever mentioning it directly. The whole movie is like a display of consciousness and all the forms it can take, all within a dream.

    Knight of cups got bad reviews most likely because it is so experimental… and also because critics don’t get non duality. I’m even not sure whether Malick himself meant to make a movie about awakening, but it’s great.

    I would highly recommend this movie!

    Glad you enjoyed it!

  4. 28 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    Yeah I'm in the same point, like a pendulum that swings from one place to another, but that is increasingly centered, self-regulating every second. once you have opened the door, the entire tide of your life tends in that direction, polishing and clarifying until total and permanent opening. It seems utopian but it is something completely real, evolution of being, unavoidable 

    It is like whole life changes. It reminds me of when i did first psychedelic 10 years ago and It opened up a whole world for the Next year. Suddenly the compressed prison of individuality and psychological reality was demolished to the floor, completely relative, and i was open to reality. Then for some reason It closed.

    I think what some of us are doing is we are not Happy with just trascendent experiences, we want our Life to be just like that, a complete opening to Life. Where the prison of the individual construction is gone, for ever. It can not be built again.

    It has been demolished totally, the false structure is gone, and only the true structure remains. Life remains, the psychological construction is gone because It was relative and just inside the mind.

    The spiritual experiences, suffering and psychedelics trips were preparations, little temporal demolishings in the mind, until for some reason the inner intelligence or substance that we are is ready to completely embrace the profoundity this Life is, is ready, and it wants it, it no longer will settle for the small psychological safe prison. Now It wants the whole thing. It is the whole thing.

  5. 2 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    You were exactly the same substance than now. Can't you perceive it? Remove everything and the alive substance remains, it's immutable, is always the same, is your true nature. Then you identify with what you are and forget everything else as something that arises and pass, then you are here and now always, expanded in your true nature, and in a giving moment, you perceive that you are more than this cycle of birth, development and death. That cycle is happening in you. Then you are free. 

    The inertia to identify myself with something and forget the substance is still there, but something has opened up, now impossible to avoid it, is too clear, too obvious, the freedom is in my hands now. 

  6. 11 hours ago, Davino said:

    I'm not here to grapple about metaphysics with you but about investigating the actual limits of psychedelics and meditation/yoga.

    I think the limits are they are tools, so they can only prepare the 'waters' so to speak.

    Since is You who gets enlightened, and not the mind or the body, there is absolutely nothing in reality that can produce enlightment, no yoga psychedelic reiki shaktipat or whatever can produce enlighment because a tool is just a tool. 

    6 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

    Enlightenment in the zen and Ralston sense is just figuring out that you are the awareness or nothingness in which reality unfolds. Psychedelics help you go more into the Godmind and Oneness aspect of reality which is more profound. 

    Enlightenment is akin to figuring out how a car works (its running on wheels) but there’s still so much about the car to understand. 

    Enlightment in the zen and Ralston sense is definetely 'not figuring it out'. Is directly grasping something about You. 

     Psychedelics, meditation, yoga, etc... do not guarantee enlightement. You can be tripping or doing meditation retreats for 20 years and do not get enlightement in the process.

    You might have 100s of Godmind and Oneness experiences but that won´t liberate you. Which is what the whole path is about. Not accumulating trips in the amusement park.

    However psychedelics and spiritual practices have their benefits even if there is no realization of self. 

    5 hours ago, integration journey said:

    @Javfly33 what kind of yoga do you practice? Kriya yoga? 

    Angamardana (Hatha Yoga) and Shamavhi mahamudra kriya (energy process-initiation from guru). 

  7. I was just thinking about it now.

    When i was 3 years old what I was?

    And now with 28years old, what I am? 

    If i reply different to the second question, then that is something i picked up.

    From 3 years old to 30 years old that stuff i picked up as identity.

    With 1 years old what i was?? The same i am now. But withouth accumulated identity 

    Life and Birth were words i picked up as an identity, crazy.

  8. 2 hours ago, Water by the River said:

    substances to realize their wetness, only to later play&feel not-being-water-and-the-River), and go instead surfing for the highest infinitely consciousness wave.




    Selling Water by the River (not opposed to imagined company of aficionados of the same profession, since the River is wide with infinite water and an amazing dream-game of an infinity of imagined beings-to-save customers is going on)

    Indeed. If someone does not belief in magic, I would just tell them "just look around", but without a self. 


    Thanks for the link, will read it later.

  9. On 12/03/2024 at 4:09 PM, ivankiss said:

    Life is not a walk in a park. If you think it is, there's not much for us to talk about. You are simply way too blind, numbed out and in denial. 

    Truth is... if you dare to stand for something in this crazy world, if you have a path, if you are walking your talk and staying true to yourself... you're going to be crossed. Tempted. Challenged. Betrayed. Fooled. Played. Hurt. All that jazz.

    It's inevitable. Unavoidable.

    Life is a game too complex and intricate and advanced for you to not get burned. It is anything but harmless. Anything but danger - free. 

    It can get quite hostile and ruthless.

    Life devours itself to keep life going... it's usually not a pretty sight. 


    No, the point is to establish yourself in your own Being so absolutely nothing that happens on life leaves you a scratch.

    You are spreading the classic toxic masculinity, capitalist, teeth grinding, stress is positive ideology.


    Here's a fact, If you would be on a 20mg peak oxycodone pill 24/7 no thing in life would left you a scratch.

    That´s how you are supposed to handle your mind, body and emotion. Completely dis-identified from it and above them.

    So you are in your throne of inner bliss where nothing can touch you, but at the same time you can touch anything and everyone. 

    the good thing is, we are an internal factory of blissfulness, that's what our being is...

    if you only you discover where are the inner keys to get to your Throne ;) You just lost the keys sometime ago, and you even forgot you were the King)


    Selling Bliss by the River @Water by the River;) You just got yourself some competence in the business.;) 

  10. 20 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

    Or maybe his mind is designed differently. Ram Dass's guru did the same thing. He took all the acid in Ram Dass's hand and  swallowed them , and basically mocked psychedelics. But the thing is, this doesn't prove that psychedelics don't work, it proves that they don't work on a specific person. 

    Some people don't get drunk from alcohol. some people were immune to smallpox, some didn't die from rabies, some were drawn for >30 minutes without dying, etc. There is an exception for every case.

    Psychedelics do work, and I want to apologise for saying they are 'crap' the other day. That was exaggerated, They are not crap, first psychedelics did were the most therapeutic gift I ever received ever. 

    However, confusing enlightment with psychedelic or mystical experiences IME is the mistake. 

    Im sure Ralston Tripped absolutely balls. But he meant that the realization of the Self did not change. The Self is there when taking a coffee, and is there while tripping balls! :)  

  11. 11 minutes ago, James123 said:

    Any thought is you.

    In my experience, a thought can be a conscious or unconscious manifestation of me, but is not ever me.

    Is simply as this, a thought about anything that appear, but when that kind of thought is not appearing, I still exist.

    So a thought can not ever be me, it can appear, as me. But is not really me.

    In other words, I don´t need a thought to exist. 



    If there is no such thing as thought, what is left?

    Not sure how to answer that question. 

  12. 59 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Ralston is wrong ;)

    Ralston and the whole vedic tradition?

    Shiva= That which is not.

    Chatananda rupah = I am the form of consciousness and bliss.

    How can something that contain all experiences be an experience?

    Is not bound by anything. Not even the apparent higuest realizations. The Real Self is holding and containing those states effortlessly, being untouched by any of It.


  13. On 22/5/2024 at 0:12 PM, Water by the River said:

    I wasn't asked, but since that didn't prevent me from commenting ever since, please allow me my musings... ^_^

    So, here is the Ultimate Crocodile. Or Trap. Since it is pretty close to Ultimate Truth:

    The problem (or rather near impossibility) in realizing Ultimate Truth/Full Enlightenment (not even to talk about realizing & keeping that on a stable basis in daily life) with mainly/only psychedelics (vs. a combined meditation and psychedelics-approach) is that the separate-self/ego is never fully seen through, and happily hijacks all insights gained and projects itself onto them.

    • Like nondual merging with the visual field, aka non-dual-Unity-states of a still separate-self merging with the visual field.
    • that the visual field is mere empty appearance hovering in Nothingness
    • that this Nothingness is "IT", is Infinity, in all possible dimensions, is boundless limitless nondual Consciousness/Suchness
    • "God-Realization" (aka that pretty much everything which appears is imagined to fool oneself into a false-body-mind-identity. That includes past&future imagination. Which is true, but still there is a subtle separate-self-something left and not seen through having all these insights, and proclaiming "I am God". It is not truly impersonal yet, and Absolute Reality is impersonal. Yes, True You is totally impersonal. Shocking, but true. But only shocking from before the Gateless Gate. After the Gateless Gate, it was just one more trap on the path/maze to Infinite love&liberation&freedom).

    That is pretty much the development Leo has taken, from nondual, to Infinity, to "God-Realization". And then some ETs (which is of course just more appearance/mind-stuff/content consciousness) since the God-Realization didn't went any further from there. And then after some psychedelic-substance-fallout-crocodiles ET said not permanently in this life darling, but maybe permanently in the next life in the 7th heaven, and the message was heard, and the phone was (increasingly) hung up (for now).

    Ultimate Truth is beyond all of that. Contains all of that. Unchanging. And eternal. All the rest mentioned above rolls "before" and "in" your true formless Infinite Being like a show. Waking/dreaming/deep sleep/normal life/nondual/infinite/God-Realization/ET/crocodiles: All these states roll before your True Being like a show, never changing anything real even for a moment. All just appearance. What is watching all of that? What can never not be here, even in Deep Sleep?

    And btw., the essence of the frog is completely understood by throwing it into a mixer and looking what it is made of (Suchness). That is how the frog gets truly impersonal. And the essence is all that stays, eternally. The rest is just changing appearance, an illusion, a show. Including any "understanding", which can be dead&gone&forgotten. The essence never can go anywhere, ever. That is what each being truly is. And realizing & embodying that is true freedom and liberation.

    And why is this kind of psychedelic "God-Realization" not stable?

    • Psychedelics: The filters/lenses of the last subtle separate-self illusions don't get disassemled/transcended/cut-off in real time (aka impersonal, or "not-only-personal-awareness,"). Because of lacking strength&speed of Awareness in cutting all of that off in real-time. And that is why Infinite Nonduality/mere appearance/Awakening states break down after the trip: Unearned wisdom/states. Not impersonal, but still personal/separate-self/ego. In "God-Realization" there are still remnants (although subtle ones) of an ego/separate-self too much left alive & hijacking the insight/state. 
    • Meditation: Transcending separate-self/ego-elements (speed and strength/knowing each and any separate-self-arising illusion/I-feeling/I-thoughts/...) leads to nondual/infinite/mere appearance states: stable & personal transcended (aka impersonal), "earned".

    Psychedelics: psychedelics lead to nondual/infinite/mere appearance states without transcending all (subtle) separte-self/ego-buildings-blocks: unstable &"unearned" & can hijack the states: "I am God/-realized, whatever".

    The True Being of every being (Infinite Consciousness/Reality, impersonal or universal Awareness) is always right here, eternal. Can never change. It can only appear to be clouded.

    Looking out for less-than-impersonal-crocodiles by the non-personal River :)


    @Water by the River

    Wise words. Ralston already said It one of his videos.

    He took a bunch of Acid after enlightment to "test" is what It is, would Still be the same.

    He said "nothing changed".

    Psychedelics are EXACTLY as Mystical states of yoga, meditation...etc, they are Still PART of MIND, of Dreaming, of imagination, and appearance.

    Absolute-wise, there is no difference between having a cup of coffee and doing DMT, the latter does not necesarily provide a Realization of true nature, of what One Is. 

    Unity, love, Magic, these are some facets of consciousness and mind that are more usual to happen in psychedelics and spiritual practices, than having a coffee on your lunch break, but they are Still part of Experience of the separate self. They dont guarantee that you Will realiza Yourself.

    The attitude of trying to seek oneself, by using psychedelics or doing spiritual practices, might "trigger" a Realization, but is not the psychedelic or spiritual practice that provide the Realization. Realization could happen also talking a coffee for that Matter.

    That which is NOT, can not be a 'state'. That which is NOT, can Only realize itself Directly, an experience can never be that which is NOT an experience. 


  14. On 22/5/2024 at 8:28 PM, Exystem said:

    I found this beautiful short film and wanted to share it with you:

    A naive version of a concept about awakening would precisely be that: The idea that one day, you'll find a magic ______ (fill in the blank) that will open the portal/lift the veil to a higher reality for you so you can break free/liberate yourself.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    That Awakening is Absolutely that. 😃

  15. 6 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

    "It" is. Always there. Infinite, boundless. Groundless. Any boundary would appear within "It".

    "It" is Infinite Reality itself.

    "It" is Nothing when no appearances arise. Nothingness. Groundless. Void and empty. Not even space. Yet, "It" is everything as soon as appearance appears.

    Without appearance, there is no time. "It" is not even self-aware then.  Yet, "It" is always "there". "It" has the potential for awareness if some appearances arise, and for self-awareness if I-thought/I-feelings arise as appearances.

    Are you talking about me boy? 😜😂


    8 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    The karma of your family line is transmitted for thousands of generations and becomes saturated. Wild living beings have no karma, they live and die according to natural law, the fact of being alive is the truth. But humans are kept alive artificially and karma accumulates. the lie. wildlife you live and die in the purity of truth. Human life accumulates lies until a critical point, and at that point the individual either self-destructs, or breaks the border of what is human and transcends

    With karma I mean , a certain way of thinking about the world, people and self, deep ingrained in your energy structures.

    For example, i think i told you in the past there are guys that sexually like to be kicked in the balls by women, this is an extreme fetish but is overall a fetish of weakness, inferiority, debilitation, these people like to be humiliated, feel as inferior, almost hated by the women. The energy structures that form and make survive this kind of 'inertia' that´s what i call karma. And for women to exist to do this, there has to be the other polarity of that karma, which is to get off on humiliating and manipulating the weak. Trying to feel empowered by that.

    I think, at the end of it, they are sides of the same coin. The karmic structures are formed because of ego, but the mindfuck is they are not form in the life on a individual, they come from generations (as you have said), but of course they develop in complexity through time. 

    Since is impossible to 'delete' the memory structure that creates this kind of inertias, i think the only way is to consciously distance yourself from it, simply see it as something you picked up. Along with the body, one also picked up the whole karmic structure. One can not delete it because the body goes with it, but we should strive for freedom to be a Life that is not marked by anyone. Not of this life nor from other lifetimes. 


  17. 6 hours ago, Zeroguy said:

    Well,I want all that human shit.Money,fame and status because there is no other game in town.

    Then no issue, go get It. But is an endless high and low. And lows are usually more frequent that highs in that Game.

    There is another Game in town, which is being in inner bliss within and taking every damn step in this dream in a conscious manner.

    Involvement yes, but no entanglement.

    When your inner happiness or well being depends on getting money, fame, and status, you DAMN sure you are going to get all tied Up in the process, in every step you take.