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Everything posted by GabeN

  1. Good luck bro, life is amazing indeed and I'm extremely distracted by its beauty too, wish you all the best.
  2. I had an extremely bad trip on 5-MeO once after trying to snort 30 mg, it was intense, and too much distractions (nose, throat drips) to focus on what's being shown to you
  3. @whoareyou My first breakthrough was through snorting, but plugging was way more superior for me, the come up is more gentle, the trip is longer and no distractions of any substance dripping down your throat, it does need more than a few tries to get better at it, never tried smoking it though, but heard the come up is like being hit by a train going 500 miles per hour... I did hear many positive experiences with it though.
  4. What are the range of prices for 100mg in your areas guys? mine is around 170$ which isn't cheap but i guess it's pretty rare anyway?
  5. amazing have you tried psychedelics? and if so, did they help you?
  6. If it's similar to a breakthrough on 5 meo dmt you'd say it's mdma * infinity you also experience infinite love, you might grasp infinity and get mind fucked a metaphysical orgasm
  7. @Shadowraix Right! @ajasatya Yes, my mind indeed tries to get a grip on a "concept" to hold on to whenever I contemplate on this subject.. @Highest Yesss I had that A-HA moment a few month ago and started laughing for sometime, I didn't realise I was God back then, but definitely infinite consciousness.. @Joseph Maynor I guess the ego is the concept and the Self is God?
  8. @How to be wise I see what you mean, direct experience is always what I look for
  9. @How to be wise well in Leo's last video he said that there's a God head and there's God which is a part of the God head and we are a buble of the God Head, the infinite nothingness right?
  10. Looks like The Ox was around the territory Good luck!
  11. "we can think of natural selection as somewhat like those robot overlords in The Matrix, perpetrating a pervasive and oppressive illusion on behalf of an agenda that we have every right to reject. If looking at things this way helps give you the determination it takes to sustain a serious meditation practice, by all means look at things this way." - Robert Wright
  12. Just had my second rectal administration attempt.. 25 mg, I noticed that I didn't pay attention to what Leo said about keeping the syringe up the butt for an extra minute or two after pushing up the substance, this was a huge difference.. No breakthrough this time, felt very very sleepy, which is pretty weird compared to the incredible energy I had when I snorted it on my first breakthrough.. Anyways this method feels extremely smoother than snorting definitely, I think I'm ready for 30 mg..
  13. @legendary cool! Thanks for sharing Already 7 years of Lucid dreaming, it got even better after psychedelics!
  14. get well soon man! guess we'll have to wait on the nuggets of wisdom
  15. @EvilAngel yes indeed, but conscious experience of being pure nothingness will answer your question!
  16. pure nothingness, pure awareness or pure being is what you are, the rest is just an idea..
  17. @tedensI see, you still need a bit of theory to fly! don't you think?