Widdle Puppy

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Everything posted by Widdle Puppy

  1. I have the same problem. I think something is seriously wrong with my mind and emotions. I'm just a numb person and I know there is this deep tension in me that I can't seem to release or let go. I'm wondering if even I had some perfect meditation habit in place if it would release. I know I used to feel emotions much more but now I can feel these scars in my mind which block. I wish they would just go away and I could move on with my life in positive way but they are always there and always present. I'm wondering if psychedelics could help me clear up this trauma and guilt and shame.
  2. trash watch your information intake
  3. Any other ideas? I want to start on my shadow work but am afraid I will just do it for a few days and it will become too painful a d I'll give up
  4. I've tried it before but feel something inside me build up towards the inevitable explosion where I go to the website and then forget I even blocked it in the first place. It's really demoralizing honestly and haven't found out a way to remove many of the distractions in my life.
  5. So I went through a hard summer which threw my self actualization work off and I've since stopped meditating when I was doing it daily for months in a row. Things have calmed down since and I want to start working on myself again. Any tips for starting self work back up after about 6 weeks of craziness?
  6. I'm not against feminism I'm for it and also I'm not incel or mgtow. I do think though that there is this pressure on both men and women to date for status. Men want a hot girlfriend and don't really care about the other qualities while women want the clout of catching a successful guy. I think this is fairly true for those of us in our 20s although there are a lot of people who don't fall into this trap. I hope it's something I grow out of soon.
  7. I'm dealing with this myself. I went through a period where I was meditating quite a bit and tried to cut out everything at once that I felt was low conscious and it caused a major backlash. I'm still recovering. I tried to cut out - rap music (huge fan) - youtube vlogs, facebook, pop culture, etc - news and politics - message boards - fashion and clothing - porn - dating It feels impossible to remove these things. I'm not sure I even want to. I don't want to fail at it again. The urges were like wanting to use drugs too and I found myself slipping up while not even noticing.
  8. I realize a lot of people don't have the faculty to see through this stuff and as an unenlightened person I am very ignorant in general about life but like 70% of everything said in the "manosphere" or on bodybuilding websites should be ignored.
  9. it exists as a paradigm or belief until you are enlightened. remember that our goal isn't to believe some belief more but to go beyond beliefs and embody what is greater. we are limited through verbal communication (it can't be communicated this way) and our ego so it will remain a belief and has been communicated as best it can as a belief but it is up to us to do the investigation and discover what is truly there for ourselves.
  10. I don't think so. It can be but doesn't have to. Logistics might not line up though and it may be really hard to make any progress. Having this crappy job is like having weights tied to you when trying to swim across this vast ocean towards higher being.
  11. I don't want to automatically dismiss anyone's opinion but can we at least not cite the cartoonist of Dilbert please
  12. just another stage orange sorta green sorta yellow ceo
  13. I'll have some free time in January and I'm wanting to go on a retreat I think. Perhaps psychedelics, what's the best place to go to explore this?
  14. How do you find a reputable center? Any tips on finding a place with a trust worthy retreat? I want to find one that is serious and healing focused
  15. I'm not sure. There is plenty of information to build awareness and kind of see where you are. These things are fluid and not rigid groups. Surely a guesstimate can be made with varying degrees of accuracy
  16. My mind can think yellow to an extent but I know emotionally and all the stuff that I feel is bellow "the surface?" You know what I mean? Like where all my problems, deep thoughts, creativity, the roots of emotions, etc.... where all that stuff lies... there I'm orange and green.
  17. have you tried meditation?
  18. Anapana meditation. Observation of the natural breath in and out through the nostrils of the nose. Look up this meditation. It's very simple but powerful and is an incredibly important tool to use towards reaching our higher self.
  19. These paradoxes and contradictions exist in his work and all types of personal development and enlightenment work. He discusses why this is in several videos (language, our models of communication, all shared ideas coming from a place of ego, theory vs application). it's up to you to make sense of all of this. Getting hung up on these sorts of contradictions is a trap and really in the bigger picture isn't so important. Take the essence of the ideas and see where you can integrate it in some form in your life.
  20. The way I see it: There are all sorts of traps and emotions and different experiences along the way which make it feel like progress is being made but because it isn't always amazing or sometimes I backtrack or I make some progress but it isn't there so on some level I'm still miserable that I end up painting the end goal or these higher stages as being not worth it but I will say this. There is always a solution in some form and these end goals are attainable and the fruit they bear is worth it. It just takes time and trust, which is scary as fuck, but it's possible.
  21. I can't do them where I live. They are highly illegal and I would not ever do them here. What country should I go to or perhaps ways to find a shaman ?
  22. Eh, I think this is a pretty poor understanding of the stages and a poor application of them on racism.
  23. Hello, This may partially be a health and nutrition topic but also I'm wondering if it's a mental thing as well. I have ADHD and also I have in general low energy. I always feel kinda lazy. I do go to the gym three times a week however to lift weights which is good but other than that it's hard to wake up in the morning, I feel a lack of motivation and energy and in the middle of the day just feel foggy and tired. What are some areas of life you think I should look at to improve my energy levels. It's hard to do self development work like this.
  24. I don't think you should overthink it but I tend to lean on trying to reduce pain as much as possible by sitting in a position that is comfortable but also won't put me to sleep. I can sit cross leg with the right cushions and keep my back straight without pain, just getting sore. It's ok to adjust while sitting if you need to. Just keep doing your best to remain aware when you readjust. If you are in actual intense pain you shouldn't push it. It may not be good for your posture, and yes exercise is usually good!
  25. I would like to see a video on guilt, shame, and absolute in oneself. A video for a person has a part of them who fundamentally things yourself to be a bad person and is full of guilt and shame over past actions.