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Everything posted by Kamo

  1. @Inliytened1 I understand that. So in other words it cant really be answered because its a hypothetical situation which i am imagining in order to give an example of a situation that if I found myself in currently I would desire to understand the question i am asking. This is the only method I have to communicate a question like this, So in other words the questions answer would be one-sided and what ever is imagined to be so is the answer?
  2. @Leo Gura If we have person A and Person B standing next to each other, Can person A come to understand this in front of person B? Like A realizes its creating B? Will person B understand its being created by A, Or is it the same from their perspective that B is creating A ? and would realization of this become noticed in only 1 or by both of them?
  3. @Gesundheit2 The observer as you put it is not the ego. Because the ego is a process of identification with anything that is "observable" thoughts, images, feelings, perceptions. The viewer/observer is the pure awareness which is not capable of anything but "Being" there. There's no actual viewer, only what is viewed in the form of perceptions/appearances. The idea of "my" perceptions is the ego. as you can see that idea itself is another perception. There is only perception made out of awareness.
  4. @WelcometoReality Yeah it is quite complex, i didnt expect an easy explanation. I appreciate your time and opinion. So fascinating contemplating these things though. I feel it will end up in a paradox anyway lol.
  5. @WelcometoReality Ok i get it, so when 2 people are standing next to one another, person A and person B. what is experiencing A's senses and thoughts and what is experiencing Bs and is this separate? and if it is the same thing, would that mean person B know persons As senses and thoughts and vice versa? If not how come? and how come if they are not separate? Does this question make sense?
  6. I've dated multiple woman with children, Don't think of it so much as an issue with the fact that the children are another mans kids.( you said person but I interpreted it as the fathers kid) correct me if im wrong, but Look at it as the child is literally part of the woman. (be it 50%) but seeing the child as a version of the woman makes it much easier to see them the way they are and not as another mans child. I had this issue at first till I started becoming more conscious. There is still hesitation to committing because there are so many options of single woman with no children that it becomes the easier but more selfish path to take but has the benefits of satisfying your own personal agenda and reducing the amount of responsibilities. How uniquely the woman touches your heart will tell you how much you will want the be of service to her, loving her and her kids as a whole. If you already want to be a father without your own selfish desire to pass your own genes then the idea may be good for you, and you can always have your own child with her( given you are both able). The idea of you being a father must already be a potential goal of yours or else dont involve yourself with single mothers. They have their own survival needs they are trying to meet and finding a quality man to support her off spring is their top priority if they are dating. This question really comes down to your own personal level of selfishness, and if the family life is the life for you. I also am not saying selfishness in a negative sense but in an intelligent manner and meaning of the word to explain. The more self-less you are the more you love her, the more it wont matter if she has kids or not. It takes a special kind of man to be a stepfather.
  7. There is actually a much bigger difference here, Leo is serving a specific function, he is giving away free content in order to help man kind as a whole, This can itself create an exponential growth curve of many individuals who become exposed to his content. Its less of a survival strategy than it is as serving a much deeper function. Yes he is still able to benefit from the fruit it bares to assist with his survival, in order for him to continue to be of service. Conner still has money, he didnt give all of it away. Giving money to people doesn't come close to the same effect Leo provides.
  8. I like how you put this, can you elaborate why is the self not the compilation of our senses? or to rephase the question what is the compilation of our senses with out the identification (ego) with them? and are the thoughts feeling and other senses separate from others?
  9. @GabeN There is only one moment, only experience of the present moment. The past does not exist. The past is a concept we use to reference our memory of experience. The future is conceptualized ideas of potentials, So we are all only "watching" this present moment. It basically stops there. (Levels of Consciousness will reveal different experiences within that) but anything conceived other than that will be concept and imagination. Think of the present moment as a place holder for experience or a circular lens we are looking at the film reel through, so when we talk about the film reel what we mean is everything on the reel is only experienced with in that place holder or lens. Its not so much that each individual frame is experienced at the same time, its more like "IN " the same time, its more like every frame is experienced at the place holder which is the "present moment" because we are removing time you can see how it makes more sense to see how everything happens in the "Now" there is no need for time when we understand its about the place holder, The present moment. What we focus on is the "present moment" compared the the film. the film doesnt really matter thats just changing content within consciousness which is all identical and infinite, its all about the lens, The Present Moment. Does this make sense?
  10. @OneHandClap Yes this was very helpful, everything said describes you understand what I am saying. You are completely right, as I recall any of the uncomfortable moments that the fear arose, it was due to a negative memory arising or related thoughts similar to it. I'm actually doing shadow work in order to integrate some past experiences which I seem to be trying to shield. It is true I have been told I am very good with empathy and at understanding others, I'm good at getting in their head they say lol. I am able to do this with complete strangers as well, so is it necessarily that it only occurs with friends and family? Also When this idea reverses itself on my own mind It messes with my emotions, but I can see now how it is only of negative memories which can never be known by anyone else. So I am only reacting to my own ideas as you said. This is much more clear to me now. Thank you my friend!
  11. Question for you guys as this thread seems to have some good answers.. An egoic fear response arises in the emotional system when one is observing the mind understanding oneness. There seems to be a fear and protection/resistance of ones thoughts as there is a limiting belief that ones thoughts will become known by "others" when one begins "seeing others as myself". Maybe some of you have experienced moments where you and a friend were thinking the same things or you thought something and someone else said it when there was no direct conversation going on, or you said something and someone else said they were just thinking that. Situations such as this have been puzzling and tricky to understand, to what extend do these phenomena go? Holding only loving and caring thoughts this becomes no issue, but upon negative thoughts this becomes distressful? If a silent mind was present this would be no issue. But we cant control our thoughts or become silent easily, as we dont even know a thought before we experience it. There is an understanding that the emotional reactions are just reactions to the thoughts that arise and nothing more than that, one can "let go" of the thoughts as well as not identify with them providing temporary relief, One can simply observe the thoughts but again this still is not dissolving that root fear of ones subjective experience being subjectively experienced in others. Is it that only pleasant thoughts will be present during the experience of oneness? Is there anyway to understand this, Open to any statements about this area of inquiry or suggestions to facilitate further growth and heal from a neurosis as this.
  12. You nailed this explanation man. It literally lines up an ego to see get that its really all just spontaneous. "People" are either already on the path because it spontaneously happened to "them" or "they're" not and "they're" juggling ideas "they" heard from "others" on the path talk about it and now its a thought/belief and becomes an "object" of desire to those who haven't gotten it, until they do, which occurs spontaneously.
  13. @ivankiss Yes its really quite interesting when all of reality ceases to be what it previously was (perceptually-literally) and your only direct experience is your breath. I've experienced this before. (on and off psychedelics) "You" become the Breath. or Awareness is centered/focused on the breath. I know you know what I mean. Its quite profound and amazing. Here is a link I think you guys will find interesting. There's alot on that page. https://breathmeditation.org/the-buddhist-tradition-of-breath-meditation
  14. I have had an experience where my friend and myself took LSD, 2 liquid gel tabs. At which on moment we were talking to each other and all of a sudden we mirrored each other exactly. I moved my arm from my side and slowly raised it and he did the same, our arms moved in unison as if I was looking into a mirror, I closed my eyes and seen a strange circular object black and white in color some form of torus or almost yin yang in my minds eye, as I opened my eyes he too was opening his eyes and I described what I had just witness he said he too saw exactly what I described in his minds eye. So my interpretation of that was that we became one. There was no distinction between self and other, down to the very mechanics of body movements and thought. It was as if I was one being living through 2 bodies which makes sense when you understand what God is, One being. I gained a massive insight into the nature of reality and understand now how we are not our bodies and how we imagine everything and everyone. I dont think the object in mind was very important, i have no clue what that was about? Symbolic imagery of some kind, random mental image? But what i seen to be the most important was rather the collapse of duality into a Unity, Oneness. Id love to hear any responses you guys, Leo have about this. Accuracy of Truth of my insight, personal interpretations, comments, shared insights? What facet of awakening this experience may apply to the most?
  15. Just dont watch a bunch then take a psychedelic, what ever is in your subconscious tends to bubble up. and that sounds like a recipe for a bad trip.
  16. I can relate to this actually. I have had an experience where my friend and myself took LSD, 2 liquid gel tabs. At which on moment we were talking to each other and all of a sudden we mirrored each other exactly. I moved my arm from my side and slowly raised it and he did the same, our arms moved in unison as if I was looking into a mirror, I closed my eyes and seen a strange circular object black and white in color some form of torus or almost yin yang in my minds eye, as I opened my eyes he too was opening his eyes and I described what I had just witness he said he too saw exactly what I described in his minds eye. So my interpretation of that was that we became one. There was no distinction between self and other, down to the very mechanics of body movements and thought. It was as if I was one being living through 2 bodies which makes sense when you understand what God is, one being. I gained a massive insight into the nature of reality and understand now how we are not our bodies and how we imagine everything and everyone. I dont think the object in mind was very important but rather the collapse of duality into a Unity.
  17. @Bach To answer your question recreational use of psychedelics is okay in itself under proper set and settings. They are more beneficial when used with a purpose as a tool though. You really dont want to be using them in a party scene because you really wont be able to turn inward which is where the real growth happens as well as other people do indeed influence the quality of the trip and influence your thoughts and reactions to circumstance. Its not something you want to be wasting on trying to have fun on the weekends. Using in a group setting tho with friends who are also on the path of raising ones consciousness where you are all using it as a tool can be very beneficial because you have other to people to communicate experience with and compare and contrast as well as investigate the distinctions between self and other. Personally, I have had an experience where my friend and myself took LSD, 2 liquid gel tabs. At which on moment we were talking to each other and all of a sudden we mirrored each other exactly. I moved my arm from my side and slowly raised it and he did the same, our arms moved in unison as if I was looking into a mirror, I closed my eyes and seen a strange circular object black and white in color some form of torus or almost yin yang in my minds eye, as I opened my eyes he too was opening his eyes and I described what I had just witness he said he too saw exactly what I described in his minds eye. So my interpretation of that was that we became one. There was no distinction between self and other, down to the very mechanics of body movements and thought. It was as if I was one being living through 2 bodies which makes sense when you understand what God is, one being. I gained a massive insight into the nature of reality and understand now how we are not our bodies and how we imagine everything and everyone. I dont think the object in mind was very important but rather the collapse of duality into a Unity. So if your taking psychedelic for recreation to experience with others then I see value in it because my experience into that insight was facilitated by having another person there. This is the potential psychedelics can have when done with others.
  18. You are correct, that is the case that you need to let go of that. You can be assured you will come back because the substance itself that you consume has to wear off. The psychedelic is like a ladder. You climb the ladder while it is there and you experience the high. But when we now remove the ladder you have nowhere else to go but back down your body metabolizes the substance and it wears off. The egoic defense mechanism is programmed to prevent you from seeing God by arising the emotion of fear which is triggered by thought, it is a powerful force that does its job to keep you in ego. The "I" that wants to experience God is what is blocking you from experiencing it. Let go of "holding" anything, even that awareness of awareness, thats also an idea or thought which can get in the way of surrender, your trying to maintain your sense of self which is and the desire for control to keep the psychological self alive. Letting that go. Awareness itself will always be present under all circumstances so the real "You" never goes anywhere. so you'll have to let go of the reassurance as well and remain in a state of not knowing or hold an attitude that "you dont mind what happens" just acceptance and surrender. Of all the psychedelics imo mushrooms is the only one that you can fearlessly let go because it is so pleasant you naturally are drawn to letting go. NN DMT and 5Meo DMT is alot more challenging, but will take you to God more effectively than shrooms, it would take alot of shroom to get to that state. over 5g. Do a few sessions of shrooms and LSD to loosen up your egoic hold on the sense of self and get comfortable with the psychedelic state then move up into the DMTs. Id recommend shrooms then LSD then NN DMT, then 5Meo DMT in that order, spacing out your trips by 14-20 days at least, giving you time to integrate.
  19. @Hanna Luna It depends on which psychedelic you choose to experiment with in relation to your sense of loss of control, also the lower the dose the more sense of control you have, So mushrooms i found up to 5g you very much have full sense of control, as well as up to 250ug of LSD. All they do is raise your consciousness to a point in which they recontextualize your current perceptions. You remain fully aware of what your doing. To give you an analogy, You may know about those snapchat filters people use over their photos? Well we can say it would be kind of like that but its a "filer" over your perception of reality. Now its not really a filter its more like we removed the filter of your ego and experience whats really there. DMT and 5MeO DMT are rather different in regards to the sense of control. Your sense of control is greatly diminished under these substances but your left in a state in which control is unnecessary and surrender is most appropriate. You start low and work you way up in dosage, you become increasingly more comfortable with the psychedelic states, The higher the dose of any of these substances potentially creates awakening experiences and ego death (ego is also your sense of control) which there is full loss of sense of control but the desire for control is also gone so your just there, and are at peace with the experience.
  20. Memes are golden! lol
  21. Start off with 3-3.5 grams at least. Grind it up in a grinder and place it in a cup. Fill the cup up with orange juice as pure and organic as you can. Doesnt have to be the juice of the fruit itself but it would be a good idea, you can still buy a bottle from somewhere and it works the same. But you fill it up till it just over flows the amount of shrooms, stir it up and let it soak for 5 min. This is done because Vitamin C is a catalyst for Psychedelics and it makes eating them much more pleasant. Set the intention of "Letting Go" Put it down in writing. Something like "My intentions for this trip is for Letting Go". Down it all at once, should take a gulp or 2. Then meditate for 20-30 min. When you feel the effects lay on your bed with headphones and listen to "reading music" from Youtube. Set the intention of "Letting Go rather than "facing your fears" because thats just gonna prime your brain for fear, where as Letting Go will prime your brain to letting go and surrender to the essence of the experience itself. This will bypass that whole aspect where fear wont even arise, You'll automatically end up in Love. Fully feel into your body and merge with the sounds. Remember to concentrate on your breathing during any intense moments. Let us know how it goes. Dont forget to take notes after your experience.
  22. Hey Rilles, I too have been experiencing that. Its like im casually engaging in a normal activity or going about my day and WHAM out of no where you become Hyper Awake, Hyper Focused into the present moment to where its almost overwhelming to be completely aware of existence! Your just like Holy Fuck! lol. Then like you said 2 seconds later you come down. Usually occurs during random contemplations about reality. I dont think its Samadhi because ive experienced Samadhi before and Samadhi is way more vibrant and energetic where as this is just pure clear Wakefulness not too different from how you were already perceiving just amplified by 10. Does that sound like your experience too? I dont think theres a specific name for it, i think its simply the raising or rising of Consciousness. Its like a peak to establish a new baseline.
  23. @Tim R https://thethirdwave.co/microdosing/mushrooms/
  24. Guys remember this work is about ourselves not Leo.