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Everything posted by electroBeam

  1. I created characters that told me not to come home and that isn't my fault psychedelic time!
  2. but you didn't know they were imaginary once(well if your character is normal ) and thought they were real, or its at least its possible to pretend they are real, and then it sucked real bad, why would you be such as masochist Do you have low self esteem issues? Hate yourself? These 2 quotes together makes me feel very warm and comfortable: Sure I don't have any actual evidence that I ever thought the dream characters were real... and maybe I'm just somehow making that up because I'm crazy But that seems a bit far fetched, I don't think I'm that crazy.
  3. but this is what i mean by you trying to be happier haha. You never want to not return and go back out again AFAIK? So how did it happen in the first place? Why would you deliberately choose to separate? And if you say you would never do that, then how did you get here in the first place? Why would any god in his right mind deliberately separate to the point of severe suffering. And if he wouldn't, then why did it happen. Why so much suffering in the world, so much suffering on your path. When was the time that you deliberately chose to do that and why. Anyway psychedelics will give me the answers soon enough.
  4. right so from 1, there's actually a want to be 2. Interesting. Will have to get evidence of that through psychedelics.
  5. well that's not gonna work isn't it Psychedelics makes you do better than you can
  6. didn't you say in another post that its important to have routine in spirituality like its important to have routine in brushing your teeth?
  7. why would you dream up such an silly woman... silly Nahm jks btw not saying your wife is silly Love that summary, that's exactly how it seems to me. What's funny is back in the old old days, buddhist monks and yogis use to say that only men can enlighten... and then it turns out that actually women are better at enlightenment then men in general.
  8. While "people" are on the path, they develop an allergic reaction to calling themselves human or acting dualistically so that they perpetuate the myth that they are awake or super spiritual when they aren't. Once the path is over, they are free to be as dualistic as they want, because the myth that they are awake or super spiritual or enlightened is over.
  9. Transpersonal Psychology. Or not go to university at all.
  10. Of course, what have you been doing your entire life? Moving on. You have homework to do, so you move onto playing video games to get away from the fear of doing homework. Your parents get angry at you, so you run away in fear or get angry back at them to move on from the pain that your parents are triggering within you, when a girl rejects you, you think she's not worth it anyway or start thinking she's a jerk just to move on from the pain of being rejected. We move on a lot in life, but who here actually doesn't move on and fully feels and embraces what we're trying to move on from? How long will you be moving on before you realise that moving on is the problem? And the solution isn't to move on, but to stop and look at what's actually happening instead?
  11. Whose the one imagining that? EDIT: actually on 2nd thought, whose the one imagining this:
  12. ...and is that realisation you just dreamt up, and want to have, made of different stuff to an actual realisation? Btw, just a random guess here, but letting go of fears doesn't mean your fears will be realised. It just means you're letting go of them and they may or may not be realised. You don't have any evidence that your fears will actually be realised, because all evidence is arbitrary belief. So its ok to let go of fears without feeling like letting go = definitely fear will be realised.
  13. There's your problem! Those bloody fears. You really want to wake up but those fears are so real and strong that its impossible. Why would God put them there if he loved you so much? If only God made it so those fears were literally the belief themselves instead of beliefs pointing to something real, then it would be so much easier.
  14. Reading about it is nice, but God is eager for you to experience it yourself.
  15. or you could just have the intention to get it across in consideration of the way your collocutor might interpret it
  16. Hi guys for the past month or 2 whenever i sleep i feel a bliss that radiates everywhere and dissolving and then after a few hours i wake up feeling overly energised and can't get back to sleep. If i take melatonin to go back to sleep ill wake up again in another hour or 2. This is a considerable health risk because lack of sleep is disruptive to your daily activities, and in the long term. I feel energised when i wake up but this whole thing is causing very bad fatigue throughout the day. Doctors are fucked on the issue. Any help would be appreciated thanks.
  17. that's a good point. It was happening prior to the melatonin. Michael569 has some siddhis or something because 2-3 weeks ago I was getting very big spikes of adrenaline unhealthily often (clinically found) due to a psychospiritual phenomena. So it could be related to adrenaline. Diet I don't think is the problem because I've had a keto diet for ages now and this problem has only started happening now. I think adrenaline reduction tablets may be a good temporary fix until a deeper solution arises. I already have valium because the doctor gave it to me before due to the issue a few weeks ago but I don't want to use it that much. @integral thanks for the advice, in hindsight I came across as a bit of a smart ass because people usually aim for bliss which I forgot. Yes bliss is very good, but disruption from fatigue and lack of concentration from lack of sleep isn't good. In the past (from 2 yrs ago to a week ago) I use to eat like 2-4 chicken breasts a day, so got heaps of protein. Unfortunately that had 0 effect on whats going on.
  18. been meditating for ages I do what the cool dudes adviata vedanta people do and meditate/contemplate 24/7 jks. I meditate all the time, but contemplate whenever I feel like it which is usually maybe 1-3 hours a day. excellent idea sure am, 20 carbs or less for the last 2 years woop woop (not advocating people do this, it can be unhealthy from a certain perspective, even though it works wonders for me). There's actually a bliss energy all the time, and it just gets much bigger at night, never thought it could be adrenaline or catecholamine from the low carbs. Nice. ketones keeping me up at night, im gonna tell all my low carb friends to show off A very informative video on why you should eat a keto diet:
  19. Im pretty sure people were much older in the past. Which is interesting, and means people might start to leave the forum after 25. Right so in the dating section, all of the discussion was around 16 yr old problems all along explains a lot.
  20. @randomguy123 its ok to let that sad story go, and feel good for the sake of it... because that story isn't actually real. The only ego trip you're going through right now is thinking you're a problem.
  21. And then graduate