28 cm unbuffed

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Everything posted by 28 cm unbuffed

  1. @Preety_India This is my last bad habit - I do play some video games in the evening sometimes. Is it really that toxic? About 2 hours of spiritual practice, damn, that's a lot. I have no idea how would that look like, I thought that spirituality is more like a journey, an adventure, having experiences, never treated it as a practice (if you mean meditation/yoga, I do practice these every day and it takes like 1.5 hours total). I also do contemplation, but really only, when I have some issues that I need to sort out. Never tried self-inquiry.
  2. @flume The second one. I still do way too many things, because it's a good thing. Before starting self-development I was really narcissistic and now there is a lot of fear of not doing anything bad. Dunno, it's strange, I just fear God and karma, because I experienced it and I don't want to ever again, fuck that.
  3. I understood it today. It's counterintuitive, but - to truly forgive someone you gotta be selfish in some way lol, a quick story: There was one situation and one girl, that I couldn't forgive. The first step I took, was doing everything, that was in my power, to talk with her and sort things out (I am a perfectionist, so I took my a while to get this done 100%). It didn't work out in the end, but I was sure, that I did everything that I could and my conscience is clear. And just after I did all of that, a friend of mine wrote me something like this: "maybe for me, these kinds of situations are easy, because of my character traits, but I am just too prideful to make these things stop me". In the end, if you know it's them, that treat you wrong and hurt you, it takes pride to forget about all of it and walk away.
  4. @Preety_India Great answer. That's exactly what I want - to understand and have the best of both worlds. I feel so full and empty at the same time, that I don't know if there are any more lessons for me in life lol, which may sound really arrogant. There are only tons of work and a lot of experiences ahead.
  5. @Leo Gura What is your view on dating, girls, and relationships at your stage? Are you already at a stage where girls are whatever for you, or you aspire to be at the stage? Do you seek true love or you are just above relationships whatsoever? What I mean is - what is the ultimate truth that you acknowledged yourself (like the best answer you came up with so far).
  6. Same for me, I have no idea what to think about all of it. What I want is maximum happiness that can be possibly abtained, and I'm doubting my previous worldview here, I want to gather your opinions about that.
  7. @Espaim Expect tons of action, taking extreme ownership for your own life, a great amount of discipline to develop. Accept that you are probably an (deleted by mod), that is (deleted by mod) as fuck. Stay humble, keep on working.
  8. This is dope, it's a sad moment, when you realize, that you have to leave some people in a Matrix and quoting Jesus "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do". It's not that easy to integrate and I'm still working on it on my own, not giving a fuck is easy but not giving a fuck about your loved ones is another level.
  9. @Chumbimba It does seem selfish in the beginning bro, with the time you will realize - I have this one life only, I want the best life possible. There is no "need' for you to change the world, do it only if you really want to.
  10. Yeah, it doesn't mean, that you are the one, who should always open conversation first. You don't need to prove anything to anybody, it's counterintuitive, but it's out of fear of staying alone. Just be free, be yourself, try to be funny or small talk them or don't. Just be yourself, like they would not exist (not in an arrogant way).
  11. Try this one: start doing both of these. You will become so busy in a process, that naturally, you will have to start to prioritize your activities. Easy way to find "the one" passion, just follow your feeling, what gives you more joy, and excites you more. By making yourself super busy you will have no choice other than choosing one, thinking will never solve it.
  12. @StarStruck Ok, after thinking about it, I do that too ? Fuckem
  13. I'm kind towards someone that is genuinely a good, authentic and honest person, not sure, how to describe that, but here, you never will need to think about it, these people are just like something, you can't be mean towards. I am mean towards the people I like to tease a little, like, they are full of bullshit, low consciousness, I love to fuck around with their demons. Being mean without reason towards good people, just because you have a bad day is not an answer. Of course, it's oke, do not judge yourself when you will lose your temper, you are just a human being. Nobody's perfect. The last point - I have no idea how to be kind toward people that are fake, full of shit, that must be some Buddha level shit. I am not mean towards them per se, I just show them no respect and I treat them like air, that's the best I can do here.
  14. @Spiral Wizard I went through just one and I don't see a reason to live already, duh
  15. @Spiral Wizard Have you experienced a dark night of the soul event? Do any of you guys know - is it happening every time when you are going into the next spiral stage or is it one event in a lifetime? From my experience it works like that - you are given a choice - enlightenment, and end of your life or living a dream and staying in this world, filling up your ego, and going up in stages on a spiral. You either want to die or don't. It feels like that - you either sell your soul to the devil (stay in the material world, chasing money, fame, success, women, etc.) or you die. There will be no mistake man, you will say to yourself - I did everything I wanted in this life, I am ready to die. That's why it happened so easy to Eckhart Tolle I think, his suffering was so big, that he just wanted to die.
  16. That was so on point, looooool
  17. I'm basically stuck and it's taking way too long time now, I'm pretty frustrated. I wanted to reach a time in my life, when I will love or at least like myself, be well organized, disciplined, and overall in check. I said to myself - when I'll reach that point I'll start dating (to not attract in my life cool girls I have to be cool guy first, I figured). The first trap that I encountered was perfectionism - I wanted to be fucking perfect to then attract perfect woman, logic, right? Wrong, you'll never be perfect. Then I figured - ok, so I have to do it gradually. I will start from dating, let's call them not that pretty and not that smart women and we'll see where it goes. Backward fucking trap - I can't do it, it's like forcing yourself to eat something distasteful, for a lack of better words. How to find a fucking center? What is the way? Third sentence with a question mark in the end? Please help ? ?
  18. @Chakra Lion You misunderstood me here, I'm a funny guy, it was like a meme joke or something, like "I have no idea what am I doing" dog or something, whatever. Not everyone gets my sense of humor, and how you supposed to get it via internet browser lol. That wasn't harsh, that was just an attempt to be funny (great job me). Ok, I get it. It's so hard though, damn. Finding a balance between trying and letting go. That's some metaphysics stuff, connecting to Tao, etc. I think that basically, what you just said to me was: let go, work on your business and a lady will come by herself into your life.
  19. @Preety_India I work on all of that. Practically - all of my life is in check, for real. Diet, exercise, money, spirituality, learning. Going into business stuff right now, I have a couple of projects to work on. Not sure if I'm even going to have time to dedicate to dating life lol. But I want to start trying, turn this part of life on. I am aware that I am fucking obsessed about my life, not sure where to draw a line. I learn to do less every day, lol. Tao is the way.
  20. @Chakra Lion What the fuck are you talking about But seriously, I don't get it. I love myself, I am empty, I reached spiritual awakening. Next step - love others and the love will follow? Did I understand you correctly?
  21. Right now I'm reading this one book about money and there was a concept about what does it really mean to be "lucky". My aunt bought a new necklace for herself, which is a golden elephant, which is a symbol of luck. There is a guy in a place that I work that wears "The lucky one" shirt like every fucking day. I met with my cousin today, her tattoo is a clock with 13 under it. When I asked her about it, she told me: "didn't you know that? I was born in Friday the 13th". Too much fucking coincidences. Trying every opportunity that life is giving us - that is working for our luck to increase our chances, that's how we can increase our luck. Trusting the Universe, do not force anything and going with a flow, that's another way. Being a good human, giving others positive energy so it will go back to us, that's something too. Doing everything that we can to be the best versions of ourselves, while being honest with ourselves. These are the ways in which I understand, we can create our own luck. Is there anything else to this concept? Is it something more than what we were taught? What do you guys think and how do you understand it? What luck really is?
  22. @StarStruck Wheatgrass - do you drink it, like a green juice in a morning? I've read, that it works like coffee, without negative effects.
  23. @Inliytened1 Damn, nonduality. Infinite and nothingness become one. No good and evil. No real and imaginary. That must be.. something. (And nothing lol)
  24. @Inliytened1 I think I get it. It's like - from a victim's point of view: something happened to me. From a spiritual person's point of view: something happened for me. Exactly the same thing, different points of view. Is that what you mean?
  25. @Meta-Man Jeff Bezos' and Kanye's example was deep, I get it. I did a lot of shadow work and I got that covered already, in the process I wanted to be a rapper, a president of the United States, you name it. I surrendered to the Tao, as you say. @Inliytened1 @Aaron p @Nahm I have no idea what are you talking about. Umm