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Everything posted by MarkusSweden

  1. @Preetom We will always be in the cave when it comes to truth, nothing happened to humanity as a whole when a small proportion already 3000 years ago find out about absolute truth and that infinite consciousness is the only 'substance' of reality. Maybe 'we' formulated a coherent 'consciousness only model' already 5000 years ago. Also, nothing happened to humanity regarding truth during this early stages of information age, with internet. If something big happens, it always happens early on in a new era/technology. Jimi Hendrix will always be the greatest virtuous ever to play the electric guitar, which was a new instrument at his time. Silly example, but you get it. Rupert Spira is probably the greatest of them all to explain truth to newbies and scientific minded, yet he has like 10k viewers on average to his channel. So, if humanity as a whole were open to truth, something of a big shift in consciousness would have happened by now. Just take a look at this forum, we are not even 50 frequently active members, yet this is the only forum with decent kind of traffic. Crazy how uncurious humanity is. When I go to a soccer game in Norrkoping, Sweden's 10th largest city with 140k citizens to see my local club win games, there are at least 10.000 people in the crowd to watch the game. 10k out of 140k is pretty good, like 7%. Compare that to the 50 active members here out of the whole worlds population. Everyone on the planet with access to internet find Leo on youtube and the forum if they are interested in the subjects we discuss here. Humanity is almost immune to truth. Which is so weird, because it leads to such a great joy and happiness. Why people not want truth to become liberated from their mind-prison is beyond my understanding. Also, Leo quoted Terence McKenna yesterday saying: 'Psychedelics don't work on stupid people' and @Leo Gura also added: 'There is no cure for close minded people. That's true. Humanity is bound to be blind as a whole. A tiny subset of humanity will have this knowledge though, but for what good other then their own well being? Because they will not be able to save the world from suffering, although, it's frustrating, because theoretically it would be the easiest thing ever to change the world if people were adaptive. We could end fear and suffering and have a loving world in just a few days. But only theoretically, as you know, the wise people never govern anything, it's the masters that governs the wise once, and that's how it always will be. Love has no place in society, wisdom is thrown in jail and peace is turned away from the door. But at least we can have all of that in our hearts and share it with the open ones.
  2. @Rilles This is what NMR is today, Per Öberg(Head of press) and Simon Lindberg(head of NMR) and the party itself stretch these points very often. * They DON'T think any race or ethnicity is more worth, and no race should master another race. They just believe world would be a better place if countries were ethnic homogenous rather then multicultural. *They are agains all violence, they don't want to murder one single human being. But a revolution for the good of the world is still needed to break the power of the elites that enslaves humanity. And in revolutions people will die, but they want to avoid it as much as they can, they love peace, unlike the hateful and violent left with Antifa and other activistic groups. The elite that have influence over people(humanity) that creates evil on the planet in a 'top-down' kind of way consists of.. *Globalists (leftists, marxists, socialists, communists), *Capitalists(banks, dept/interests-industry, fractional reserve-principe, evil inflation-tools, central banks, the Rothchilds etc) *Zionists(double strategy by jews, a nationalistic movement for Israel and suppressive, demoralisation movement for other nations like *open borders *(((porn-industry))) to prevent men from breeding, *feminism to trick women into a shallow carrier path instead of breeding/family (LBTQ for the same reason) *promotions of white supremacism and patriarchy hate in order to cripple whites, men in particular, and create victim mentality in coloured people. *divide and conquer strategy in mainstream (((news papers))), like provocations of hate between all groups, men vs women, blacks vs whites, young vs old etc. *Promotion of bad/ugly culture/art/architecture in order to kill western values and replace it with decadence. NMR WANTS HAPPY PEACEFUL HOMOGENOUS COUNTRIES ALL OVER THE WORLD, IN FACT, WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT, THAT IS A REAL MULTICULTURAL WORLD, TO MIX ALL CULTURES ONLY MAKES THE WORLD THE SAME EVERYWHERE WITHOUT ANY CULTURE AT ALL. Having said all this, I'm not voting for NMR, although they are not that bad, they respect all peoples and pick the best from individualistic ideologies as well as the best from collectivistic ideologies. Of course we should not ban them from the streets, but the elites are the ones who pull the strings and brainwash people. Btw, I will vote for Afs, and Gustav Kasselstrand.
  3. Hehe, are you Jed McKenna junior? But you explain it great though, and it's not a bad thing to be inspired. I like this dialogue btw.
  4. Great thread, enjoying and nostalgic! Those early Disney figures were so alive, so warm and funny, Disney had some artists back then.
  5. @Hamilcar This will give you a great understanding, watch it at least a few times. He talk about what objects really are, and what it means to see them. Is there really anything more to them then the seeing of them? (Rhetoric question)
  6. @Colin Star Wars Battlefront from 2015 looks really cool, have you played it? Would love to try it out. Graphics looks a bit like the old star wars cult movies from late 70's and early 80's, the episodes 4, 5 and 6 that is.
  7. Great! I was a little bit disappointed it was so short though, only 16 min, compare to his 1.5h on average. But it nice to see him so fresh and innocent, that 30 days of meditation retreat did him great, almost as if he looks younger..
  8. So many years in school, so many books to read, so much knowledge to learn. So many concepts, labels and facts that school gave us. But did school ever gave us a good valid pointer to the infinite consciousness? I don't remember I've ever heard my teachers point to the empty awareness that we are. Is nothingness some kind of secret or why don't our school ever mentioning it? After all, isn't our own consciousness the most mysterious thing is this whole universe? Why not start contemplating that in school, before we learn about all the stupid biased history that we are brainwashed with? Is it just the schools in my country that are like that, or have you noticed it as well?
  9. How can I be myself if there is no place for real people? Isn't your statement a contradiction? Is it ok to stay away from family as well. I stay away from all toxic socializations, except with my family, but I would like to stay away from them too. I always thought that you have to treat family as something sacred, a sacred unity or something. But you're saying it's ok to break up with them too? I secretly would love to because I would like to cut ALL ties to toxic socializations. Please elaborate on this. And thanks for your presence at this forum. You're a flower, pure intuition, no manipulations. ♥❣
  10. Hey Faceless, You should share a link of yourself at the gym. More enlightened than Bruce Lee, and an animal at the workout sessions.
  11. Yes @Brittany, Elin is a true hero, right? She delayed a flight for two hours, only to save a criminal Afghanistan man, 52 years of age, who done prison time in the past due to violent criminal behaviour. And the 52 year old criminal that she "saved", was put on the very next flight, and in the end Elin only caused a tremendous expensive delay and frustrated people. A green "hero"
  12. @mostly harmless Is he for real? Is he trolling?
  13. How dare you ask a neighbour what she reads? How rude! People are too sensitive these days. People here call me nazi and psychopath, if that's what they think of me, that's fine, why are people so upset all the time. I don't trust others opinions on myself, I don't even trust my own opinions on myself. If one can't ask a person what he/she reads, then we surely live in crazy times..
  14. He's ironic, it's subtle, a form of meta-humor let's say. Low-IQ people lack the capability to register the fine nuances when it comes to humor like this. You're telling us you're one of them? @Joseph Maynor is a genius when it comes to sarcasm and irony. He doesn't dumbing down to make it more obvious and less funny in order for you to understand.
  15. @Scholar Aren't we just as close-minded here? Remember that character who call himself "egoless" that told us that he leaved non-duality for christianity? Lol, we absolutely slaughtered him, we showed him no understanding what so ever. I also started a thread, where I elaborate on spiritual narratives, and why the non-dual, non-materialistic narrative is so dominant here. I was labeled crazy for even elaborate on materialism and the existence of subjects aka selves. Isn't if funny?
  16. I always treated these four labels as synonyms for one and the same inwardly path to infinite consciousness. Am I right, or are there any differences between a Sage, a Mystic, a Saint and a Yogi? Generally speaking. Besides, are there more lifestyles that are closely linked to these mentioned above? In that case, what's the name of those, and how do they differ?
  17. There are different stages of awareness though, whatever you call them are nothing but concepts of course. But nevertheless, there are different dimensions to consciousness and most people prefer the state of awareness that we refer to as enlightenment. Tricky part is to reach that stage. That's what we help each other to do here.
  18. Good post, Manson was surely intelligent and aware. Yeah, how tragic that is, children are most often butchered already at very early age, metaphorically spoken.
  19. Gotta love Matt Kahn, although this video is old, this "Truth about truth" - clip is truly gold.