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Posts posted by SgtPepper

  1. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    Because it's just acknowledging what you are.

    do you mean the imagination of who we are or God? 

    I do see the wisdom in accepting oneself. so that's a good answer to me.

    1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    Let's say you found Truth, what then?

    Well, I imagine, going out to the world and servicing Myself. Living life deeply with my whole body. Devote myself to something meaningful.


    1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    I bring my Godness into the sex or whatever.

    When you realize you're God, you will also realize a deep compassion for yourself and your desires. God doesn't need you to surrender all your desires, that's actually ego talking. God would love for you to explore whichever desires you desire. God can allow itself to be selfish because it is selfless.

    I do the same. - "Bring Godness into sex"

    Is it not a bit of a paradox? the desire to not surrender desires is also ego talking? Since if I were in the Godhead, there would be no desires, since God does not need (?)


    1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    If you want to buy yourself a Porsche Taycan, God will say: "Okay, buy it and enjoy it." God is not going to say, "No you selfish fuck, that's wrong!"

    I feel like God may say, go ahead, but it won't satisfy you. As if to say, go do something more meaningful. I could be wrong though.


    1 hour ago, Inliytened1 said:

    But you still ain't had a three some.  

    What is the value in that? Did a threesome bring you great meaning into your life?



  2. 3 hours ago, BenG said:


    Interesting. So, would you say helped to put into context something you didn't previously have words for? Like do you think Leo helped shape the way you perceive the psychedelic experience after the fact?

    I would say yes & no. Leo kind of took me to the next level by discussing no-self, meditation, no-thought states. I found him for the meditation guide + practice, and stayed for the personal development stuff because I am psychology person, that was my major in college.

    I kind of started applying the meditation stuff on my psychedelic trips which helped a lot. The self-inquiry was already there from the beginning, I was always curious about truth and nature, which is why I went into psych.

    Interestingly... at the time, Leo said that psychedelics were a distraction, so I was kind of confused about reconciling a teaching from someone I respected, but I honestly was like I am going to still do them and just appreciate the personal development content.

    Then he just went hardcore on psychedelics and I got mega-confirmation bias, especially with the God stuff lol. And I think because I did and still do psychedelics, I have an easier time following him his concepts then maybe some newcomers? I really don't know though. 

  3. 34 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    No.  That's they key mistake.  To put yourself in a conceptual category.  God is everything.  God is animalistic desire.  God is One.   God is all of it.  Right now you are conceptually painting a way that you have to be in your mind.  This must come naturally without thinking.  

    okay, hold up, let's break it down, please.

    because I feel like you are saying the relative truth does not matter in that statement, but we just agreed that some things are unwise and some are wise.

    If I am not placing myself in a category and not thinking about my behavior as well as the impact, that would be unwise, would it not?

    I am choosing to listen to Leo over Connor for a reason or maybe listening to Conner can bring me to God just as much as Leo?

    Saying Leo is more awake than Connor is just as much conceptual category as anything...


    If I say God is all, then listening to Connor is just good as listening to Leo, but we agreed this is not the case. So God is not all of it so to speak, in a real relative way. God is something specific.

    He is not awake, but He is.

    Murdering an innocent baby is not going to bring me to God-realization, but cautiously doing psychedelics will. 

    so in other words different behaviors/practices have different results right?

    Unless you are saying, that I can find God in the act murdering an innocent baby?

    Because if you are saying is that all relative acts are God, rather than the imagination of God - then this justifies cult leads who rape teens and pedophile priests who rape children.


    God is animalistic desire? how can that be if God is nothingness and needs nothing?

    Sex is imaginary, but God is not, right? 


    What we are speaking about is the crux/crossroad of my spiritual understanding, and it is the difference between hope/love and nihilism to me. Am I deluded with that statement? 

    I'd like some clarification on those of you, who are further in the path than I.

    edit: moreover, I can see in a way that Leo is saying, it is wise, to accept oneself. But what if oneself is a rapist? then personal development is order, so its quite a paradox? 

  4. 23 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    You can keep developing your self/mind forever.

    yes, that does make sense actually. 


    23 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Honestly, after my deepest awakening, it's made me embrace my desires more. I am more honest with myself about my animalistic desires. I have no problem being hedonistic at times. I've dropped the spiritual act of being above desire, and this is actually growth.

    For example, in the middle of my deepest awakening I got the desire/vision to start a love triangle / threesome with 2 girlfriends. And there was zero shame in that. I'm not saying I'm acting out on it, but I'm also not saying I would not. Basically, I allow myself whatever pleasure I want which doesn't harm others much.

    what is the wisdom in following animalistic desires/chasing pleasure?

    If we are spending time following animalistic desire, is that not time away from who you are, Truth?

    I mean, I get it, I am no saint. But is it not the goal to overcome these desires, not through shame or guilt, but the pursuit of higher (quality) pleasure that is God?

  5. I agree.

    I do not follow or agree with Connor Murphy at all in terms of how to behave or present myself, but brought him up as a reference.

    Thank you for your guys reply. 

    I see the oneness via deep no thoughts states and psychedelics. But I also saw the value or wisdom in making a distinction of a relationship in my personal behavior & identity and my awakenings to God. and I was wondering if this is keeping myself deluded or perhaps it is part of the process and for now, I need to maintain this sense of self. 

    Do you both think there is a mature, defined, final realized version of the self (lowercase s) or is that undefined and can only be actualized through the unfolding of deeper awakenings?

    I guess I like having a behavioral goal (personal development) and sometimes use it, even to the point of resisting my 'devilish' desires to maintain the sense of devotion to stillness/God or maybe my higher maturer self.

    Trying my best to explain this...

    I see sometimes new age say to embrace desire, whereas I am sensing tradition religions are saying to abstain from certain behaviors. Is this wise or delusion? or can it be both?

    what do you guys think?


    15 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Those of you who are not ready for the highest awakening can just stick around for the development aspects of this work and enjoy a good normal life.

    I'd definitely like to do both, in my own pace, which is why I stay. I also like socializing with you all. And I like having an avenue of information that is not dogmatic and is unreligious. Of course, it appears to me that developed humans will look different from person to person.

  6. 2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    You could have an awakening and then go shoot up a school. That doesn't mean the awakening didn't happen or wasn't real. It's just that one awakening does not transform a lifetime of bad mental habits.

    Leo, you have previously discussed wisdom and it's one of my favorite videos of yours. because it is a value of mine and I also noticed it is something I value more, especially the more I awaken.

    If someone deeply awakens and then shoots up a school, how is that wise?

    and If someone is not wise, then couldn't it be said they are not fully awake?

    If I did 4g of mushrooms and I thought about pissing myself and maybe did piss myself because nothing matters, isn't that just stupid and a result of not being considerate of the relative truth?

    It just seems to me that wisdom and being awake are connected in some way. Am I just being biased here?

    Like If I speak with Connor Murphy or You, I am obviously going to see you as more wise because you appear more aware of how your behavior effects others; and therefore more awake.

    What's going on? Does it just all boil down to personal bias and survival?

    Anyways, I am looking forward to your next video.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

    He fooled me into believing he understood what he was talking about with respect to spirituality and healing.

    I wish Nahm respected my time and money as well, rather than leading me on into thinking he had the ability to help me.

    Fair enough. :$

    I do not know. 

  8. 13 minutes ago, Tim R said:

    Guys please stop shitting on Nahm like that, okay? You don't have to agree with everything he says or the way he says things but please stay respectful.



    agreed. Nahm is chill.

    If anything, we should self-reflect on how we communicate with others if we have a problem with how others are communicating to us.


    5 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

    What is the difference between honestly expressing what happened and what he's doing and "shitting" on him

    Well, it seems to me like you are implying, he fooled you into giving him money. I'd like to see you accept responsibility for your choices and recognize that Nahm's time is valuable which is why anyone would charge someone for a 'session'. 

  9. Lots of ways to answer. 

    An absolute way to answer it is to recognize that God is in control. So why we don't do x,y,z is because God does not create it that way. And perhaps that is the case because there is a purpose in experiencing that good and evil. 

    and I say this as a suggestion, maybe something to contemplate, not as absolute truth.

  10. Nahm is cool.

    Sometimes I understood and sometimes I didn't. He's largely pointing to thoughts being barriers to the Now, and hopes that it would cessate the thinking process.

    In the end, you asked him to be more reasonable and conscious of his communication style, and he chose not to. 

    This is just as much Nahm's choice as it is Leo's choice.

  11. I could be wrong, but it seems like Leo is suggesting systematically using psychedelics with the intent to become aware of Truth is the best way to awaken. 

    But ultimately, it seems that it doesn't really matter, since there's no choice and God is... like the process itself is an illusion which is probably why he said what he said in the blog video. 

  12. 12 hours ago, Ludwigvan said:

    There's also good insights to learn from Horus, Attis, Krishna, Dionysus, and Mithra who were also born of a virgin, crucified, dead for 3 days, and resurrected.

    Other saviors Zulius, Osiris, Orus of Egypt, Odin of Scandinavians, Crite of Chaldea, Zoroaster of Persia, Baal and Taut, "the only begotten of god," of Phoenecia, Indra of Tibet, Bali of Afghanistan, Jao of Nepal, Wittoba of the Bilingonese, Thammuz of Syria, Atys of Phrygia, Xamolxis of Thrace, Zoar of the Bonzes, Adad of Assyria, Deva Tat, and Sammonocadam of Siam, Alcides of Thebes, Mikado of the Sintoos, Beddru of Japan, Hesus or Eros, and Bremrillah, of the Druids, Thor, son of Odin, of the Gauls, Cadmus of Greece, Hil and Feta of the Mandaites, Gentaut and Quexalcote of Mexico, Universal Monarch of the Sibyls, Ischy of the island of Formosa, Divine Teacher of Plato, Holy One of Xaca, Fohi and Tien of China, Adonis, son of the virgin Io of Greece, Ixion and Quirinus of Rome, Prometheus of Caucasus all generally follow a same mythology of the savior. These aren't just any myths, they're specifically savior myths deep in their mythology. 

    This is fake news. I have heard this claim before, especially about Horus, Mithra, from the documentary Zeitgeist and if you look into it, the claims are not backed by primary sources. 

  13. In addition. I asked Leo how an awakened person would act or behave, and Leo pretty much said, there is no way, they would behave however way they wanted to or in other words, how God imagined them to be. 

    This makes it difficult if not impossible to know/see who is awake.

    What if someone were awake, but behaved as a devil. Many would say he is not awake, he is hurting 'others' because of ignorance, but theoretically, he/she can be awake. The closest devil I can imagine to maybe being awoken is Charles Manson.

    If I were to say I was awake, I would get resistance from everyone. - of course because it is not 'I' that awoke, but God awoke to himself.

    It's as if when one awakes, the center is you, and that is why Leo says to forget all teachers, not only does that break the Truth and keep us asleep in duality, but it plunges us into stories, concepts, and labels. 

    The message I got from the blog video, is that all teachers, paradigms, models, spiritual practices, and even personal contemplation is all imaginary because the Truth is God, which is beyond all of that - and that is all. The moment, we contemplate about it or create models around it, is the moment, we lost it, and demonstrates we are not awake.

    I can speak on being in a solipsistic state of my own and I describe it as a state because I don't usually think in a solipsistic way because it became impractical. I would have to detach myself from obligations and survival to maintain that Truth.

  14. @SQAAD

    I don't think he's denying it per say, its more like its just not real, or it is imaginary in relation to God-realization. The Truth is experiences are not real in the sense, that they do not have any substance, the only substance is Consciousness. 

    So while we are making distinctions about what we eating for lunch tomorrow. the next day, it is forgotten, but what has remained is consciousness and thats the actuality of reality, not the experiences themselves.

    Dreams are one of the best analogies because while I am going to have X dream tonight and you will have Y dream tonight. when we wake up, we will come back to Z reality we both see and realize X and Y dream were illusory; however going deeper... Awakening transcends Z reality, to the point where all dreams no matter, how much they vary are just like the dream we will have tonight - a temporary symphony that eventually leads to an awakening of what is actually happening - God. 

    This is why I notice Leo does not anything is good or bad because distinguishing an activity or behavior as good or bad, is part of the dream, and so is the activity and behavior. The actual truth of the matter is that all is a product of the nature of God. 


  15. @SQAAD It's a bit of a mindfuck.

    What Leo is saying is that others is Leo. Or in other terms, the others you are referring to, are you. So there is one being in essence, we call it God. Me and you are not actually me and you, we are God. when one is awake, then everything is them and therefore there are no others.

    Moreover, the one or sense of being a self is also an illusion because a self kind of implies an other, but there is just God.

    correct me if I a wrong.