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Everything posted by Rebec

  1. @Gladius That is my point, learn from the tools in book Happiness Advantage, apply to your current job. Because there is no such thing as luck and creating new opportunity when you don't feel happiness. People tend to overlook opportunity when they describe their jobs as not usefull or unforfilling. Job satisfaction can be created in your mind regardless if its brings no satisfaction at all. That doesn't mean you need to be bound to do this job untill your retirement. It means making the best of your current situation untill your find something better to replace it with. Don't believe that having or creating your ultimate job is the most forfilling thing there is all the time and every day. Every job has its up and downsides; if yin gets bigger, so does yang
  2. Read the book Letting Go by David Hawkins and apply surrender technique.
  3. Listen to this audiobook by Shawn Achor, even the most uninspired jobs can contribute to your life purpose;
  4. Different stages requires different books. Leo's 65 core principles gives a good idea of categories for books.
  5. Dan Harmon has reinvented Campbell's Hero's Journey into a story circle. Check Leo's episode on Campbell's work; And now check this! every story is the same. And apply it to your life. It has really helped me when I feel down or something feels hard in life. I know, eventually you want to get past the story circle, but untill then, enjoy the journey!
  6. @Dominic Try this for instant release (it's no long time cure!!) Then when you feel a little bit better; - try Teal Swan Awareness Meditation - try surrender technique like Sedona Method (Dwoskin) or Letting Go (Hawkins) - try inner child or shadow work (can you relate your pain to a past childhood trauma)
  7. Try The Work - Byron Katie Free worksheet; Watch YouTube how to use this method. ---- Question your beliefs till the core, by asking these two questions; X Why would that be a bad thing? X What would it mean if that were true? For example; I need to smoke. Why would that be a bad thing? Because I will give in to my craving. What would it mean if that were true? I'm not mentally strong. And so on and so on, till you find your deeper core belief. When you can't question the answer anymore. Solve core beliefs with the Work or Sedona Method (Dwoskin). ---- If your beliefs don't resolve, try the unstuck question; What payoff am I getting out of this positionality? What gratification, pleasure and satisfaction gives this position? If your willing to give up the payoff, the believe won't have so much power anymore. Good luck with your journey ?
  8. Letting Go - D. Hawkins
  9. You can replace this step with; 'what happens, when I believe that thought?' Even if you only describe your thoughts instead of feeling your feelings, if you do the whole process including turn around, it will work. You only need to write down the questions on the worksheet. When you do the four steps and turn around, just thinking about it in your mind is good enough, no need to write the answers down. The technique 'the Work' is really great and helpfull for changing beliefs. Also watch some of her YouTube content so you can see how other people react on step three. If you feel that you want to let go of feelings in your body, instead of changing your thought-beliefs, try; Letting Go by Hawkins or Sedona Method by Dwoskin.
  10. @MM1988 If you're using the Sedona Method and you have above thoughts on your life, you haven't accept your bad days, your just rejecting it, that is resistants...'whatever you resist, persists'. So maybe the Sedona Method isn't the right method to use right now. Try instead of Sedona Method, the allowing whatever is technique. This way you stop the fighting against yourself; check letting go by Hawkins or Youtube Channel Kyle Cease. These are both beliefs about yourself, build from past experience, try 'the Work' Byron Katie, to change these beliefs. What is the payoff? What pleasure, satisfaction are you getting out of the current situation your stuck in? Because if there isn't a payoff, you would be able to change your behavior inmediatly. Anxiety (hussle letters) = any exit What do you fear? Why do you need a exit? If you identify what you deep down need to escape from, and learn you can accept these deeper inner escape feelings, your life will change. Shine light on your fears, they hate it
  11. "Make no mistake about it – enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of… untruth. It’s seeing through the façade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” Adyashanti ---- "There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” Carl Jung ---- Simple truths don't mean easy paths. Just a reminder for everyone here who is willing to do work! Keep it up, you're doing great! I secretly think this is also a reminder for myself ?
  12. How does emotional homeostatis work? I understand that in 'normal' homeostatis my body will seach a dynamic state of optimal functioning for the organism and includes many variables, such as body temperature and fluid balance, being kept within certain pre-set limits. But how does this apply to my emotional state? I know that my own meaning gives me a lens which I few the world from. Tony Robins explains that we have a personal preference of one emotion which we return to. Who or what determines my pre-set limits? Does DNA play a part? My question; I don't understand the mechanism behind 'emotional' homeostasis, can someone explain this?
  13. - Adyashanti lectures Great lectures on non-duality, like Alan Watts - Teal Swan Great for emotional work - JulienHimself More profound than the RSD dating stuff. Letting go of your beliefs and feelings - Kyle Cease Up and coming (is doing the work on himself to become more concious), comedy and actualization. - Higherselfchannel Meditations to connect with your heart - Matt Kahn Deep, great lectures - Byron Katie There is no better way to release core beliefs. - teachers like David Hawkins, Shinzen Young, Peter Ralston, Kristnamurti Very very deep teachings There are lots more... remember; 'when the student is ready, the teacher appear'.
  14. Look like you have energy enough! Surrender doesn't mean to give up your memories, it only releases the pain. Looks like your stuck in a mental story. I actually think your stuck and expercience a great payoff by keeping your thoughts. What satasfaction, gratifaction and pleasure gives this position your currently stuck in? You can only heal yourself if you payoff isn't worth it anymore. All the psychedelics in the world won't heal you if your subconcious holds on to your pain. Be here Now, not in your mind, not in your past and not in some 'fantasy' future.
  15. @YoYoYo I'm very sorry to hear your story. 'Where ever you go, there you are'... maybe you find some benefits, but I believe this is temporary relief. Like diet, moving, vipassana and all the other things. It helps, but it isn't a solution to get rid of your daily suffering. You have tried a lot of 'outer' techniques, but there needs to be a 'inner' release, in short; work on releasing your emotions and feelings. And feeling totally oke with yourself, love yourself. First try this; read; Letting Go by D. Hawkins and surrender to every feeling / thought and emotion. No more fighting the feelings, or wanting to change or fix the feelings. Learn to be with you, feel that you are enough, yes even with a depression, addiction, no work, etc. Once you accept your feelings as yourself, something strange happens, the suffering will dissolve. Hawkins even talks about releasing pain and other body related issues, maybe it also works on hormones. It is all in the book. If you come from a state, 'I am not enough', everything you try will make it somewhat better, but your basis is 'I'm not enough'. When you release and drop 'I'm not enough', then the feeling can no longer be with you. Julienhimself YoutubeChannel talks a lot about this. Then if you have some momentum with above technique, try this if you feel really stuck and don't know why you still do the things and behavior you don't like, ask yourself; What payoff am I getting out of this positionality? What gratification, pleasure and satisfaction gives this position? There will be some positives otherwise you should and would drop you unwanted behavior with ease. Lastly; wanting awakings and enlightenment is a great and noble goal, but what if you reach it in 10 / 20 years and still feel miserable about yourself working towards it? It doesn't work. As Leo mentioned in his latest video, you need both. Start with working on releasing your emotions, learn to love yourself. Wishing you all the best with your journey ?
  16. Surrender! Just give up, allow every feeling to be there, don't judge, don't think about the pain. Just feel it, surrender to it. Book tip; Letting Go by D. Hawkins
  17. @Anirban657 Overcoming is wanting to get rid of it, 'what you resist, persists'. So that won't work if you keep believing this and resisting your fear of life. You say it's preventing you and ruining your career, ask your self this question; What is the payoff of this positionality I'm stuck in? What gratification, satisfaction and pleasure gives this position? Honesty with yourself works the best. Most likely you expercience some benefits, otherwise you can easily change your current behavior and believes. Then look for what deeper need you trying to forfill, like the need for attention, love, approval, security. Probaly something from your childhood. Then allow these feelings / thoughts / emotions, instead of resisting them. And let them go. Use; letting go (D. Hawkins), Sedona Method or The Work (Byron Katie). This is believe, a story. Use above methods to release these believes. And stop feeding your believes by giving yourself labels. Again, a believe. How do you know what good people skills are? Things you see in others don't makes them more skillfull. Carl Jung has a quote; “Whatever is rejected from the self, appears in the world as an event.” Go inside and accept yourself fully. I don't know if you resonate with him, but try julienhimself Youtube Channel (video's of the last two years), could be helpfull.
  18. @triadne Sounds like your stuck in your story what your telling yourself and your mind is repeating this story again and again; Every behavior has a payoff, so this 'story' your telling yourself has a payoff. Ask yourself; What is the payoff your getting from the positionality your stuck in? What pleasure, gratification and satasfaction are you getting out of this position? Then link your answers to a need, like the need for security or need for love or approval. Most likely your need is something you didn't get in your childhood. Help your little child with innerchild work. And then vibrations. The world exists out of vibrations. It's possible that you're more tuned in to vibrations. Check out protection aura methods on Google and Youtube. And as @Pelin said; ground yourself. Do releasing work on people you find are working against you, like your neighbours (release method in Sedona Method book, H. Dwoskin). This is a story. First look for the payoff with your sleep problems. Secondly; why the need to feel better about it, that is resistants... what you resist, persists. Again, releasing and letting go of these thoughts or try 'the Work' (Byron Katie). This forum isn't what you should be listening to, it's your inner voice. I repeat, you will NOT find the answers in your counsel or neightbours or forum members (they can give only their opinion or give quick fixes (like your door) instead of long lasting solutions. Quick fixes leads to temporary results and not permanent results). Only if your are willing to do the work for yourself (look inside, find your core believes) instead of seeking solutions from others, you can free yourself of your story. From my experience with actualization, this problem of yours will require a lot of time and willpower, don't take it to lightly if you want to solve it. Wishing you all the best on your journey! ?
  19. That is resistants to 'what is', 'what you resist, persists...' try releasing methods like Sedona Method (H. Dwoskin) or Letting Go (D. Hawkins). Again resistants. Instead of harder try to be soft (as Leo puts it, be a superconductor), just let all the feelings be there instead of wanting to meditate. This wanting is a form of control. The more you try to control things the harder it will backfire at you. So what if you don't meditate like you used to do, just sit with your feelings (do what you need Now, not what you think you need to do). So meet your (current) needs! Feels like your in a negative vibration. Ask yourself the following question; What is the payoff your getting from the positionality your stuck in? Which pleasure, gratification and satisfaction do you get out that position? Be brutally honest with yourself. Then see if you can change this mindset by releasing (see above for methods) or using 'the Work' (Byron Katie) Again look for the payoff, every behavior has a payoff otherwise you would drop it instantly. And watch this video from Teal Swan; There is this quote from Carl Jung; 'Whatever is rejected from the self, appears in the world as an event.' As the quote said; this doesn't come up for any reason. Honesty, meeting your (current) needs and releasing resistants is the shortcut to get out of the hole. Wishing you all the best with your journey! ?
  20. Scan you body. Backside on the left, nr 24. If you feel anything there, your taking life to serious. Now a more serious answer, what does it mean to you when you think that or when others think that of you? What is your underlying core belief? Why does it bother you what others think? Question your belief and see what comes up.
  21. Have you tried shadow work / inner child work? Maybe 'the Work' of Byron Katie can help you to self inquire. Free worksheet;
  22. Agree, especially the channel of Julienhimself; His teachings in a nutshell, enjoy!