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Kuba Powiertowski

Matter of matter

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Tom Campbell explains it very simply😘😊:



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I really enjoyed it.

To me it instantly brought up all models of spirituality which claim to be the right path.

There is no right path for everyone , each has his own.

I will watch more of his videos.

Thank you!

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7 minutes ago, Theplay said:

I really enjoyed it.

To me it instantly brought up all models of spirituality which claim to be the right path.

There is no right path for everyone , each has his own.

I will watch more of his videos.

Thank you!

I would say that everyone has a unique journey, but the path is relatively the same, we all have to deal with the same issues, wrong identification (ppl identify with Body, Mind, Teachings, Religions, etc), Unawarness (Not seeing Reality as it is), Ego (false self, personality thinking it is You), Belief (we come up with cultural beliefs ingrained in us, so this is conditioning), Karma (what You brought with You from previous incarnations, residual effect of past actions), so all of this plays into it, and there are systems that can help you in all those areas, its just a matter of finding the one that works for You based off Your Karmic substance, that is why a Guru is so important, most ppl do not know of their Karmic naure a Guru does and can guide You directly so Liberation happens within this lifetime, not many...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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