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Has anyone here had a psychedelic/religious/supernatural experience telling them it's

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impossible to get girls, or that the world is comprised of only winners and losers, or something along those lines?

Other than me, that is.

The psy experience was definitely not so clear however I think that ultimately the gist of it was the notion that the elites take away the opportunities from the "losers" and therefore they aren't able to ever get sexual experiences because there aren't opportunities for it and a higher entity controls the minds of "potential sexual partners" and therefore they, in fact, aren't that. They are people, but also they are reflections of the nature of the world as opposed to your instinctive approach of thinking of them as potential sexual partners. The entities are using people in order to drive history in a certain course.

For the second example... today, after meditating for an hour, I got into a mental state where I could clearly see no goal was better than another, there is nothing to be gained that has outside value not given to it by you. This is so incredibly different from only rationally knowing this, that during the experience I thought that this is truly what transrational means. Every situation is the same, being tortured and living your ideal lifestyle aren't different, and I remember starting to see the difference between rationally knowing this and being in a state of mind where you can experience it. If you can experience it, you start doubting that there really can be a goal, it appears to shift from "I can choose anything." to "It's already chosen for me, me choosing something would be silly."

And this state of mind was achieved by me... how? Because the thought came to me during the meditation that nothing is possible and you should let go of everything. The meditation session allowed me to look at desires like intimacy from a clear perspective. Your ideas of people you are attracted to being attracted to you are not connected to the actuality of the potential interactions, and it's more severe than the difference between the map and the territory.

And it's "impossible" to someone in an enlightened state, because it doesn't exist.

Edited by numbersinarow

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On 1/25/2024 at 10:42 AM, numbersinarow said:

Because the thought came to me during the meditation that nothing is possible and you should let go of everything.

If nothing is possible, how is letting go possible? 

Seeing that letting go, trying to improve anything, or steer reality in any way is impossible is an important insight to see. 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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Yes. Sounds about right. We can ignore girls or sex or winners or losers in this conversation. It is all a duality reduced to non-dualism. It is the yin and yang. The black and white fishes going around in a circle. But girls are great and smart and in time people fall in love, have sex, etc. Maybe when they are 40 or 50. Just be patient.

Sounds like you had an insight. Maybe there is no free will. The good news is when you love yourself, others (girls) will love you. All your dreams will come true. Currently you may have the wrong dreams. Get in alignment. Allow the universe to bring you the life it wants you to have.

Listen to The Gambler song by Kenny Rogers.

Be well. Be safe. :)

Edited by Soul Flight

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