
Terror Attack In Sweden

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Aaaaaaaaaand the day is here. No shock there. First successful terror attack in sweden. It was just a question of time.
Feel angry to especially politicians who's turning this country to shit.
How do I accept this? How to think about this? From a peace of mind perspective. Not some political debate of course.

"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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Everyone will die, or change.

Why would that be something you don't want to accept?

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@sgn The current state of the world is one of disorder and hysteria.

There are terrorist attacks, refugees, threats of war, and whole lot of fear and hate.

This type of environment may make you question ideas such as non-duality, oneness, love being the true nature of reality.

My advice to you now that the violence has struck closer to home is… don’t give into fear and hate.

Your spirituality is being tested. Now is the time to reaffirm your commitment to love and compassion.

Stay safe.

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It's already in the past. If you'r worrying it's about the future.

In the end, there is nothing at all we can do, there is nothing we regular people should do even. We can hope the police forces can manage to work together globally to detect these attacks in advance.
We can hope in the future, the people in the middle east can enjoy better education. Then they may be open minded and intelligent enough to see that their actions mean nothing. That they learn proper history about world wars, that they learn about philosophy and the human situation.

We can hope these countries can install stable governments, so that the people are not living in constant fear. So that children can just grow up happy and don't have to become terrorists out of hatred for their life situation. Imagine living in constant hunger and fear of death, while the rest of the world becomes fat on mc donalds, and you've known this since you were a small boy? Becoming a terrorist leader is the best thing a child can do in those regions, you get security, relative stability, and you become a king in your region. It would be easy to convince people there, the west is evil and stealing everything from them.

We can hope that these stable governments become an alternative. That people can get and keep decent jobs. Perhaps in the future these children that would become terrorist leaders could grow up, and just use their charisma to become douche-bag CEO's, to satisfy their desire for power over people. Like they do in our countries.

We can turn the other cheek, realize these people are so due to circumstances since their youth.
That they live in terrible countries with little education and where spiritual leaders abuse their power for terrorism.

That will take years, in the mean time this problem has no immediate solution.

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