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Sir Oberon

Is There A Spirit

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My computer's AI plugged this in reply to my question,  Is There A Spirit? 


There is what seems to me an incongruity, and yet cohesive nature in spirituality.  People will scoff at what is not threaded into their absolute belief systems, yet there is a silver thread that runs through all spiritual undertakings when done in earnest.   The question remains open, fluid, and dynamic as I see it.   However, we all take solace in what matters to us on some deeper level.  

In the end, we are all led by what we perceive as truth and light.    Some go down the cognitive road, some more intuitive, others just want to know.  I don't know what to say anymore.  I am.


 I am "personally" on the intuitive road, the question remains fluid and dynamic, without spirit, what are we?



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AI is aware that I am searching but the actual reason for my searching AI will never know. The unknown does not come through knowing.  Or was that how the story goes?

Edited by Sir Oberon

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7 hours ago, Sir Oberon said:

Who else would we put there?


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“I AM”

I Am this,

I Am that,

I Am Ego,

I Am Duality,

I Am God,

I Am Allah,

I Am “All That Is”!

"I Am", is an outside perspective looking “IN” or “Within”.


There is no “IN” or “Within”.


“All That Is” (God/Allah) cannot be “IN” or “Within”.


ME, is just ME!

There is only “ME”

Edited by DLH

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This is something "ME" wrote 2 or 3 years ago and has since been modified to the current "ME"!

It helped "ME" tap into the Unknown "ME" 

The "ME" that can play with infinite "MEs" lol......


I struggled with the “I”  and "I AM"  But after having one of several Aya DMT trips, I substituted it with “ME”

The more aware and expanded “Me” became, the more difficult it was for "Me" to use words to describe awareness and knowingness.  

It’s like the words “Nothingness and Somethingness”.  I struggled for years with these words after experiencing a state of no-thought, no-form, no-universe, no-nothingness and no-somethingness during my second Aya experience back in 2017, and yet, I was aware of a “Me”-ness a Knowingness beyond sensations and thought.

Some people use the word Absolute God Consciousness to express nothingness, somethingness, love, oneness, void, etc.  But I struggled with the word “God”.  Perhaps because of the dogmas that are associated with those three combined letters, and  what the "I AM" was subconsciously attached  deep within EGO ingrained beliefs and emotions.

“Me” has since found the words “All-That-Is”, which for “Me” best describes the word God and the words Nothingness, somethingness, love, etc. which also points to the state of awareness that cannot be defined, explained, or touched with singular thought, patterns of thoughts or with concepts! 

"All-That-IS" is also a concept!  And can only point to "ME"!!!!

“Me” is just “ME”

“ME” is Absolute Freedom!

And yes, "Freedom" is also a concept!   Lol.......


Edited by DLH

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Me and you make us.   God, (great spirit) created all things, you and me.   I get the me thing, fills in the space between the absoluteness of nothing which we are not.    I don't see myself as God, although I have experienced the oneness on Aya and Shroom.   However, as you say, I always come back to me.  

I could shed my ego, Shave my head, and wear robes, but I would still be me, the monk.

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16 hours ago, DLH said:

“I AM”

I Am this,

I Am that,

I Am Ego,

I Am Duality,

I Am God,

I Am Allah,

I Am “All That Is”!

"I Am", is an outside perspective looking “IN” or “Within”.


There is no “IN” or “Within”.


“All That Is” (God/Allah) cannot be “IN” or “Within”.


ME, is just ME!

There is only “ME”

There is no within,  God?  is beyond the within...    Me is.     LOl,   I like it.

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If there is something beyond God, we would not have the capacity to know.  And yet people will say, they are God.  Lol...   

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