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I´m studying psychology, because I want to have a secure base for my life, as it liberates me freely to do my art. Financially I´m fortunate to be in a somewhat wealthy family and it really is a blessing, as they have their money spend in the real estate market. Right now there´s really something going in my main life purpose which is art. I really love psychology, but being an artist is so personal to me, as I´ve come from an important intellectual and artistic family from Spain. Streetnames in Madrid are named after them and we even have some paintings from Juan Miro and themselves were important actors, director, painters etc. We´ve lost all because of the civil war there, but are now again in good financial shape. But I want to bring the back the legacy from my heritage.

Well, I started to write screenplays, but I noticed, that it is really hard to get into the film industry, as it is the most costheavy art, there is out there, but also the most complete artform with videogames, but videogames can be done alone, but cinema per definition needs at least actors. Of course those backrooms shortfilms were made with very limited budget and you can do musicvideos or do some cool things on youtube, but maybe that´s my egoism, I wanted to tell really big stories, real dramas. And I had a big love for Hip-Hop, I always imagined my scenes with specific music pieces, including them in my screenplays. I´m a guy that gets really angry with artpieces, that are shit. I saw a girl on Instagram post a little poem and I thought, that´s bullshit and I can do it way better, because I wrote a lot of poems to improve my writing skills. So I began writing rap songs and now I´m at a point, that I´m beginning to collaborate with multi Grammy Winner producers and producers, that worked for MTV through contacts, that I had way more fortune, than in the film industry. I still did not release anything, but there is an EP coming.

It really is something else doing art just by yourself and doing your fun little Demos for yourself or having deadlines and needing to collaborate with other people, that are involved in the music bussiness and have their own labels and are investors in some kind.

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Sounds great! You can do both. Psychology and art, as a holistic approach to life.

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