
Why are older spirituality/religion/magic books considered better or still relevant?

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I'm not saying they shouldn't. Or that there is literally no point in reading them.
But wouldn't it make more sense to read newer books that build on those plus everything we've learned since?

In any other categories than the ones I'm talking about in the title of this post, things are usually considered to be evolving with time and we get more knowledge with newer things (obviously it doens't need to be THE most recent stuff literally).

But in religion or spirituality for example, there is this aura (even for myself) of "this books is so ancient, so exotic, so revered, it's a must-read".
So for example : why would you read The Bible today? I admit I didn't, but I don't think I'm wrong saying it's probably hard to read and kind of convoluted, for whatever message you can learn of it, which could probably found anywhere else.

Now clearly I'm focusing on information here.

But maybe there are other benefits that I don't get.

Sorry if all of this seems stupid (I am), I was just asking myself that question, wondering if I needed to read some books I had on my list. (but it also clearly is some form of procrastination I'm doing here, even tho there might be a few interesting points to get out of this)

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Lots of deep truths are timeless. 

But, I think if you look at it more you’ll see lots of important old and modern books in spirituality. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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humans devolved spiritually  to create a rocket.

Edited by Hojo

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