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Are You Communicating Or Manipulating?

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communicating Or manipulating

This is a very important distinction that needs to be addressed. 

communication is sharing information for the purpose of getting something across thus creating understanding in your fellow human.

But a lot of the time, what our self is up to is manipulation.

Manipulation I will define here as trying to elicit a particular response from the other person. In order to fulfill A need.

This is something that creeps up a lot and you will see it for yourself with some attention & self honesty.

A lot of the time we are trying to get the other person to see us is a particular way, how often do you do this, contemplate.

there are layers of manipulation when it comes to communication, maybe you want that person to see you in a particular light, acting out some internal drive your no longer communicating without any ulterior motive But rather trying to bend this other to your will for your own benefit.


When you are sending information through sounds, which are symbols for different distinctions of existence, car, chair, you, me ect.

Is not most of the time a attempt to manipulate in some way? Now before you say no, don't be so quick to hand wave this away. Your mind is very tricky & is good at making blind spots. This may require a deepening in consciousness, and contemplations on communication.

When trying to communicate A lot of the time its to make a certain impression, maybe we want them to think we are cool, strong, attractive, confident, classy, intelligent, special, popular, important, Or to get love, to feel important, to feel wanted ect. Whatever it may be that's for you to see.

Okay hope this helps in your contemplations. :D

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 Watch from 51.50. Jordan Peterson talks about the importans of truth.

Jordan Peterson is a treasure.

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This sounds very backwards to me. SOunds like you are trying to experience love, etc from others, when it is within you to be experienced already.




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@Nahm no thats your projection onto to me (spot that) 

This is about communication and manipulation, its posted for the purpose of you to contemplate rather than project onto. 


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@Callum A what led you to post it?

Spot that.

You're actually doing the thing your post is suggesting awareness of.

Edited by Nahm



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