Kuba Powiertowski

A story about becoming.

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So I'm wondering if this whole story, the concept of evolution, isn't a projection onto the so-called outside world of what we think we are. After all, we consider ourselves mortal humans, evolved from a single-celled bacterium, completely incomplete at birth. And according to some beliefs, additionally tainted with some sin, which most of us consider to be the stigma of Evil. So, from the very beginning, the bad and stupid, we are subjected to a broad process of upbringing and education. They prepare us to become - fathers, mothers, productive workers, creative thinkers, soldiers, doctors, firemen, and politicians. And we consider it completely natural because everything evolves in our story, which we believe in. It evolves, i.e., it goes for the better. Someday, tomorrow will be better. Yes, it's an enigmatic tomorrow that never comes;). Even spiritually - you need to develop, realize, and evolve. What if we are slowly discovering that this is not the case? Last year's Nobel Prize in Physics for confirming the truth of Bell's inequality, i.e., the lack of realism of our local backyard - what exactly does it tell us? Well, that the Universe is becoming at any moment. It is constantly created, called into existence - by what? Through Consciousness. By you, so to speak. The Theory of Complex Information Systems proves that everything exists in sets. And nothing evolves from set one to another set. Common parts, like the Set of Complex Numbers, consist of pairs of Real and Imaginary Numbers. But one does not lead to the other. For what? It won't make any sense if you think about it for a moment. And yes, we have the cell - the basis of known life, and we have no idea where it came from. We have DNA and a similar puzzle. We have plenty of examples of ancient life on Earth, like jellyfish, that don't evolve for some strange reason. And you, do you see evolution anywhere? Do you experience it on a daily basis? And then there are those ultra-inconvenient images sent by the James Webb Telescope. Galaxies as far as the eye can see. Even where they shouldn't be. Even where there should be traces of the beginning of evolution - the Universe simply IS. Just like You and everything else. It just happens. But we must move forward and become better. A.I. neural networks, ChatGPT is now our hope for a better tomorrow. Hope for transhumanism. It's nothing that we are licking the tip of the iceberg of this vehicle - that is the human body. It's nothing that we use 3-4% of our capacity. And we have no idea about the rest. And magic is within everyone's reach. Also You. Because You Are That. Tat Tvam Asi. But this is nonsense, not supported by any scientific evidence. Our theory of evolution says nothing about it. The hope remains tomorrow and the new god of our time - the algorithm. Hope, like all hopes, is full of fears. Will we succeed? Will we survive? Who knows? Don't ask God. He/She/It loves not to know and loves to be suprised:D.

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Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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interesting, but the most shocking thing is that all this is imaginary. They are just ideas that sprout in the mind. the only real reality is this moment, which is infinite. just now. and now it is existence existing, as always.

feel the now, get inside it, clean it of all content, open it, erase its limits. embrace it and give yourself completely to the now, without any reservation. The now is God, and it is you.

When you realize you will be free and you will be happy. You will have nothing to prove, nothing to compare yourself to, just flow, give, love. and so you can naturally and effortlessly contribute to the world you were talking about moving in the best direction possible

Edited by Breakingthewall

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