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Question about past.

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Hi all, long time reader, won't post much as I am unqualified to really say much here about this stuff, I'm looking for understanding about past.

So, I was thinking about fear and survival, realizing you can't survive without fear. I then went to thinking really every fear is a belief, as it hasn't happened yet. So then, in order to test to see if a fear is true, I would have to experiment.

For example, say if I believe that if I don't eat I'll lose weight. It starts as belief until I test the theory. I don't eat, and I see I lose weight. 

However, if I'm to be open to the past is just my imagination, then I don't know if it really happened. 

You could say within this dream the past is real, but then when I'm trying to forget my past to awaken the same would imply.

Even when someone like Mooji says forget everything and then he keeps talking, my mind always thinks something "I understand what your saying, language was learned in my past, so how can I forget everything?"

I realized lately that I'm completely lost in this work and am not any closer than when I started. I used to reduce to Truth is all that exist, but it even seems like even Truth is a concept.

I hope this post makes a bit of sense. 

Edited by Selfnaught

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don't be fooled by the spiritual teachers, they are all phonies who repeat the same things. the past is real, it leaves an energetic imprint on you. Telling people to forget it and live in the present is idiotic and it hasn't worked for a single person in history, but it sounds great. If you are conditioned to obey, to despise yourself, to be afraid, you will. If an idiot with a pious smile tells you to get rid of that baggage and you'll be happy, and to pay him for it, don't listen to him. he is a faker. all spirituality is farce, business for fools. what triumphs is not what works, it is what sounds good.

 If you want to leave your conditioning behind, it will be the same as if you want to leave your 7 month pregnant belly behind, but 100 times harder. you will have to work hard, well, and on many fronts. Conquer the freedom is a difficult work.

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