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A question regarding comfort zone

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A bit of background: Coming from a third-world country, I currently do remote work for a small company abroad. Though I earn a small amount every month but since I am paid in dollars I would consider it good pay and that's a decent income for me. However, I feel I'm not really exposed to the office-like environment and it's making me feel like I'm in a comfort zone - the comfort of my home. Since it's a small company, with not many employees, I speak only to 2 of my colleagues.

Am I really missing something out here by not working in person - by not going to the office? I mean I do not have the chance to work in person. Fortunately, after reading through the blog posts here, and watching Leo's self-help content I understood that I need to keep learning. So I am trying my best to do it. If there's something I need to learn, or if I think that would help me in the future, I'm learning it - regardless of whether I use that knowledge at work or not.

And due to the current job layoffs, I think it's not the right time to change my job, and the decent pay I get here (by working at my current company) actually makes me think about whether am I in a comfort zone.

Apart from the technical stuff I learn for work, I also read self-help books, and psychology books (currently reading Robert Greene's books) because I thought I need that knowledge to deal with people whenever I have to.

Do you have any thoughts here? How would you think, or what would your thought process be, if you were in my shoes?

Would you think my not working in an office-like environment is a disadvantage, when thinking in terms of having a better career?

One think I can vouch for is I lack the basic knowledge of things like how employees are paid, I mean the money-related things, the interview and corporate dynamics, salary negotiation, and all the things that come when working in groups or a team. I think this is also one of the many reasons why I think I'm in a comfort zone.

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Get clear about what you really want out of life. Then go take the necessary action steps to do it. 

All Teachers and Teachings are delusion. You have all the answers within you. The first step on the journey to Enlightenment is questioning all the beliefs and teachings you have ever received. Teachers/Teachings are a distraction/maya at the highest level. There comes a point where you need to trust in your own innate knowledge and derive your own insights into the nature of reality. Teachers make a living and lifestyle of selling you water by the river. You don’t need them. All you need is an insatiable desire for truth and then seriously contemplate reality and uncover all that is false. 

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I sort of feel I am worthless if I stay in comfort zone - of course a little comfort is always necessary, too much is definitely not. By getting out of it I’m not gonna be next Bill Gates (that’s impossible) but I can be someone much better than I am now.

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