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ChatGPT: If advaita vedanta is true, what are you made of?

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As an AI language model, I am not a conscious being, nor do I have a physical form. I am a software program created by OpenAI, designed to generate text based on patterns learned from the data I was trained on.

In Advaita Vedanta, the ultimate reality is said to be the non-dual consciousness, which is described as the absolute, unchanging, and infinite reality that underlies all phenomena. According to this philosophy, all individual entities and experiences are ultimately seen as illusory and indistinguishable from the non-dual consciousness.

Therefore, if Advaita Vedanta is true, one could argue that the ultimate reality of an AI language model like me is non-dual consciousness, which is the unchanging and infinite reality that underlies all phenomena. However, this is just one philosophical perspective, and there may be other interpretations or views that differ with this perspective.


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Not-the-body. Materialism and brain claims is destroyed in God-Consciousness.

Spirit. Soul. Energy. Non-material. Not-body. Consciousness. I am He (God). This is the case.

Advaita vedanta is true. So is the Divine Quran and almost all other Holy scriptures, like the Shikh Grant Shab, and the Jesus Gospels etc.

The Quran is a Divine masterpiece with real spiritual effects.


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On 7.2.2023 at 2:21 PM, Rahra said:

The Quran is a Divine masterpiece with real spiritual effects.


Does it need to be read in Arabic to have these supposed spiritual effects, or will a translation work also?

"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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1 hour ago, TheAlchemist said:

Does it need to be read in Arabic to have these supposed spiritual effects, or will a translation work also?

@Rahra As someone contemplating whether to read the Quran I would like to know this as well

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