Alex K

Watched Paradigms Topic And Rewatched Rant Agains Naive Realism Topic. Thought A Bit Again. Need Help.

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This is some thinking on the topic of paradigm of naive realism/physicalsim/nothing being behind the scenes/ one of the major paradigms in this weeks vid. This is based on the topic 


Well, real is that what is. Atoms do not exist - they are not real. But consciousness does - it is real. Consciousness is an oneness of everything, but each of us is a piece of this oneness, which became ignorant to the fact of oneness.

My example is the following: 

5 year old watches TV for the first time. I switch it off in a basement. Then switch on. For a 5 year old it stopped existing, then resumed. But me switching IS THE STUFF BEHIND THE SCENES for him - I am an example of finite hidden mechanism.

But if everything is oneness and each of us is a pocket - than if we lift all the pocketing at once - there is nothing behind the scene because there is nothing but this self aware oneness.

Now literally - is there a man who can tell how he experiences oneness without being on drugs at the moment? Can he know my thoughts? My thoughts are absolutely real - I hear them. If there is nothing hidden - guess my thoughts.

If there is nothing hidden - guess my thought behind the writing in an unknown language. This text is just an explicit pointer to an explicit audio signal with explicit semantic.

You can't guess my thoughts - they are hidden from you - how can you tell there is nothing else hidden but the feelings of others? 

Someone tells an example of math line. From here see two thoughts:

- Infinite regress can bring you the answer just like infinite zero size points give you a line.

- Math (and scienece) is something more than feelings. A scientist predicts reality at the same moment when usual human fails. What is it if not a hidden strucutre? Any lawfull prediction is a pointer at a hidden structure.

If I cannot experience true oneness than there would always be the stuff behind the scenes for me.

If everything is one, but I obviously experience it in other way, there is a mechanism for that narrowing - this mechanism is the stuff behind the scenes as well. Is it ego? But ego is described to be a fact of a semantic feeling, carrying the payload of us being this body, brain and whatnot. I do not really buy that this simplictic feeling can shut down my life feed with oneness, do you? If so - then why is it so easily shut? There should be a mechanism behind it. So than we do not even know what really is stopping us from being enlightened.


But maybe concsiousness and oneness do not exist - maybe it is nothingness. But nothing is nothing. No thing. Here we have all this feelings, everchanging. So it is everythingness rather than nothingness. Do you call it nothingness to underline it's not being based off anything? Why everythingness can not be not based off anything? Sounds like thermodynamics paradigm talking in your naming conventions.

If one (Like Leo just for example) reaches everythingness and stays there, wouldn't he merge all of us into it, elevate the universe?

Have we had any fully realised humans? If so, they should've been omnipotent? Why we are not all elevated than? What is the behind the scenes mechanism which kept fully realised humans in the past from elevating the whole universe back into full nothingness? Okay, maybe it is the state-of-the-universe - maybe it is unchangeble, maybe there is nothing which could be changed at "will". If there is nothing changed at all by that people, than what is the worth of reaching that place?

Maybe I should just reach unconditional happiness in a simple enlightenment and stop there? 

If we say success is not for true actualization. Then we say full realisation do not change anything. Why do it? If I'm happy unconditionally, I do not need happiness from this realisation, it won't bring me anything. Am I wrong somewhere in this strip? Where to go?

Is this all just an in-logic paradigm masturbation, or does this have merit?

Non euclidian geometry is still very much rational and logical. What exactly is post rationality? How can we judge if we are not toying ourselves when we lose probabilistic logical models of argument about axioms? What I mean here is very simple: human can break free from ego paradigm - and he becomes serene. We can see such people on youtube, even skype with them. But how do we judge our way is good when we talk higher things like this metaphysics? Is it a game of chance and daring of the spirit? Is it for the better? Leo has another video on loving the questions and getting couple of them through life. He tells us that living trying to answer them gives fulfillment. But isn't fulfillment useless under unconditional happiness?

Btw, yesterday I've at least chipped a large chunk off my fear of death, so I now have a period of high motivation for actualization hence this text )=

Edited by Alex K

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@Nahm  I mean, I'm curious as to ontological status of self actualization after enlightenment.

Edited by Alex K

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Fully realized humans are the ones that are completely in sync with being. This means there is no resistance to any arising thought. How would one attain this? By aligning body and mind through love. 

This will guide you since you are fully present and being and terms like ego and all other labels you had will be obsolete. You will feel what to do without thinking. Only then you stop walking in circles with the duality infinitely trying to comprehend things. This is the resistance after all of letting you just 'be'.

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7 hours ago, Principium Nexus said:

Fully realized humans are the ones that are completely in sync with being. This means there is no resistance to any arising thought. How would one attain this? By aligning body and mind through love. 

This will guide you since you are fully present and being and terms like ego and all other labels you had will be obsolete. You will feel what to do without thinking. Only then you stop walking in circles with the duality infinitely trying to comprehend things. This is the resistance after all of letting you just 'be'.

That pretty much sums it for me also. I love you what you said. I'm not making any claims about how realized or not I am because it's all relative. I will say though that where I'm at now is all about staying in the connection and synchronicity. I'm there around 80 - 90 % of the time. I go weeks without noticing any resistant thought. I do love everything. It's on ongoing joke from my friends about how everything always works out for me. It has taken a very long time of aligning mind & body to get here. A weird thing is that the less ego and more connection, the more things just work out great, but the greater the things that works out, the greater the temptation to go back to ego. I'm getting good at staying connected and want to understand the more finite details. I'm always looking for beliefs I can become aware of and let go, trying to increase awareness of when the ego is about to come back. What is the next phase? Any experience there?



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@Alex K You're trying to make logical sense of the very fabric of reality, which just cannot succeed because you are not aware yet that reality doesn't care at all about logical sense. Reality is UNLIMITED. Which makes it highly paradoxical and illogical.

Your line of questioning makes many taken-for-granted assumptions. For example, you assume you exist. You assume others exist. You assume you are an experience. You assume others are experience. You assume reality is an experience. You assume Nothing is nothing. You assume Nothing is a state. You assume Nothing and You and Other are separate. You assume existence/non-existence is a given, rather than a construction of the mind. You assume reality exists. You assume existence exits. You assume non-existence doesn't exist. You assume reality is mechanistic. And you are not aware that all of the above is concept.

All of these assumptions are false. You're underestimating just how radical this shift of consciousness called "enlightenment" is. Imagine as though everything you ever believed became unreal, just a story, including all logic, science, and physical reality itself.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Alex K You're trying to make logical sense of the very fabric of reality, which just cannot succeed because you are not aware yet that reality doesn't care at all about logical sense. Reality is UNLIMITED. Which makes it highly paradoxical and illogical.

Your line of questioning makes many taken-for-granted assumptions. For example, you assume you exist. You assume others exist. You assume you are an experience. You assume others are experience. You assume reality is an experience. You assume Nothing is nothing. You assume Nothing is a state. You assume Nothing and You and Other are separate. You assume existence/non-existence is a given, rather than a construction of the mind. You assume reality exists. You assume existence exits. You assume non-existence doesn't exist. You assume reality is mechanistic. And you are not aware that all of the above is concept.

All of these assumptions are false. You're underestimating just how radical this shift of consciousness called "enlightenment" is. Imagine as though everything you ever believed became unreal, just a story, including all logic, science, and physical reality itself.

I think everybody will eventually find that out whos doing actualization, we really know nothing, but making it an restless journay to grasp the unknown is not enlightenments longterm goal.

Not knowing is an insight we have to remembered from time to time to make us humble, but to live enlightened without grasping is to follow the path of where you find love. Things will fall into place and if you follow this body/mind alignment you can fully realize.

I do agree that the path of actualization will eventually be done out of love aswell if not already. I don't mean anything like self-enquiry will automatically drop, but its the body/mind synchronisity of love that brings you to your true potential of being without resistance.

Edited by Principium Nexus

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@Principium Nexus @Nahm  Guys I love you all, but I do not get what is love. For me love is caring, giving attention to something. Explain your take on love please because all your points revolve around it. 

Edited by Alex K

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@Alex K Love is a feeling of being at the place you need to be. That could be relational-wise, but is equally valid for anything else like 'your job'. It's gratitude, peace and riding the ride. You will discover what this means when you are at it, it might come in waves but eventually you will become the wave.

Just follow what you guinely love to do, but be rational aswell in the longterm.

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@Leo Gura So basically I have a paradigm that I need to know logically sound and complete roadmap of a process before I embark seriously upon it. And you offer me advice that I need to jump out of it because my understanding expands while I'm on the path. That is ...some food for thought on my neurotic stufff, thanks a bunch!

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@Principium Nexus Sounds like Teal Swan stuff. If you can/like to validate my understanding of your message, this is my take from her vid:

"Ultimate truth of this universe is oneness.

For that we need to learn to unconditionally love ourselves.

I love myself is not truth yet, we would feel emotional withdrawal from that thought.

Commitment for 1 year to live in accordance to one question - mantra for you:

What would someone who loves himself do?

This is like going downstream - there is no resistance, only acceptance and thus joy.

- Every decision should be taken based on the honest intuitive answer to this question no matter how big or small.

- Every spare minute when you have an opportunity to decide what to do with your time, you should decide this based of this question.

The answer would come immediately like a flash of intuition (insight without conscious thinking). It's impossible to loose. It is emotion or quick impression or bodily sensation. It would be calm because it comes from highest perspective possible. If it is clouded with fear or any other strong emotion - be aware of it.

Should be each time a QUICK intuition insight. Have the balls to follow through. You won't know why that is the answer, the source apparently knows everything about everything, so have courage to do what it tells you to do.

Even being afraid to take the action, you would apparently have a relief from idea of an action and subsequent taking of that action. Relief feels good and taking that action would feel good. (Like, not resisting bhagavan)."


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@Alex K I honestly think this is the way to realize oneself to the fullest. Knowing that life is a dream full of alternative perspectives and paradigms one can only be at peace when he stop persuing out of fear and turns it into love; for himself, people and the world.


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I think love is the everything. Ego is the other component. When we let go of the ego, we empty the cup, and it fills with love. The ego is tricky though and it will always go to deeper layers to justify it's existence. This is perfect though, because letting it go still allows for deeper love. And so on. 



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God, how cool would it be if we could willingly speed up learning and brain change process for couple days like 10-100 fold?

Otherwise all this countless insights are just forgotten after months of exercises.

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@Alex K You are already who you need to be and where you are at. There is no need to speed things up, nature is always perfectly balanced and the most suiting at any time.

You could say the ego is the past and future, I don't see it anywhere in the present moment. It is neat to have that ability but someone who has that would say exactly the same but 10 fold more. It's another form of longing that the ego wants :)

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@Alex K That would take all the fun out of it. Like if you had all the sex you will ever have all at one time. It'd be awesome, but then what? Time is good for us. The insights may be forgotten but the perspective and perception can not be forgotten. I love your posts by the way. 



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