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What Would Be Your Plan Of Action If You Were To Drop Out Of University?

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I'm dropping out at the end of the year, and have $3000 saved up. 

But I'm not sure what my next step should be, and feel a little anxious at this prospect.

Up until now, everything was laid out. Go to high school, go to university, get a grad job, blah blah. 

Now my boat is being flipped, and I don't know what the future holds. It's a little scary. 

Any advice?


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Who drops out of university, then goes to a forum with complete strangers to ask for advice on what to do next? What the actual fuck :o

Sounds like a bad idea to me..

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If you can, don't do it just yet. Wait till you have your mind clear. You don't wanna find yourself lost.

Make a concrete plan beforehand.

I remember have watched some videos on the topic. Just search on yt and you might find an answer for yourself.

Me personally, for now, will keep studying although I already understood fullfilment on this path won't be high enough to pay all the efforts back. Not talking about the learning in itself, rather of the stress that comes with it.

Good luck.

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"A little anxious?" I would be terrified! But perhaps I'm not as brave as you. But it's hard to give you any advice, since I don't know the first thing about you, your desires, your skills, what interests you, or how many years of university you have... I do know that $3,000 is really not much, but at least it sounds like you won't have any debt, right?

I understand why one might go to the internet for advice, but I highly recommend going to someone who knows you and your passions well. Do you have a close friend or family member you can confide in? I used to come to the internet for advice because I felt so vulnerable talking about my problems to family and friends, you know? I'm really glad I overcame that fear though!

I almost dropped out of university because of stress, but I'm glad I didn't. After seeking help online, I finally went to a friend and he talked me out of it. These day, a lot of jobs I see posted say, "4 year degree" as a prerequisite for an interview. But then again, I don't know your situation. Maybe you've only done one year of college, and haven't committed to a major yet. In that case, why not take a year off, think about what you want to do, and then come back and choose a major? Or, during that year, perhaps you will find a fulfilling job that you enjoy, and then you can confidently decide to quit college.

Like other commenters have said, I'd make a plan before I drop out.
Best of luck, friend!

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