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What Is Communication?

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What is communication? that is a genuine question that I'm asking right now.

I don't want to try to figure out with the mind, because the mind is the old, and I don't want the old. I am looking for what is true. what is true is right now, so no need to ask the mind for a ready made answer, right?

This is important, to see is it not? To really see, what is true, that takes a different kind of inquiry. it's not a intellectual endeavour, that will not suffice, what I want is a conscious pop!!

that aha moment! and you got it the truth that's how truth works, it's not up for debate. This principle applies not only to the enquiry into communication but into everything.

I first have to go on the premise that I know absolutely nothing when it comes to communication, if I have already made up my mind, then the enquiry has ceased, a true not knowing! that is genuinely what I have, because I understand the difference now between an answer, and the truth itself.

I communicated earlier and this was the first interaction I've had with this other person, and straight away I noticed the self image occurring, you know like that sense of monitoring yourself, in the mind.

This was noticed. Could she have been also monitoring herself as well?

so first of all could this mean that what communication really is, is not between two separate entities (like its experienced) but between two images? Between two separate images, between two separate life stories.

The whole sense of someone, with a life, a life with meaning, and all the concepts one has about themselves, all the past experiences that they are bringing into that situation or coming into that situation from? Look into it for yourself.

Is it not consciousness interacting with itself, is the apparent conscious entity in front of me not the same consciousness?

Is it not me interacting with myself through Two different perspectives? two different self images?

is it not consciousness interacting with itself? communicating with itself through two different images, and two different Minds? two different Worlds.

doesn't that creates a sense of separation? doesn't that create the sense of you being an isolated self, that is in fear of judgement, you can never truly be authentic.

we can say all is consciousness all is one but to really, experience that for yourself in a conversation with a stranger, is what you want to be shooting for that is the only way you are going to start to see communication for what it is, I'm not sure what it is, so the enquiry continues. this is only a spontaneous enquiry into communication, but from now on I'm sure to enquire into it, when I am interacting with people, it's a huge switch in relationship to life when all things become a enquiry for you. And let life be your greatest teacher.

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It's a movie that came to DVD last week. It's in the sci-fi / alien category, but the movie itself is about communication. The aliens don't know English, so a communications expert and a quantum physics theorist teach the aliens some English while learning the way the aliens communicate. It came to mind because I have never seen a better example of stripping communication down to nothing and building it. It's a good movie overall as well. I won't spoil it, but in it's theme of communication, it also incorporates nonlinear time and some qm principles. 



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