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Random Telepathic Messages Or Channeling ?

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About a month ago i was with a friend out in the wild who through some intense conversations she started to become awakened? in front of my eyes, this was blowing my mind what is happening? She started to notice how beautiful everything was and how she never saw it like this before, that everything created and resistance of all creation was all because of her own structured belief systems and that all suffering was created by self, that she was special just like everyone else and there was no 1 else here but i, but we are simply one and it went on and on for a while which gave me a profound feeling of freedom or relief because i had waited for this day for a very long time as my best friend i always hoped she could experience what i did and we could vibe once again though as it went on, i was.. you could say in a state of shock for the next few hours while she was dancing around in the woods, spinning, smiling, talking and hugging trees, it was magical to see, there's so much more but i need to cut it short because what happened at the peak of this "Awakening" shall we call it? is that she started to hear some telepathic messages that were mostly for me although they couldn't connect with me so she was used as a channel. It was fascinating because everything she said was on point and knew things i haven't told her before about myself.

They were saying most of the time i express myself through their signals and when i speak i usually speak from a higher source when i am in harmony of course but i cannot hear them myself. She was saying they kept telling her that something is causing the blockage, a possible guilt or self-forgiveness? I can't really think of anything, i know i have made mistakes and forgive myself for my blindness and am completely accepting of my past and actions, i can't seem to figure out what it is that is stopping me from connecting. If anyone has any experience or can help me feel free to share your thoughts or send me a pm.

They also said i am very close to where i was before (guessing my more enlightened state after my first Awakening? and i truly feel i am much closer than i was.

I feel more balanced and in harmony again these days, I remember i was in that enlightened state for a few months before it started to fade and eventually lost myself in the progress of helping others and trying to find a balance between those who i cared about and eventually got too carried away.

She also kept getting the message Arcturian and Lemurian, collective consciousness and something about Indigo and twin flames. There was also a strange unworldly, positive energy she was expressing almost that just didn't feel everyday human, it was too pure and authentic as if she had just taken the purest MDMA on the planet lol.. I mean i don't remember my profound moments like that too well but i do remember they were magical although this just felt divine even through me...Maybe because it was just more recent and i was there to witness it, who knows.

I've been thinking about it quite often because i was hit with extreme deja vu when it was happening, like it happened before or maybe it was just from that DMT trip again when i saw everything coming back to me... hahah Of course i was told to meditate. 

Lately, two specific things have been popping up in my field, 5-meo and meditation. Maybe they are signals or messages?

I also am aware that these could just be signals from our higher consciousness/higher mind. (if you will) and not necessarily any entities or ET's.

Goodnight :)

Edited by pluto


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@pluto Sounds like you both tapped into the same there. A universal field of truth maybe? I know what your talking about. It's just not the words that where being conveyed at the moment but something universal that was happing that just felt so true and familiar.  Something just "clicked" you may say as if everything came into alignment. It has happened to me on occasion with certain people. Mostly with my wife though. She was a calculus teacher and we would discus The Golden Ratio or something like that and we would both connect (her through higher math) and me through studying spirituality into a realm that was a bit extended from the physical. So I know exactly what your talking about. Something in us both realized this when we first meet that there was going to be more to come. It was undeniable. Once we shared that extended space, we could almost hear each others thoughts without talking. It was just a knowing as if it is you.

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8 hours ago, cetus56 said:

@pluto Sounds like you both tapped into the same there. A universal field of truth maybe? I know what your talking about. It's just not the words that where being conveyed at the moment but something universal that was happing that just felt so true and familiar.  Something just "clicked" you may say as if everything came into alignment. It has happened to me on occasion with certain people. Mostly with my wife though. She was a calculus teacher and we would discus The Golden Ratio or something like that and we would both connect (her through higher math) and me through studying spirituality into a realm that was a bit extended from the physical. So I know exactly what your talking about. Something in us both realized this when we first meet that there was going to be more to come. It was undeniable. Once we shared that extended space, we could almost hear each others thoughts without talking. It was just a knowing as if it is you.

You may be right and thanks for sharing, Its always nice to read different perspectives of something similar. 
I felt something more when we first met as well.


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I honestly feel if we didn't have all these or focus entirely on technology like cells phones, computers ect.. for general communication we would of possibly been able to use telepathy by now more naturally and freely but all these things do not allow those parts of the brain to be exercised.

Just like using a calculator for maths, if we keep using it, we never exercise our brains to grow and evolve in that department.

Just like if we are constantly wearing glasses or staring at a screen, we never exercise our eyes to heal naturally. We need Nature, colors, distances, movements ect.. because if we keep our minds and eyes at a fixed state all the time, how will they ever be able to adapt and grow?

We go to the gym to exercise our bodies but we have used technology to replace exercising everything else which is why i feel we are so far behind than our true potentials.


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