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Youth .. what are your thoughts ?

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As he mentions online colleges, do you know any that are worth spending for?

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From my experience (a recent graduate from University) it's worth it avoiding the prestigious schools and going to a much more affordable one where you can get the same degree, with just a different "brand".

After that, the actual program matters. Mine was business, with an emphasis in accounting. There is no lack of accounting jobs out there. I would not choose a program without good knowledge on the job market when I graduate. If your goal is a solid career and security, not all programs are worth going to university for. Most can be outperformed by going to a trades school.

Then, the final thing, is going to University/College and coming out with just a degree would be a waste to me. Degrees alone don't get you jobs from my experience. You need to use your 4 year status as a "hungry and eager to learn student" to get internships, network, and meet mentors. I got real good advice in university. Someone said, right now people see you as a student, but when you graduate they'll just see you as unemployed. So during university I did 2 finance summer internships which led to me making great connections and getting a full time job offer. 

The end result for me was getting an affordable and great degree, getting real job experience, building a network, and then finally getting a full time job with great growth potential in a secure industry.

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