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The Sexual Revolution is Terrible for Women - Louise Perry

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This is a really good framework to help understanding today's dating culture, and what's currently going on in the red-pill communities. If you watch that, and then this:


You'll really get a good grasp of where things are currently heading and what kind of pitfalls are awaiting Stage Orange sexual culture. It explains why people like Andrew Tate are currently so popular and it explains incel culture on a systemic level. And the obvious systemic inadequacies of the prevalent culture. You can view this as the extreme's of stage orange.

Edited by Scholar

Glory to Israel

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@Scholar It's pretty incredible to see how 99% of the woman who go on that show expect to a find man that is in the top 1%. 

The dating dynamics make no sense, and I guess that's why you see such a break down in relationships in modern countries. 

Most of these woman are just getting ran through by 1%ers and then there standards and expectations get warped because drake invited them to a party one night.

It's tough because it seems the biological instinct for women is to seek out the best man they can find, and so high value men ending up with harems is biologically reasonable, but for society it seems like a disaster.

Edited by Raptorsin7

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I don't think the problem is the sexual revolution in itself, but rather in society at large and how wealth and power are distributed. But I've still got to watch the videos first :D

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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