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Illusory Self

Going out tonight..

2 posts in this topic

Going out tonight so need some advice on how to feel comfortable approaching. There is always the fear I have of approaching and not knowing what to say after the approach. It usually holds me back from doing a lot of approaches. In set I will typically get a lot of negative thoughts which harm my interactions with women, I just don't understand why I feel so uncomfortable talking to strangers. Almost like I don't even want to to. 

I even get a lot of attraction from women but I still have the same horrible inner game mindset whenever I go out doing nightgame. Almost like my own mind is beating myself up and I cannot go into a free flow state of enjoying the conversation. 

I have been pretty consistent the last few months by going out twice a week, some nights I would do a lot but the root issue is still there, just not even enjoying the process. Last few weeks I have been really slacking and barely doing any approaches during the night. I need to try to gain more motivation for becoming better with women but fundamentally my huge issue is the fear of being seen and approaching in general. Leading a conversation. 

Do I just approach with no expectations? 

Maybe there are exercises that I can do before going on a night out or some videos to watch to give me an extra boost to actually approach and not waste the night being in my own head? 

Going out with some wings tonight but they never seem to approach either, I usually just end up talking to them for most of the time. 

Edited by Illusory Self

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