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John Paul

ADHD/other mental health problems and carb addiction

3 posts in this topic

I did a water fast recently. After I broke fast, the carbs in my meals quickly increased each meal throughout the day. I felt compulsive and then the next morning I felt more irritable/insecure and less powerful, calm and focused. I can now clearly see how much physical power carbs puts into my body more than I realized previously. Like… with the amount of carbs I’d eat compulsively, in order to stay in a calm state with the level of consciousness/order of life I’m at, I’d need to be like perpetually jogging/working out/fucking girls…. I don’t have the time and resources to actually do this obviously. The imbalance it causes is real and I could see how it effects my ability to rest. There is other health problems, hopefully just nutrition imbalances/social issues, I know because I feel the need to rest often. It’s like i need to rest because of some unknown health problem but can’t because of my carb consumption; and I can’t really stop to think about anything clearly if I surrender to the addiction. I’m going to do another fast next week, this time when i break fast I will have almost no carbs and see what happens.


im curious how many people get labeled with a mental health issue diagnosis when it’s something to do with their relationships with carbs, rest, and exercise… like… this is crazy. If I continue to feel as calm on no/low carb as I do while fasted yet I have energy it will be a real miracle for me personally and I’d love to try a psychedelic asap if that was the case.

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What sort of carbs were you consuming? 

Complex carbs like fruit? Or crappy carbs like bread and cereal?

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If you are prone to compulsive eating, how would fasting help you? I think it'll only intensify the problem. People tend to overeat after they fast. It's a biological response.

one day this will all be memories

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