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How I Managed to Successfully Overcome My Addictions

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I'd like to share with you the most delinquent tips for overcoming any type of addiction.

But first, I wanna give many thanks to @Leo Gura — he made a video on the staggering depth of awareness, and I used it to my own benefit, just like a selfish person would do.

See, life is all about being aware — even Leonardo da Vinci has a marvelous quote about the potentness of awareness:

"An average human looks without seeing, listens without hearing, touches without feeling, eats without tasting, moves without physical awareness, inhales without awareness of odor or fragrance, and talks without thinking."

As I kept my awareness ongoing, I realized so many things about my body — the incessant stream of thoughts that I was having, my positive and negative emotions, and my cravings and impulses that were generated by a vague image that appeared in my mind.

The more you stay consciously aware, the soberer you become and the more clarity of mind you experience.

I didn't try to refrain from eating junk food — I continued to eat unhealthy food but I was aware of what I was doing. And it wasn't only a few seconds of awareness; I had to remain aware the whole time I was consuming sugar, for example. At some point, I become so aware of the dysfunctional behavior that anytime I look at junk food, a feeling of disgust towards it manifested inside me. The bizarre thing is that even if I were to force myself to eat sh*tty foods, I couldn't — I consciously and unconsciously have an aversion to it.

To overcome any addictive pattern, just be highly aware of the unwanted behavior and you will notice that in a year or two you will no longer have cravings. You'd rather avoid it because it will make you sick.

The cornerstone of growth is your conscious awareness — a new dimension of experience that takes care of any so-called problem you have.

It's never about force but rather about the depth of your awareness.

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1 hour ago, eTorro said:

I had to remain aware the whole time I was consuming sugar, for example. At some point, I become so aware of the dysfunctional behavior that anytime I look at junk food, a feeling of disgust towards it manifested inside me.

I can absolutely relate to that. Awareness has immense healing powers. It seems to me there are two ways this can happen: either you make concsiously the decision to put awareness to your unhealthy behavior, or eventually life will force you to do it. For example, I used to party and drink alcohol like most people during the weekend. One night however I got so intense stomach pains in bed (not even from alot of alcohol lol), that I was laying there and force to put awareness to what effect this shit has on my body (I could basically just feel how my body was struggling to deal with the poison I just had put inside him). Similar to your experience with sugar, this helped me to never touch it again.

However addictions and unhealthy behaviors can also be overcome subconsciously. Like for example I started working out regularly now one or two years ago by now I got rid of many unhealthy food addictions without actively making any decisions. For example the amout of sugary food or salty snacks has drastically decreased, simply by putting focus on the healthy diet. There was never really any concious decision made to leave out that shit food, it basically happened "on its own". So I guess it's also possible to get rid of some bad behavior simply by adding the right ones to your life.

Edited by Mormegil

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