
Recommendations for first Trip

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I have no experience with psychedelic drugs, I only smoke mariguana twice a year when I'm in the mood. I have a very active mind and unless the setting is very chill I have bad trips on mariguana, I usually have good trips when alone or with one friend but have bad trips when doing it with bigger groups of people.

I have done meditation, therapy and read personal development books for many years but deep in my heart I still feel uneasy, a little sad and struggle with social anxiety. I want to dig deeper into my mind since I've found a limitation on how deep I can go with regular practices. I'm planning to do my first psychedelic trip to explore these issues deeper. 

I would do the trip in my flat with a friend to baby sit me but still have questions like what's the safest drug to get started with to reduce chance of bad trips and how to frame the whole experience, ie: how to prepare, what to do during the trip, etc.

Do you have any recommendations? maybe there is a guide somewhere for newcomers to the psychedelic world?

Edited by pablo_aka_god

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Take 1,5/2 grs of dry mushrooms, it's strong enough, but is possible to control it, not really long in time, and very friendly and nice the first times. Use to be a wonderful experience full of joy and color, that will show you the power of the psychedelics

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@Breakingthewall thank you so much for your advice. yesterday I had my first trip on 1.5g of dry mushrooms and it was a wonderful experience just like you described it was a psychedelic experience which I could still control so that gave me a sense of safeness

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I found LSD to be a starter friendly substance. Because you can have microgram-precise dosages (I suggest to start with 50-100) and you have enough time to contemplate your consciousness (6-12 hours). 

My biggest tip for beginners would be: 

Clear out your Karma. Everything that bugs you in some way work on it beforehand. 

Like cleaning your flat. Having a difficult conversation, that needs to be addressed. Do your taxes. Whatever. 

You want to have a clear and satisfied mind for the ideal experience. 

Good luck ;)

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@pablo_aka_god great that you did, mushrooms are wonderful. For me they always have a taste like nice, joy, beauty. But same time they are perfect to reveal your trauma. But they do with love, making easy that you can forgive yourself. And once you do, even if if was because psychedelic, it's done. But first trips use to be beauty, coloured, sexual energy 

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