Realms of Wonder

Is My Life Falling Apart? Perspective Appreciated.

24 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Ninja_pig said:

Honestly your ability to overcome your addiction so far is very inspiring. I struggle with YouTube addiction myself, and I've tried to quit many times, but I always relapse. The longest I've gone is 2 weeks, and I have gone through everything you described. Your determination in the face of the agony of withdrawal makes me think that not all hope is lost. Keep strong, I hope that you are successful and your psyche returns to normal.

Thank you for your comment, I feel the pain of YouTube withdrawals right there with you. Why do you want to quit?

1 hour ago, Ninja_pig said:

You also have healthy habits like music, reading, and meditation that you practice fairly consistently. I just want to say that what you are doing is really quite impressive and the fact that it is hard is no surprise. I think that what you are experiencing is just withdrawal. It is telling you that you really are changing on a deep level. Keep it up! I believe!

That is true, I often forget how far I have come. Its been nearly 5 years exactly since I dropped out of college and accepted the first call. its been a long road to here, and a longer one ahead. thank you for your kind words!


Strength and love, for your journey and path. :)

Music is Love in disguise.

Imagine a future where Self Integration, Exploration and Creation is  normalized and encouraged.

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16 hours ago, Realms of Wonder said:

Thank you for your comment, I feel the pain of YouTube withdrawals right there with you. Why do you want to quit?

I've spent an average of 3 or 4 hours a day on YouTube for a long time. I just want my free time back to do what I actually want to do.

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4 hours ago, Ninja_pig said:

I've spent an average of 3 or 4 hours a day on YouTube for a long time. I just want my free time back to do what I actually want to do.

I get that, it sucks us in, feels good enough to keep us there, and bad enough to make us want to avoid leaving. 


What do you want to do with your time that you are spending on YouTube?



Music is Love in disguise.

Imagine a future where Self Integration, Exploration and Creation is  normalized and encouraged.

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I agree with everyone here. I actually feel this too as I have made certain changes the last 3 weeks. Removed toxic habits and inputted challenging ones, and I feel myself 'adjusting'.  I think what you are doing is awesome. 

Youtube & online communities may have to go next for me 9_9

Maybe just try to 'relax' in a healthier way - which is what you might have used social media/scrolling/YouTube for. I try to watch classic movies at night that are thoughtful that I really like - that gives me about 2 hours of relaxation and also just a general sense of joy/relaxation/excitement. Not sure if that works for you though.

What really helps me stick with my new desired habits is why I am choosing to do x and not y in the first place, and I just remind myself, connect to that feeling and memory I had when I quit, and I am like oh yeah thats right, let me focus on something. I imagine my mind as being a symphony and I am the conductor, and I conduct my way into wholesome activities :) 

I look at those withdrawal feelings and say, this too shall pass.

Edited by SgtPepper

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