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Do Affirmations Make You Inauthentic?

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So, I was gloriously meditating the other day and  was struck with this thought:

Affirmations are used to integrate new set of beliefs in ego structure instead of dysfunctional ones."I am beautiful, no matter what they say! No one can bring me down" etc. But as we dwelve into deeper personal development we realise, that all beliefs about ourselves are bullshit and doesn't matter. Person doesn't necessary feel like he/she is beautiful or don't care, but affirmations drop this person out of alignment with him/herself.

That's one of the reasons why I find affirmations cheesy, they can make more harm making person to disown his state of being and emotions, instead of accepting it. But I guess it's nice technic for newbies and other enthusiasts.

What's your opinion guys, do affirmations help you, do you have stickers with "gratitude words" on the walls, how do they affect your natural behaviour? I'm eager to read about your experiences on that matter.

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  • Hi kalter, I like affirmations for the reason that when I'm feeling a bit low and thinking negatively, I find by changing my thinking and having positive thoughts, really help.  I believe where I have my thoughts depicts my mood. So.... yes I do try and 'talk to myself' in the form of affirmations when i am aware of the fact I need to think good things instead of negative things.   If it helps, it can't be bad :)

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I think that every information we get is feeding that belief system we have and in a way it's playing against us when we're trying to seek for enlightment. But i'm not enlighted thought so i need it to survive i think haha. Good Question.

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I think of affirmations as helping you become what you already are. and as you have more experiences this really helps the subconscious get on board.

Memento Mori

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I used to use affirmations, helps you when you feel down, yes it feeds your ego in a way but at least it gives it something good. So if it helps you affirmations are good. I used to use them in my early journey now I don't listen to them anymore but it's my personal choice. Affirmations tell you things you deserve to have such as happiness and that you are worthy etc, basically reprograms your subconscious mind with new healthy beliefs. You'll feel it when it's time to move on,until then enjoy what you have :)

Edited by AlexB

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Interesting subject, when reading this an example came to mind.
I've often seen people who owns cats and dogs, within that environment the animals influence each other's personalities.

I've seen them even adopt the mannerisms and habits of each other. My point is, is the cat acting like it's a dog, unauthentic to it's true cat-like nature? or is it just useful for that moment to adopt a certain behaviour to get us through that moment. Or how sea divers mimic a fish's way of swimming also inauthentic to our human nature?

Maybe it is inauthentic and there's a better way, more unique to us or maybe not. I guess we just use things to get us through a moment until we discover something deeper, at least this is what I've found on my journey.

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To me, I find affirmations to soothe me when I am feeling a bit down. When you receive critics or judgments from people, you tend to naturally shift into a negative emotion but if you catch the emotion and thought, you can tell yourself "its good, this is who you are, you are not this label"

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Wouldnt it depend on what you are working on?  Those who are on a deep spiritual journey to eliminate ego and find enlightenment would have littke use for these techniques.

But for those of us who are just trying to create a better version of ourselves they can be effective tools. 


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