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Consequences of short sighted and selfish US policy after the collapse of the USSR

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If you'll excuse one more post on this topic, I found this valuable because the role that the US and Western institutions had played in the collapse of the Russian economy in the 90s doesn't receive nearly enough attention in the West.

Darryl Davis of the Martymade podcast does an excellent job in providing an informative, empathic perspective on the immense suffering of ordinary people during the collapse of the Russian economy after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Suffering that was directly linked to predatory 'shock doctrine'  imposed on Russia at the behest of the US and Western institutions such as the WTO.

Darryl draws on what's in my option some very valid parallels to the opportunistic short sighted policy imposed on Germany after World War 1, and the opportunistic application of disaster capitalism to a shocked and bewildered population in Russia.

Edited by DocWatts

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Why do you think that the US policy was/is short sighted?

Edited by mostly harmless

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