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Relativity and ''Now''

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"Now", if understood experientially, and not intellectually, it is found to be timeless/eternal. Time is the mind/thought (i.e. projections of a past and future). In the absence of these mental projections of past/memory and imagination of future, there is no experience of time, All that's left is the experience of a still, silent, space-like,timeless/eternal reality.
Just  look at your experience and see that you never leave, nor can you ever leave the Now/present moment and experience a past or future moment. They are always imagined and projected upon the timeless reality of now. Even if you were to travel to another solar system, now is always now and it never changes. Even if the whole universe were to disappear along with everyone and everything, Now would still be Now and is not dependent on anyone or anything for its existence. In fact, it is prior to existence.

Edited by Guru Fat Bastard

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12 hours ago, Ya know said:

Can someone explain how the present moment can be constant whilst two different areas can experience time separately?

I have a feeling you're inquiring on scientific grounds, and not metaphysical. So I'll answer thusly. 

First off, it's not the areas that experience time separately - it's the observers. Secondly, it is not that time is being experienced separately; it is only that it is experienced distinctively, otherwise all time would be one time as the older generations once thought. The key to grasping this.. is through the concept of light. While it's not being depicted in the science communities to be so - it is light that is responsible for time, never the contrary.

Different areas offer different space-time continuums because every position in space offers a unique perceptual reception of time. Why? Because we learn of the environment via the traveling light. Unless the science communities can get this, they'll be in the dark. Light is not bound by space and time, or space-time, it is actually the vice versa. It is light that binds space and time together, making it space-time. In truth, these come secondary to light. 

So, if you're not standing exactly where I'm standing, that is to say that if you're not me at this very moment, then we're experiencing two distinguishable space-time continuums. 

Sorry if I couldn't avoid not going meta, but you can take everything I stated on physical grounds. I'm not a physicist or anything like that so I wouldn't know the precise terminology to use.

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2 hours ago, A Fellow Lighter said:

@Guru Fat Bastard yey! New light to look at the present moment! Thank you for sharing, Lighter. I'll definitely be applying this in my meditation.



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Time is just an idea/concept. What we mistake for the continuity of time is actually the continuity of  timeless, unchanging Awareness.
It would be the same to say, ever present Light, and Now/ the ever present moment, are the same ever present, unchanging Light and/or Reality.
Non-different.   ?

Edited by Guru Fat Bastard

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