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Something magic about notetaking and TODO lists on a paper

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Whenever I make sluppy notes, apart from the ones in Obsidian, on paper and TODO lists, I'll feel more enthusiastic and organized, and usually will archive more. Whenever I try to keep the very same information in head, I'll end up procrastinating - for the most part, although not completely.

What's the matter? What is it magical about writing things down on paper?

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I find that crossing off and ticking off tasks that are hand written on paper is extremely satisfying and motivating too.

I make my tasks extra small so I can cross off and tick off more often, feel good and build more momentum. I get more done.

" Progress is the best source of motivation." -Tony Robbins

Edited by Spence94

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@rnd so it's not only me?? Wow... I also feel like wilting on paper is magnitudes more satisfying than writing on a keyboard, I've given it some thought before and came to a conclusion that I just appreciate the process of writing rather then just looking at instant words on my screen. I Also tried Obsidian, notion and onenote but I always end up switching to paper again. 


There is a art field called calligraphy. It explores design and execution of writing. So some peope see much more in words than others.

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