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Asymmetric Non-Duality

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Both good and evil are part of God. Good is the recognition of God and the use of free will to choose love and eternal life. Evil is denial and separation from God and the use of free will to choose fear and temporal gain. Creation necessitates evil; without evil there would be no free will and thus no point to creation. But there is a third factor besides good and evil: truth. God is truth and light, both the lesser and greater light (good and evil). Thus evil, by definition (evil=truth&light), cannot employ lies or deception. If evil uses lies to coerce an individual's free will--it is not actually evil, it becomes profane. Evil must disclose itself for a person to truly consent. This is done subtly through symbolism and other highly cryptic methods. This allows many people to choose fear over love without being entirely aware that they have chosen evil. But on a subconscious level they have been shown the truth and made their decision. 

Truth is the asymmetry between good and evil--truth favors good. The more truth you have, the more obvious it becomes that eternal life is the 'right' choice. The servants of evil disclose only the bare minimum of truth necessary to give you free will. But the wizards of the greater light want to give you the full truth. 

All paths return to the source, but the truth will set you free. !לחיים

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Nice story with a little bit of christian outlook. There are hundreds of different stories. Time to let go of all of them and to wake up...

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@Bojan V What is waking up? & How do I do it? thx

Edited by RamBam

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@RamBamYou will discover what waking up is when you let go of all stories.

And welcome to this forum?!

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11 minutes ago, Bojan V said:

Time to let go of all of them and to wake up...


What is waking up? & How do I do it? thx

"Waking up" is another story to let go of. :P

Anything anyone tells you is another story.  It's stories all the way down.

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@Bojan V  I don't think I am there yet. Whenever I have an experience I feel the need to interpret and contextualize it with language. I realize that even the most articulate art and literature are limited means of expression and communication. Language can be a means of clinging to the ego, even when words are used to express the most transcendental ideas. I remember a Rumi poem where he talks about a mystic who's desire to write poetry keeps him from dissolving completely into love. But I believe language can also be used to bring souls closer to divine awakening. I have learned from listening to Leo, even though everything he says is 'just another story.' 

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I am not there either. But it seems you are doing well already by not believing any stories.

Language is necessery for conventional comunication, but i agree with you, that it can be used as an invitation "to bring souls closer to divine awakening", as you beautifuly said and if that is our intention.

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38 minutes ago, RamBam said:

don't think I am there yet. Whenever I have an experience I feel the need to interpret and contextualize it with language

getting out of there is the key. It's an interesting mental path to get close to that, it requires a lot of deconstruction. once you do it, it seems very obvious, but before, it is a challenging process 



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