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How does a red society turn green?

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Do you mean move from spiral dynamics stage red to green, or something else? 

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Mine - Ours.

How can I get something for myself - How can we do something for ourselves.

Then: My Responsibilty - Our Responsibilty. | Red to Green it'd be, I can do what I want, to Our responsibility, which is a big jump.

Finally: My Community - Our Community.  | Red to Green it'd be. My House, to Our Community, again a big jump.

Everything your group designs in life should be done with the word our in mind, and try to meet as many as you can where they are. I say your group, because forming a group is going to be the first step in changing anything to be communal rather than personal. It might carry on after you are long dead, and you have to be willing to make that sacrifice that the work you start won't be finished in your lifetime. Because its never finished :) Hopefully designing the project, foundation or team to carry on through the generations. Design it with meeting people in a red state of mind and helping them out in a communal sense by showing them what they get out of being part of a community.

Forming a sense of community, attachment to the people in it not just its history and traditions which are very important as they help that community hold their identity. Whether its a business or cleaning up a residential estates trash, helping kids/homeless who need it or anything in between. In fact if I had to highlight something, i'd say focusing on those in most distress and helping them to help themselves is the fastest and most direct way to change the area. Getting people out of their survival state and toward something better, like helping them look after the area they live in and taking care of the land that provides for them. That is a very green way of life. 

As an example that I hope doesn't derail this topic. If I could go to every area that had homeless and turn that tide, i'd put homeless people in charge of the land they live on, maintaining it and looking after it. It wouldn't work everywhere for many reasons I know, but it'd be a start. Telling them its theirs as long as its clean, and people work together to look after it and themselves. Offering the organizational and structural help they need to make that happen and maintain it (Blue), which is usually missing in any such endeavor, and the chance for personal advancement in a career related to the maintenance (Orange). Then offering the support we need, because they are part of the community and need to be made to feel it. Which is missing in every single homeless shelter. I'd do away with the term homeless entirely because of all the stigma associated with it, while they are on the communal land they have a home and its with us.

To get to green you need people who see you and me, who may be very different, as part of their community and want to help all of us at the same time.

Best of luck with whatever you choose or your journey.


Edited by BlueOak

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Succicntly spiral dynamics itself is a map. If all the stages are represented in any endeavor and your goal is a shift from red to green, offer red through to green. In either governance, charity or business for example.

Edited by BlueOak

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