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The metaphysics of Nothing and Love

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Everyone understands what something is; as we walk down the streets or have any experience at all, we are always aware of something. We are aware of buildings, streets, people, thoughts, feelings and emotions, we are aware of all sense precepts. Furthermore when asked about nothing, we think it is the removal of something and replacing it with another something, such that relative to the first thing, there is nothing of it left. 


Most people’s understanding or use of nothing is a purely physical, material conceptualization, and it’s a relative transposition of one form of something, and replacing it with another form of something. Nothing doesn’t exist in material existence, there is always something there.


Nothingness is a profound metaphysical notion. The most profound.


It’s mentioned in most eastern philosophy or spirituality, and is the 7th stage of Jhana in Buddhist meditation: the mind base of Nothingness. The 6th stage is the mind base of Infinite Consciousness.


Something is the limitation and constraint of Nothing. Something is contained within Nothingness. Nothingness is the metaphysical substrata of all of material reality and existence. It’s the substrate of something.


To understand the above we have to abstract. You have to imagine a place before any material form exists, outside of any space or time, colours or shapes. This place is Infinity, as you will see Infinity and Nothingness are the same thing. 


Starting with something and removing the constraints and limits continuously you would inadvertently end up with Nothing. The process of removal will show you that as we progressively remove something’s limitations and constraints, we get closer and closer to Nothing. And that Nothing has the highest possible (infinite) potential to be anything or something.


Nothingness is pure unconstrained, unconditioned, unlimited potentiality, or Absolute Infinity, or infinity^infinity.  Nothingness or Absolute Infinity contains all mathematical, logical or scientific infinities. Notice how math is a limit, qualifier or constraint of Nothing or a limit or constraint on Infinity. 


There are infinite possibilities of paintings, films, art, games, human interactions, buildings, music, thoughts and so on and so forth. There are infinite possibilities for an infinite number of things. All thanks to Nothingness.


As soon as you have something, there is now an infinite amount of things that it isn’t. Something is the negation of potentiality. If you ever wondered why something exists at all, it’s because within Absolute Infinity, there has to contain within itself, the negation of itself, the negation of potentiality,. And that negation is something. 


For any objection to the previous sentence; why does Nothingness have to contain the negation of itself? Well it has to by definition. Nothingness is Absolute Infinite potentiality, and the negation of itself is a possibility, because it contains all possible possibilities, it contains everything. 


Take a metaphysical Nothingness, now create anything from an electron, to an atom, to a finger. As soon as we can specify anything in any form of any scale whatsoever, there is now something, and an infinite amount of things it isn’t or can’t be. Something is a constraint, limitation and removal of possibilities. It is a constraint on Infinity or Nothing.


Nothingness is actually the fabric of change. Because everything's true nature is Nothing. If its true nature was something, it could never become something else, it wouldn't be able to change. Nothingness is what allows form to mutate, grow, change and metamorphosize. It’s also the true nature of the person reading this.


So far you might have followed me, you might deeply intuit what Im saying, you might conceptual or logically follow what I’m saying, and if for some of you, you are triggered, shouting at your screen, then I apologize, because it could possibly get worse.


Nothingness and Love are the same thing, they are tautological.


To understand what I’ve been saying so far and to understand Absolute Love, we have to understand what the term absolute means. Absolute means it has no opposite, it is independent of effect or infliction from all other possible things, it is true in all possible cases, that’s why it is a tautology. Absolute Tautology. 


However notice when we say it is independent from all other things, there is a contradiction that arises, how can this metaphysical notion of Love or Nothingness exist if it exists independent of existence? Well it doesn’t. 


Something is Nothing, Nothing is Love, all of something is Love, all of existence is Love, all of existence is Nothing. 


Love is Infinity is Nothingness. As an Absolute Tautology.


True or Absolute Love is the most profoundly beautiful, transformative substance in existence.


Let’s take a subsection of Absolute Love. Let’s constrain and condition it. This is what most of us do. Let’s take romantic love, love for a single person which is highly constrained and conditioned. Even directing it at all humans is a constraint. But a single human, already constrained, is only given to the human if they meet certain conditions like; agree to spend time with you, and not be intimate with other people, if they treat you in an agreeable way, if they uphold certain common values and standards and so forth. All of these are additional constraints or limits on Love.


True Love or Absolute Love, has no constraints, it Loves everything and everyone, all parts of existence. It Loves human love, it Loves human hate, it Loves humans inability to fully Love, it Loves itself. It Loves you, not just the good parts, but all the bad parts. It Loves all the bad parts that could have been you that aren’t. It Loves everyone that has ever wronged you. It loves every murderer, rapist, and torturer, it Loves the fact that you also have the potential to be any of those, and it Loves that fact you're not.


True Love doesn’t ask for any change or anything in return. It tells the pedophile, rapist or murderer; ‘I Love you regardless of what you do’.


Paradoxically, this Love is the most transformative force in existence. It never asks for change, it Loves either way. This is what changes people the most.


Fear is the negation of Love. People are afraid to Love. Love contains fear, it Loves it. Maybe you are starting to imagine or feel how powerful True Love is. People are afraid to Love because they are afraid of something, they are afraid something might happen to them if they Love, because they think that something belongs to them, it’s what they are. They are attached.


Your ability to Love is directly related to your metaphysical attachments and identities to something, anything. All of spiritual traditions, perhaps even all of life itself, are teaching us Love, how to become Love. We do this by metaphysically becoming Nothing, Nothing is Love.


Identity and attachment are both metaphysical notions, they are what constrain Nothing, so that you can become you; something. The Self, the ego, these are all underpinned by metaphysical attachments and identities. The bigger your ego, the reified your individual self, the more constrained and further away from True Love. 


The more we can slowly remove the constraints and limitations put onto ourselves; who we are, what our childhood was, how our future should be, our beliefs, what’s right or wrong, good or bad, the more we can become Nothing, and the more we become Love.


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“Nothingness is a profound metaphysical notion. The most profound.”

Not even close to the 8th or 9th Jhana and their implications. As far as things which occur in perception to those who haven’t accessed those higher jhanas, it’s quite amazing though. 

You wrote a lot of other good stuff here though. 

Maybe we should shove the culmination of multi-millennia old insight up our asses instead. 

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