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The silence when the non dual state hits

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Have you ever tried the active noise cancellation features on the airpods pro or similar high-end buds?

When you are in the middle of high traffic downtown and you turn in on and suddenly everything goes ... Puuuf ?️

I am having from time to time the same sensation when the feeling of SELF dissappears. I am very sensitive to sounds and i usually feel very threatening on my nervous system the high volume energy of walking downtown, yet when this "states" have happened, everything seems SO SILENT. Yet i am hearing the "same". Everything stops moving and becomes One Flow. Its so funny. And scary.

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I get a sensation like that when I take that first toke of N,N,DMT.  That voice in the back of your head just shuts the fuck up and it feels like how in a first person video game when you reach a cut scene and all the hud info like health bar and radar etc disappears.  All your conceptual grids that normally overlay your experience just disappear and there is simply what is appearing.  

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