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When everything is imagined, how does one still imagine purpose?

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We are the world imagining that there is a world, we are constructing the notions of problems to fight for and constructing reasons to fight for them (like climate change, veganism, flooding), everything is changing via impermance but yet also permeance, so what to do?  The form now paves the shape for the future form to become.

Do I "save the world"?  But we may be here for infinity anyway - and everything here now may change so many times that the stuff I would be "saving" will be completely different and unrecognizable an infinite amount of times - so why bother "saving" it?

Do I inspire others how to think via teaching/therapy/writing?  But is that not kinda like being a missionary and trying to convert everyone over to your view which you think is best?  I don't actually "know" anything and can't prove anything and don't want to be a salesman of selling my views.

I am reaping the benefits of the infrastructure my peers (me) has created but at the same time, is it a waste of time to develop that when it is temporary and will get destroyed eventually?

Is it a waste to teach others the stuff I imagine when the others are me, so really I could just teach myself?

I am conflicted but also recognizing that this world requires money to survive but that I am having to trick myself to create a notion of purpose but I can't really trick myself.

I do enjoy exploring reality but it's also hard to have reason to work a job with these realizations.

If I teach, I don't want to be giving the students existential life crises.  I'd rather just get them to question things and imagine more and look at epistemology/ontology/systems.

When everything is imagined, how do you still come up with purpose?

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On 10/12/2021 at 10:43 AM, PepperBlossoms said:


When everything is imagined, how do you still come up with purpose?

Part of why you are imagining everything is so that you can imagine purpose

A Call to Live Differently:

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